Ps 78:32-39
32 In spite of all this, they kept on sinning; in spite of his wonders,
they did not believe. 33 So he ended their days in futility and their years in
terror. 34 Whenever God slew them, they would seek him; they eagerly turned to
him again. 35 They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was
their Redeemer. 36 But then they would flatter him with their mouths, lying to
him with their tongues; 37 their hearts were not loyal to him, they were not
faithful to his covenant. 38 Yet he was merciful; he forgave their iniquities and
did not destroy them. Time after time he restrained his anger and did not stir
up his full wrath. 39 He remembered that they were but flesh, a passing breeze
that does not return.
A passing breeze that does not return, that is all we mere mortals are
to the living God? Maybe that just refers to those who sit in the seat of
mockers, as the first psalm talks about. We have investigated that word mocker
and it is surely explained for us here in this psalm. The Hebrew word means to
make lips at. In the sense of the use in the first psalm it would imply to make
lips to God, or give him lip service and that is what is explained for us here.
They flattered him with their mouths, lying to him with their tongues, their hearts
were not loyal to him. Unfaithful to his covenant. They gave him lip service,
they mocked God. Everything he did for them, all that he did in providing them
with everything, water, manna, quail, protection, guidance, his presence, they
kept on sinning. Even with all the wonders he did, they did not believe. What a
bunch of bums. Is it any wonder he ended their days in futility and terror. Are
we anything like that. Do we give him any kind of lip service? When all is
going well we are good and maybe we tend to ignore him a bit, forgetting to
thank him at all times for everything he has done, is doing and will do in, for
and though our life. Is it only when we are going through some struggle that we
pray for help? We promise we will thank him if he gets us through it, but then
we just go on, with our life. No, that is not how we live. We are always aware
of his great power working in our life, but we still sin. How can that be? It
is not that we ignore him or turn away to live for self. It is not that we simply say we are believers
then pursue all the things of the world, like all that non-believers who trust
only in themselves. We love the Lord, but we are but flesh and blood and we are
in some sense prisoners to our bodies. Perfection eludes us. But we cannot and
will not lie to God about how much we follow every one of his commands. He
knows full well our weakness, and so do we. We confess that weakness, and he forgives
us. He is our Rock. He is the God Most High and he knows our every thought. He
knows our weakness and he has redeemed us in Christ. He has shown us great
mercy and compassion by paying the price his justice demands. He knows we
cannot pay it, so he paid it for us. So here we are a passing breeze, our life
is but a mist, a vapor that will vanish when the light of the Son appears. But
we also are born again, a new creature into live eternal. We will live forever
with our God, being his people. But we cannot lie to him ever. We cannot think
we are sinless, or pretend that we have it all figured out. We will forever be
grateful and thankful for his grace, mercy, peace, and love. All he wants is
for us to live as his people, to be faithful to his covenant. Jesus gave us the
covenant we are to live in. We know it is one of love. Loving God with all we
are and loving others in the same manner. How easy is that? Think again, not so
easy to love those unlovely ones. Not so easy to love those irregular people in
our lives, those who rub us in all the wrong ways. But that is it, which is where
the rubber meets the road. So we may not be as faithful as we should, but we
cannot lie about it, especially to God, giving him lip service. We cannot pretend we are all wonderful
Christians, “Good Christians” when we fail to live up to the covenant
completely. We try, we can tell him we are trying, but we are not getting it
all done. He knows if we are really trying, we cannot even give him lip service
about our trying to do it. He knows. So let’s just be honest and frank with
God. Let us be real with him.
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