Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Treasure Hunt

Eccl 5:8-10
8 If you see the poor oppressed in a district, and justice and rights denied, do not be surprised at such things; for one official is eyed by a higher one, and over them both are others higher still. 9 The increase from the land is taken by all; the king himself profits from the fields.
10 Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless.

If we think the government is actually caring for the poor, we are in for a big surprise. For the whole of mankind’s existence the rich and powerful have always oppressed the poor. It is the way of the world. Solomon saw that in his time, but we also have to remember this is the word of God. Solomon was inspired by God to write about this oppression of the poor by the official, and the official over him and the official over him. This is the definition of government. They always keep the poor oppressed for the benefit of power over them, always promising to give them everything, but giving them nothing, no justice and no rights. God has seen this from the beginning of man’s interaction with other men, even between the first two brothers, Cain and Abel. Cain did not give Abel justice and he denied him his rights, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Well that did not come to thousands of years later in a land far away from the field of blood in Cain’s time. But the point is the same, one man oppresses the other for his own personal benefit. This increase in the land being taken by all expresses the idea that individual profit does not exist, as it has to be shared with everyone else. Again a definition of government, especially in our post-modern era in this land. The redistribution  of wealth has become the motto or mantra as of late, with the promise of free everything for all, except those who are the officials and the officials over them, for they take everything and as much as possible for themselves at the expense of others. This idea of never having enough money has been a curse on mankind by the devil himself. Everything of late is about how much money do we have. Radio ads are full of money managers, or sellers of gold. “What does your portfolio look like” “Will you have enough to live the good life in your retirement?” It is all about sowing the seeds of discontentment for the profit of those either selling their services or their gold. This whole idea just creates more greed, more of wanting more and more, never being satisfied. The world’s way is all haywire, upside down, designed to drive men mad for money, power and sensual pleasures. We have seen it over and over again. Those in power abuse it for their pleasure and they have an insatiable appetite for more, never able to satisfy their need for more money, which allows them more power and the ability to oppress the poor even more. Everything is topsy-turvey, a world of turmoil. This is also meaningless, or as the Hebrew word means full of vanity. It means nothing. It has no real value. This is not the design of God and we who believe should not be partakers in this insanity. Although we have to live within the world we are not to be of this world. We are not to allow vanity, greed, and the love of money to influence how we live. When the question of why do we exist is asked, who of the greedy will answer correctly? Let us live to please the Lord, the giver of true life, where we find what is of true value. Where our treasure is there also will our heart be. Where is our treasure?

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