Ps 145:17-21
17 The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has
made. 18 The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in
truth. 19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and
saves them. 20 The LORD watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he
will destroy. 21 My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD. Let every creature
praise his holy name for ever and ever.
What is true of the Lord cannot be said about man. The Lord is
righteous in all his ways, but mankind is not. The Lord is loving toward all he
has made. Mankind hasn’t made anything, as well as mankind cannot say it is loving
all the time. God is loving toward us all the time. His love is demonstrated in
so many ways, most importantly in what Jesus did on the cross and in being
resurrected. Without the resurrection there is nothing. What good is having all
our sin forgiven if there is no resurrection? If when we die, we are just dead,
and our bodies simply decay in the grave forever, why bother having our sin
forgiven. Why bother trying to live in a manner pleasing the Lord, in fact, why
brother believing at all? But there is a resurrection, Jesus was the first of
many. The Lord is near us and we do believe and do want to live to please him, because
is he near. He is real, he is true, he is loving, and he is there for us who
call upon him in truth. He fulfills our desires because we fear, we reverence
him. Some might think this fulfilling our desires is God being like a genie in
a bottle. If we rub him the right way he gives us whatever we desire. In the
Hebrew it is more like, the delight of them who fear him, he fulfills. If we
delight ourselves in the Lord we are fulfilled. We have to always remember if
we have some desire it has to be the Lord, or within the Lords will. We are have not because we do not ask or because we ask with wrong motives. We are not
to expect God to fulfill every one of our whims or fancies that we would spent
on our selfish wants. But he does fulfill our desires of knowing him more, or
wanting more of him in our life and wanting what he wants for us. The greatest
desire of our heart is to live forever, to know life, rather than to simply die
and never know we ever lived. Therefore the Lord fulfills our greatest desire
to live for all eternity. He has given eternal life. What more could we ever
desire more than that? We cried out to him and he saved us. Then to make it
even better, he watches over us, because we love him. He keeps us in the palm
of his hand. He provides for us in so many material ways, it is difficult not
to recount all of them over the years, they are forever before us. He is there
with us throughout our life, watching over us. But that is not true of those
who do not love him, but rather despise him through their living in wicked
ways. They will come to an end, they will be destroyed, and they will perish,
as not live forever. But we will use our mouth, not to lift up the ways of
wickedness, but to praise the Lord. We will speak of his mighty deeds, his
mighty power, and his love whenever we can, wherever we can, through the power
of the Spirit, we will also have praise on our lips for the Lord. It would be
such a great world is all creatures would praise the Lord. But one thing is
certain, this creature will praise his holy name for ever and ever.
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