Monday, December 14, 2015

Wild Kingdom

Gen 1:24-25
24 And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
Now that we have arrived at the sixth day we find a need to break this day up a little bit because so much happened on that day. First God said the land was to produce living creatures. This translation using the word produce is a little confusing or maybe it seems a little misleading. The land cannot actually produce animals. Plants grow from the ground, but not animals. The Hebrew word is used in a wide variety of applications and it most likely is meant to mean, “let the living things appear on the land or come forth upon the land” But the point is that God created all the living beings. Now it is possible that he created them from the land. So it is possible in this application of the Hebrew word, "Let the land bring forth animals”. The reason this might be the correct application is due to the fact we know that God created Adam from the dust of the ground, which we will see a little later in this day six. Because he made man from the dust of the ground, then it would seem to make sense he made all the living creatures from the ground or land also. But the land did not produce them, God spoke them to exist and used the land as the basis for their lives. What is the purpose for all this livestock all the wild animals and creatures that move along the ground? Why would he create all of them? We also know that God showed Adam all the livestock, the beasts of the field, the wild animals, the birds of the air and allowed Adam to name them. Although this is yet to come later in Chapter two of this beginning, we have a thought about all these wild animals, these breasts of the field, livestock and birds. Once again the Darwinist would have us believe all of them evolved from a single cell floating in some premortal soup. That fish grew legs and crawled up on land and began breathing with lungs instead of gills. That they grew feet to walk with and teeth to eat. Plus at some point some of them grew hair instead of scales. Then some of them moved their eyes from their sides to point to the front and evidently became man. What a bunch of hog wash. God created all the animals and they are still animals. God created all the livestock and they are still livestock. God created all the wild animals and they are still wild animals. God created all those creatures that move along the ground and they are still creatures that move along the ground. Anything that suggests one pair of species evolved and then only one pair of the evolved species evolved and on and on this singular pair having an offspring that was able to mate with another evolved offspring is simply unbelievable, in fact it is preposterous, it is contrary to common sense, utterly absurd, ridiculous. God said and it was so. That makes far more sense than anything else. All those Darwinists are trying to prove, is there is no God. But we know better, we know he is God and he exists as he has done miracles in our lives. He has performed miracles that defy common sense, that go against all logic, even what men call science. He has done so much in our lives we cannot ever believe anything other than, “God said, and it was so”. Some would say that science is the truth, that science proves the truth. But science is defined as: "the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment". Not one person can observe the evolution of mankind from anything else. We can observe species that did exist and became extinct by observing their bones, but that is all we can observe. If we attempt to state that species was evolved from another species we are merely assuming because we cannot observe it or experiment with it in the natural world. What science can say is that at one time this species existed and it no longer does. Anything else is supposition. What we do know is, “God said and it was so”.   In fact, science in truth is man discovering what God has created. 

Now as far as all the animal life that Adam named we should wait until we get there, but the thought is still busting out of our mind, and we cannot leave it completely till then. All wild life that God brought forth from the ground included all wild life. This would include all the large beasts of the field, the dinosaurs. Adam named them, not some paleontologist. God created all living things. This is the point we have to understand, and he did it so we would have them for our needs. This we will see a little later also, but we need to know the reason for God creating all that he did. All this was for his pleasure. Every living being is a result of God’s creative power, his imagination, creating such a diversity of living things. “God said, and it was so” We now have the wild kingdom. 

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