Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A Warning


Prov 20:16
16 Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger; hold it in pledge if he does it for a wayward woman.

What a strange saying. It appears it is speaking of two types of people. We would suppose this is a warning not to become like either of them. The first person described here is one who will bind himself for anyone who asks him. This person is willing to become entangled with an idle companion. He puts up security for a person who has none because of being without the fortitude of developing his own security. That would be a lazy person, idle, or looking for others to sustain him. The person who puts up security for that kind will soon be in poverty himself. We can be sure from this warning to not risk our own holdings for those who would but throw it away. That does not sound very Christian in respect to the idea of giving to the needy. But giving is altogether different that putting up security for them. It would also be wise not to give if the funds are to be used for lustful living. There has been some churches which require an interview and review of the financial picture before releasing any funds. Of course this does not include those bonafide ministries serving the needs of those in need. The second person is the one who is in league with wayward women. This would be the person who spends his income on treating, gifting, courting, in a sense, women who make their living using their sexuality. Not sure about why we would take the garment of the first person, but only hold as a pledge for the second. Could this be making any reference to the story of Tamar and Judah? She presented herself as a prostitute and Judah, in order to sleep with her gave her a pledge. This saying might well be a warning not to make a promise to assist someone who lives in that manner as the second person. Again that appears to being not very Christian. But should we be in league or form any type of partnership with the ways of the world? We know that answer is, no. We are admonished not to be unequally yoked. Not to partner with someone in any way that would drag us down. It is known that any pair of draft animals, such as oxen or horses are only as strong as the weaker of the two when yoked together. For us to throw in with those who either are looking for a free handout or run around with wild woman would do nothing but drag us down. This partnership arrangement in both cases seems to imply some sort of business arrangement. This again is a warning not to partner with the world in business, such as putting up funds for the use of activities conducted by businesses engaged in worldly concepts. This opens a Pandora’s Box which we should leave closed least we become judgmental. But the point is the point, let the world be the world and keetpout of investing in it, either with security or a pledge. 

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