Sunday, March 10, 2019

A Gift

Eccl 4:9-12
9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: 10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! 11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? 12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

This could be the continuation of the preceding verses about the man who is all alone and has no son to leave his wealth to, or it could strike a new cord altogether. If this were about business, it would have to mean that one could never  be a single owner of a business, that we all would have to be partners with someone. But it makes more sense when seen as another type of partnership, marriage. Although societies have always seemed to have two men who lie down together, it would seem Solomon is not making reference to the gay lifestyle, but rather marriage, considering he had some seven hundred women either as wives or concubines. He was definitely into women, and so the two that lie down together would be a man and a women, to keep each other warm. Then all the rest would apply as well to a man and a women who work together for the common good of the both. It bodes well for a couple to be on the same page, working for the same goals, as serving the Lord, rearing the children in the ways of the Lord, and having the same direction in life. When one is down, which can mean many things, down physically, hurt, ill, or down emotionally, having a bad day, or down spiritually, the other is there to lift them up. When a person is alone, without a God-given mate, who then would be there for them? They are alone. This is not the plan of God for either the man or the women. God designed Adam and that he needed Eve. Eve could not live without Adam as she was from his flesh. The two are one, it is meant to be, just as God is one, although he is three in one, like a three stranded cord that cannot be broken. We are also this three stranded cord, God, man and woman. When we are this three stranded cord, life cannot be broken, it is all held together in Christ. There is much in the New Testament about the relationship within a family of a man, woman and the children it makes sense God had this all planned from the beginning. We were not designed to be alone.  It is sad when that partnership comes to a close and we find ourselves once again alone, but not totally for we have the Lord to comfort us. However, that is life and we should be aware of how precious our spouse is, a gift from God.  

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