Thursday, May 17, 2012

Shame on YOu

DEVOTION 1 PETER SHAME ON YOU 1 Peter 2:6 6 For in Scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." NIV Everything we believers base on entire life upon must be this corner stone. If we are the living stones being built by God into His temple then all of the construction is based upon Jesus Christ, the corner stone. How can we make any decisions in our life at all if we do not consider the basis for our life? How can we decide to live anyway if it is not built upon the corner stone? The question which arises from this premise has to be asked. Do we believers departmentalize our lives? Do we live one way based on our own understanding and desires for things, creature comforts, financial security and other personal agendas, in the physical realm, and then live another way or have our relationship with God only in the spiritual realm? If Christ is the cornerstone upon all else is built, then our entire life must be built on Him. Could it be if we do not trust Him with every aspect of our lives and we endeavor by our own strength to gain some form of success or security that we might be in danger of being put to shame? After all what does it mean to trust in him? What does it mean to be built into the temple of God using Jesus Christ as the cornerstone or foundation of that temple? I believe there must be a complete trust for every aspect of life if we are going to be never put to shame. Unbelievers are watching every move we make and as we confess our faith in Jesus, but live with the same desires for the things of the world as they do, is that not shameful? Do they not ridicule us and accuse us as being hypocritical? No, if we are living stones, and God is placing us where He desires and our lives are based on Christ, then we must live as living stones basing all we do and say upon the cornerstone. He sets the straightness of our lives. We cannot afford to be lazy about living for God. We cannot allow anyone but God to build us up into what He desires us to be. The world will only drag us down, God will build us up. Who every wants to hear those words, “Shame on you”?

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