Saturday, June 25, 2011

An Example

1 Tim 4:11-12
11 Command and teach these things. 12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
I certainly am not young as Timothy was at the time Paul was giving him these instructions, but again all the word of God is good for instruction for me including these words. Although I know I have been called and commanded to teach all those things I think everyone has been commanded to do the same. I think all believers should paid attention to this as much as they do other commands of God. But nevertheless I am not dealing with all those others, I am dealing with me and I must continue one teaching, preaching and writing, doing what I can share the word of God with others. It is the rest of this in which I strive to accomplish but I detest the fact I fail all too often. I endeavor to set an example for others in my speech. I certainly do not participate in gossip nor do I use vulgar words, or curse in any manner. I prefer to speech about the Lord rather than common small talk, although I try the small talk, but I am not very good at it. As far as being an example if my life, I hope I am successful at demonstrating a life of faith and trust in God rather than in self and the things of this world for that is what I believe God desires for all believers. Being an example of love is much difficult for I believe that really takes a great deal of self denial. When I consider the definition of love from 1 Corinthians 13 it demands a great deal of putting others far above and beyond self. I try, but I think I fail too much. I must be more aware and on guard against self. I do, however think I am fairly good at being an example of faith. I am very vocal about my trust in God; about my salvation through Jesus Christ and that he is the only way to eternal life. No problem there at all in being that kind of example. I believe and I let everyone know I believe and that I trust my Lord for everything. I take the word of God at face value and he said the righteous shall live by faith and I take that to mean I shall not live by sight or self. Purity as Paul used it here to Timothy meant chastity, not to engage in immoral relationships because Timothy was a single man, but how do I translate that into my life today? I would suppose that could very well mean for me to remain true to my wife, in thoughts as well as deeds. I need not be enticed by all the sensual temptations which are so abundant everywhere in this world. To keep my focus on Christ Jesus and to live as he did surely helps in being an example of purity. It is a large order to live as an example for others, yet all believers should be doing that so that we all can be encouraged by each other. So, here I am trying, hoping and praying to do my part of being an example.

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