Eccl 10:1-4
10:1 As dead flies give perfume a bad smell, so a little folly
outweighs wisdom and honor. 2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but
the heart of the fool to the left. 3 Even as he walks along the road, the fool
lacks sense and shows everyone how stupid he is. 4 If a ruler's anger rises
against you, do not leave your post; calmness can lay great errors to rest.
Life is not a grey area, it is either black or white. There is no
fudging in this. We are either in or out, right or left, no middle of the road
walking permitted. Things just cannot be both, they are either one or the
other. Just a little folly outweights wisdom and honor. To think oneself wise
and worthy of honor is rather prideful because who can abstain from folly one
hundred percent at all times. It would seem folly is in our nature as humans.
But there is a difference in messing up once and a while than living a life of
folly. But still that once still makes the perfume smell
bad. However, Solomon does make the case regarding the main direction of the
heart. Which way is our heart bent, to the right or the left? Because we do
desire to live for God, which is the wise course, or to the right, we are not
headed to the left thus being foolish. The course to the left is full of people
who show everyone their stupidity. This is the way of the fool. They think they
can control that which is only under the control of God. Although it is true we
can make our own choice in life, which direction we travel, either to the right
or the left, once we head out in one of those directions the rest of our life
determined by that choice. Even when a storm comes up, if we decided to walk to
the right we do not leave that post. The angry ruler can represent many things, moments
in life that are difficult, persecution in any form should not persuade us to
turn from the course, the right, toward wisdom. So we failed, we forget to
control of tongue, we said something wrong, or we did something that we should
not have, or even thought something which is not good, or Christ like. The
accuser is not far to rise up against us charging us, trying his best to make
us feel guilty and headed to the left. But, we stay calm, stay the course, and
keep on the right path. We know God forgives us, if we seek him. So we stay the
course, we walk rightly, seeking wisdom. We put our trust in the Lord, for he
brings us safely through life. The fool may think himself wise, but he lacks the
common sense to trust God. At least we can say we have enough sense to see the
error of walking left, and so we walk to the right.
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