Ps 78:17-31
17 But they continued to sin against him, rebelling in the desert
against the Most High. 18 They willfully put God to the test by demanding the
food they craved. 19 They spoke against God, saying," Can God spread a
table in the desert? 20 When he struck the rock, water gushed out, and streams
flowed abundantly. But can he also give us food? Can he supply meat for his
people?" 21 When the LORD heard them, he was very angry; his fire broke
out against Jacob, and his wrath rose against Israel, 22 for they did not
believe in God or trust in his deliverance. 23 Yet he gave a command to the
skies above and opened the doors of the heavens; 24 he rained down manna for
the people to eat, he gave them the grain of heaven. 25 Men ate the bread of
angels; he sent them all the food they could eat. 26 He let loose the east wind
from the heavens and led forth the south wind by his power. 27 He rained meat
down on them like dust, flying birds like sand on the seashore. 28 He made them
come down inside their camp, all around their tents. 29 They ate till they had
more than enough, for he had given them what they craved. 30 But before they
turned from the food they craved, even while it was still in their mouths, 31
God's anger rose against them; he put to death the sturdiest among them, cutting
down the young men of Israel.
This is the story about never being content with what we have. They
were thirsty, and wanted water, God provided it not by bringing them to a
river, but by making a river flow from rock. Just thinking about that brings
thoughts of the miraculous to mind, something only a living God could do. But
that wasn’t enough for them, they wanted food too, so he sent manna from the
sky. We are not sure exactly what this manna was or what it was like, for no
sample is for us to examine. We know it was the food of angels. Was it some
kind of meal of sorts which that could grin into flour make bread, or was eaten
just as it arrived each morning? They did have to gather it, much like we have
to gather supplies for out pantry, except we just have to go to a store and pay
for it. Here God simply provided it freely for them, as much as they could eat.
But they still were not satisfied, grumbled and complained about just bread and
water, although they were healthy. So he sent them quail or some bird like a
quail, right into their camp, all they had to do was pick them up and prepare
them for a great dish. But was that enough? Nope, they still were discontent,
so much so God’s wrath rose up against them. Let us learn something here.
Discontentment with what God has provided for us is not a good way to live. Considering
the way they lived, in tents, moving whenever God decided to move, staying
whenever God decided to stay, having him guide them in a miraculous way, that
pillar of smoke in the day and of fire in the night. They were always assured
God was present with them, but still were always complaining. We live in a nice
home, have cars to take us wherever we decide. We have clothes and can have
more if we want to. We have all the food we want to buy, any kind, whatever we
like the taste of, our choice. We can enjoy a great cup of coffee in the
morning after a good night’s sleep in a comfy bed, under the warmth of blankets
and in a house with either air conditioning in the heat of the summer, or a
furnace during the cold of winter. What more could we want? Good health is but
a doctor away if we have some illness, or break something, or need a joint
replaced or even a heart. Our sight can be restored in so many ways, glasses,
contacts, lasik or even cataracts replaced with a new lens. What more could we
want? A bigger house, a newer car, better clothes, more money, newer furniture,
upgraded appliances, new counter top, an RV or camper, a boat, a nicer RV or
boat. A bigger yard, a newer this or that, always seeking more, never content
with what we have. How about a newer phone, or computer, or notebook? The list
of wants keeps growing. Discontent leads to envy or jealously and maybe even
being a bit despondent or depressed, unhappy, not at peace, not feeling the joy
of the Lord. Who do we blame? Do we blame ourselves or God? We have to blame
ourselves for our discontentment, for our lack of appreciation for what God has
done in our lives. No, we will not allow that scheme of the devil to play out
in us. We are content with all we have and all God has done and is doing in our
life. We are so content is almost looks like we live by faith. It does look
like that! We believe God. We trust God. He has provided for us when we had no
means. He has healed us over and over again. He has led us by the hand, by his
voice, by his Spirit to where he desires us to be. He has opened doors when we
could not even see a door. What more could we ask for? Nothing, yet he says we
are to ask. But our asking should not be centered on us, but on him. What is
his will? What does he want for us? How can we accomplish what he desires for
us? By faith in him. He even gives us the faith. He gives us the strength. He
gives us everything. We should be asking how we can best serve him. We should
be asking how we can witness of his greatness. But we should also be thanking,
continuously thanking him for his great love for us, for his marvelous
provision for us, for his ever present guidance and protection. We are blessed
beyond measure. We are indeed blessed. Thank you Lord! How could we ever not be
thankful? How could we ever allow discontentment, deployed by Satan, to get
passed your armor? We will ever be grateful.
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