Friday, June 24, 2011

Living God

1 Tim 4:9-10
9 This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance 10(and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe.
It was what was already said that was the trustworthy saying about training in godliness, but still this in itself is a trustworthy saying because it too is God breathed. I do accept all that has been breathed by God, recorded by men and kept true and pure for so many thousands of years by the Spirit. My hope is in the loving God, which is for sure. I have a difficult time understanding how anyone can trust or hope in a dead God. How can a dead god offer eternal life? How can a dead god save anyone? No, I trust the living God, the creator of all things made. It is certainly clear he desires that all men come to the saving knowledge of his Son Jesus Christ. It is apparent in John 3:16 but even more so here as he says he is the Savior of all men. Christ died on the cross for all men, whether they believe or not. He did not die for just a few but for all. That should be proof enough God desires all men to be saved. But the choice to accept him is still up to all men. I have made that choice and I have fully accepted Christ as my Savior who now sits at the right hand of the Father. I am one of those “especially of those who believe”. How could I not? God revealed himself to me in such a miraculous way I had no doubt he was alive and well, working to bring salvation to me. Knowing he desires to do that for all men surely puts a perspective on the specialness of one person like me. I am not anymore loved than everyone else. I am not anymore special than anyone else. True, I have been called to a certain task, but so has everyone else who believes. I have been given certain gifts, but so has everyone else who believes. God does not show any favoritism, he desires all men be saved. He is willing to give to anyone who asks. I am so grateful God is not just a living God but that he is also active in the lives of those who believe. I am forever thankful he is alive and active in my life. I do not know how to face tomorrow if it were not for him. How would I face the end of this life if it were not for him? I cannot even imagine the endless nothingness if it were not for a living God who bestows eternal life on those who accept him. I know, no matter what others may believe, that hell is not eternal, it and any who have been there will be cast in to the lake of fire and perish, burn up, destroyed once and for all, an endless nothingness awaits. But not for me, not for anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

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