Prov 20:1
Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is
not wise.
So then we should all be teetotalers, which the word has nothing to do
with drinking tea. This word comes from the idea that T stands for total abstinence
from any alcoholic beverages. Some religious groups even abstain from Tea as it
contains caffeine. There are all sorts of rules and regulations made by the
hand of man for the abstinence of various forms of food and drink. The idea
spoken in this proverb is not about abstinence, but about the abuse of these beverages. To be led astray by them would not be pleasing in the eyes of God.
This would imply we give ourselves over to them. Having witnessed close
individuals who have done just that, we can say it is not a happy life being
led astray by wine and beer or much stronger “Adult beverages”. We do have God
commanding Aaron and other Priests in the time of the wanderings and the tent of
meeting, that they were not to imbibe in any wine when they were to enter the
tent of meeting. This would carry over to those who are ordained in the church
not to enter onto the pulpit and preach while having wine or beer beforehand.
This would not preclude them from drinking at other times. In fact there is no
such command of God not to drink these beverages other than for those certain
individuals at certain times. Most of these rules of abstinence have been
burdened upon the church because of the presumed social stigma of drinking in
excess, thus being drunk. It is not pleasing to God that we should become
drunk, giving over to drink. That is we place such a high importance on wine or
beer that we forgo other endeavors in life because of them. There is a difference
between having some wine or beer and being led astray by them. This of course
is a personal chose each believer must make for themselves. There can be people
who cannot taste wine or beer without being led astray by them. It is the same
with many behaviors. Some cannot look at cars, homes, clothes, any material
goods without being overtaken with the lust for them, thus being led astray.
Some cannot control their desire for money, greed, storing up as much as they
can, thus being overtaken, led astray by money. No matter what the item is,
drink, food, material things, money, all can be the subject of not being able
to serve two masters. When anything leads us astray it becomes our master, and
thus the Lord is no longer our master. Let us be careful not to allow anything,
here especially wine and beer, to overtake our faculties and become intoxicated
by them or with them. Moderation is the key word, at least for these two. There
are some behaviors and attitudes we do need to totally abstain from. Instead of
being led astray by anything we should be led by the Spirit.
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