Friday, March 29, 2019

Which Ruler?

Eccl 10:5-7

5 There is an evil I have seen under the sun, the sort of error that arises from a ruler: 6 Fools are put in many high positions, while the rich occupy the low ones. 7 I have seen slaves on horseback, while princes go on foot like slaves.

We are going to embark on a bunch of quick little sayings, each with their own character or separate look at the life of mankind. Here Solomon thinks how evil a certain situation that exists and the error is its way. The major fault of this error is in the life of the ruler. Who is this ruler who is in error? We are going to see the error that arises, but does the identity of the ruler matter? We cannot say the ruler is God in any way, for no error ever arises from his rule. So the ruler has to be a person. Could we say that Satan is the ruler? He is known as the prince of the power of the air, ruler of demons, and god of this world. It would not be improbable that he would be the one to put fools in many high places, while the rich occupy the low ones. Although it seems for the most part the rich are the ones who grab the power, becoming the ruling class. But then maybe that is the error that arises from this ruler. Just because one has wealth does not mean they are rich. Maybe they are still a bunch of fools, thinking their wealth has brought them to power, but in reality it is their ruler, Satan who has accomplished putting them in those positions. That is not to say all who are in high places are under the influence or rule of Satan. Surely some have to be good people, even some must be believers, we would think. We do have to look at this truth from a world perspective as well as in reference to all times in history. The idea of the slaves on horseback while princes go in foot does fit into the idea that Satan is this ruler from which error arises. Those who are his slaves, slaves to sin, slaves to the god of the world, rise to power, ride upon the horse. Those who are princes, the righteous, believers, go on foot. Satan would want us to be oppressed by the powerful. He has brought evil men to power throughout the ages, who he used to oppress believers. We can even see situations around the world like that today. Yet even with all the evil that exists in the world, we have a path set before us by God.  It does not matter how things play out in the world, our life is set toward God. If we spent too much time thinking about all the evil, the injustice in the world, it can become depressing. Surely we should not be apathetic toward all the injustices in the world, but at the same time we have to remember we serve a living God who rules and reigns with justice. He will reward each according to what they have done. Our task is simply to follow after Jesus, to proclaim him as our Lord and Savior, our King, the ruler of our hearts, our life. No error arises from him.  Everyone must make the choice which ruler to follow.

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