Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Weighed and Measured


Prov 20:10
10 Differing weights and differing measures — the LORD detests them both.

It would seem this is straight forward regarding the way business should be conducted or rather how it should not be conducted. The word weights in the Hebrew refers to dry measures and the word measures refers to liquid measures. It was customary in those days merchants would use one set of measures to buy with and another set to sell with. The buying weights and measures we heavier thus they received more than their money’s worth and those they sold with were lighter so they made more than their money’s worth as well. In essence, they cheated both times. This the Lord detests. This would mean we need to be honest in all we do as far as business goes. But what about all us who are not business people? Does this just apply to them? We could see another aspect of differing weights and differing measures. This could apply to how we weigh and measure other people’s spirituality and how we measure ours. This might well fit along with the idea of getting the log out of our own eye before we look for that speck in our brother’s eye. This could apply to parents who set rules for life for their children, but do not observe the same rules themselves. Parents who expect their children to maintain a sinless life but not expect that of themselves. We might have a tendency to judge others by one standard but give ourselves some leeway. Do we look at others and say, “You have been weighed and measured and have been found wanting”? Then we think how we have got it right, we are not wanting, we live rightly. Let us not use a different standard for anyone, but we should know all of us have been found wanting, and that is why we all need Jesus. He is the perfect weight and measure. The standard is the same for all, and we all are weighed and measured in Christ.  

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