Ps 9:1-2
I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your
wonders. 2 I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name,
O Most High.
We always have to remember these psalms are not just the words of a
man, but words that are inspired by God written down by a man. They are an
inspiration which is derived from God. We are told that all scripture is
God-breathed, therefore we read words God desires us to and understand because the
Spirit leads us into all the truth. God does write in riddles to hide the truth
from us. Here we see praise is to be with our whole heart. This is so clear
that we cannot praise God with a divided heart, or half-hearted. This takes all
we are, all we have to praise him. Sometimes it seems that many of our fellow
believers are not giving it all in the praise or worship portion of the Sunday
service. In fact, there are times we are not fully engaged with all our heart.
Why is that? We are so easily distracted by the things of life, or by someone else
in the service, what they are doing or not doing, by children that are whispering
and not singing, by parents paying no attention to what they children are
doing, or someone who isn’t even singing at all. Maybe it is someone in the choir
or on the worship team that draws our attention. But here we are looking around instead of
praising our Lord with our whole heart. What is with that? No, we have to be
fully engaged one hundred percent in worship, it is simply just between us and
God. What about the applause thing when the choir or worship team sing a
special? Who are people applauding, the singers, or God? If the singers than were
we just entertained? If God, why are we not applauding the pastor after he
brings the word to us, for that was from God? What about his prayer? That too
was from God. Maybe we are just applauding God in our hearts. The other question
is, do we tell of his wonders? Are we always telling of his wonders? Do we know
his wonders? Are we experiencing his wonders? Sometimes life brings us as many
downs as there are ups, but does that interfere with his wonders? The Hebrew
word means marvelous works, wonderful. We just have to look around or even look
in the mirror and we see his marvelous works.
Ps 139:14
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works
are wonderful, I know that full well.
We will get to the rest of all that sometime later, but for now we only
have to understand that we are the works of his hands. He has wonderfully made
us. We are one of his wonders. Do we tell of his wonders? Do we explain how God
designed the universe, how he formed everything simply by the words of his
mouth, except when it came to us. When he formed us, God got down on his knees
and got his hands dirty as he spit into the dirt to made mud, or clay and
formed our being, then leaned over and breathed his very breathe into our
lungs. With each breathe we inhale the very breathe God gave us. How wonderful
is that? Each morning we arise to see the sun bringing us light to warm us, illuminate
our day and we can hear the birds singing praise to our God. In the spring we
see all the plants bursting forth with buds and the green appears soon after,
life is back in their limbs as they soak up the rays from the sun. He has made
this place a paradise for us to enjoy. Sure we are not in the Garden of Eden
and we have to toil all the days of our lives, and by the sweat of our brow we
labor for our sustenance, but we still are his handiwork and we should be
praising him with our whole heart. We are glad and we rejoice, we sing his
praises with our whole heart.
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