Eccl 7:27-29
27 "Look," says the Teacher, this is what I have discovered:
"Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things— 28
while I was still searching but not finding — I found one [upright] man among a
thousand, but not one [upright] woman among them all. 29 This only have I
found: God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many
It might be one of the interesting points of this saying about the
Teacher that we should consider. The Hebrew word used here for Teacher means an
assembler or preacher, but the most interesting thing is this particular word
is a feminine active participle of another word for preacher. Then this “Teacher”
Solomon speaks of is a woman preacher. Considering what he has just said about
women being a snare who traps a man’s heart and her hands put him in chains, it
is strange, in sort of a way that he is listening to what the woman teacher has
to say. So, what is she saying? Not only all that Solomon just said about
women, but that she is adding one more thing to discover about the scheme of
things. We like the NLT version of these next few verses the best, as it does
seem to see a clearer picture.
Eccl 7:27-29
"I came to this result after looking into the matter from every
possible angle. 28 Just one out of every thousand men I interviewed can be said
to be upright, but not one woman! 29 I discovered that God created people to be
upright, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path."
Just one man in a thousand is not very good at all. We would think
there should be more than that. It is not even 1 percent, it is more like .001
percent. Yet the teacher, a women herself could not find one single woman who
was upright. Now that is a sad state of affairs. What does this say about
mankind? It appears the whole of the idea is that God created man to be
upright, to be pure and holy. Adam was innocent of evil as so was Eve. They
were pure without fault. They knew no guilt and no shame. But the temptation presented
to them was too desirable and they submitted to its claim of being like God.
They knew God as their creator, their Father who knew everything. They wanted
to be like him, but with the wrong motives. We say we want to be like Jesus,
but not in the same sense. We know we are man and he is God. We understand he
is everything and we are not. We were upright in the beginning but Adam went
down his own path. This is how we must be as well. Who among us can say, “I am
upright”? If we were, we would not need Jesus. No, we have gone in search of
many schemes. There are so many schemes it would take nearly a book to
enumerate all the ways in which we try to find happiness, peace and
contentment, but all of them, the material, emotional and even religious
schemes leave us wanting. Mankind lives with a God shaped hole in its being. No
matter the scheme we try, the God shaped void is still there. The only one who
can fill that void, is God, and he is not a scheme. Confession of our emptiness,
our constant searching, and our scheming to gain whatever is our first step to
recovery of this empty life and filling that void. Once we have done that, we
can accept Christ into our life and find everything we have ever needed. We
cannot afford to go down that path of searching for some scheme. We cannot
afford to go down any other path other than the one who leads to God. Because
we are in Christ we have regained the condition of being upright, but only as
we are in Christ. It is his uprightness which we are in.
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