Friday, April 6, 2018

Conspire not


Ps 2:1-3
Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against his Anointed One.   3 "Let us break their chains," they say, "and throw off their fetters."

The beginning of this Psalm has a question which states the condition of mankind throughout the ages, even to this day. Why do people plot in vain? Why do nations, or whole societies conspire against God? We see nations today who have set up false gods who they seem to worship. We think of the nations which are Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu as well as a host of other faiths. Research tells us there is nearly 4300 different religions in the world. There is but one who worships Jesus Christ as Lord. Some, like Judaism accept the Almighty God Jehovah, but still plot against Jesus. They still conspire to refuse Jesus as their Messiah. They do not want to yield to the authority of God in their lives. They want to break free of any responsibility to God or to Jesus, the Anointed One. We will see the answer of God to all this rebellion in the following verses of this Psalm, but for now we know of this rebellion. Although we worship the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Anointed One of God, we also know of certain amounts of rebellion that exist within the members of our body. Why do we constantly want our own way? Maybe not constantly, but on frequent occasions we rebel against his authority in our lives. We want what we want and we want it when we want it. Is that not in some sense plotting in vain? Is that not taking our stand? It might appear we even disregard some portions of God’s word, dismissing it to only have had meaning for the people of the past. But, if the word of God, all of it is a double-edge sword able to divide bone from marrow, we should be ready to hear from him throughout the whole of scripture, for we also know that all, not some, but all, every last word is breathed by God and is profitable for rebuking, correcting, teaching, and training in righteousness. We must come to terms with his absolute authority in our lives. This means we live and move in him. If we accept his gift of grace, Charisma grace, unmerited favor, salvation, then we must also accept his Charis grace, his divine influence upon our heart and how that is reflected in our lives. This is the Spirit at work within us, leading, guiding us into all truth. We cannot afford to throw off the guidance of the Spirit, seeing it as a chain or fetter. We need all the help he can give us. Let us never take our stand against his power in our lives. Let us never conspire to have it our way.

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