1 Tim 5:5-8
5 The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help. 6 But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives. 7 Give the people these instructions, too, so that no one may be open to blame. 8 If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
The continued instructions about widows is at hand here and I am not sure I fully agree that in the post modern church of today that those widows who are in real need and left all alone actually put their hope in God instead in asking various men in the church. Again I am judging and I should not even be thinking along those lines, but I see what I see. Now when it comes to the rest of this instructive section I cannot help think of my brother who always quoted this to me, out of context. This providing is all about the children and grandchildren of widows and their responsibility to care for their mother or grandmother who is without a husband. Yet I also have always seen this in another way as well. The head of the household providing for his family has been taken from this concept as well. Most often all the believers I have discussed this with have seen the material provisions being talked about. Yet I must also see the spiritual provision. What is the most important? It is better to provide all the earthy creature comforts, the pleasures of this world or is it better to make sure your family has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and thus provide them with eternal life in paradise with God? I know the answer to that question and although I have done what I have had to do in order to provide the material things needed and I have not done the best in that department, I did bring my family to Jesus. I wonder is that is why I think how I do. I wonder if because I have not been the greatest provider of material goods for my family I have focused on the eternal provisions. Yet I cannot escape the worse than an unbeliever thing. Even unbelievers care and provide earthly material things, but surely do not provide for the spiritual eternal life of their family. If I lived my life for Jesus and did not provide a way for my family to know Jesus, I would have denied my faith. But still in the depth of my being I think of how I failed to provide for my own mother in her time of being a widow. Distant in this modern era is a factor but not an excuse. I tried to provide for her by having her live with us, but she insisted on returning to her live alone. I think maybe she wanted to be able to do her thing, be independent to enjoy the pleasures she graved. But I should have done more, but in the material and spiritual. But that is past and I most continue on with my life now and what is to come. Being watchful and available to provide for those widows in real need are my instructions here.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
1 Tim 5:3-5
3 Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. 4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.
I think somehow this may well have gone by the wayside in many cases. It has become blurred as to who is actually a widow really in need and who isn’t. In either case I do believe I should give proper recognition to those windows that are in need, but how do I know who they are and what is their need? I know some widows are extremely well off in their holdings since their husbands left them a large life insurance package as well as many investments. What need do these widows have they cannot buy or pay for themselves? Then there are those widows who are surrounded by children and grandchildren. How do I know if those family members are meeting all their needs? I am aware of some widows who would certainly appear for all practical purposes to be in one of those two or both situations and still call on members of the church for free assistance. In these cases do I have a responsibility to call all to the attention of these instructions? I think all too often much of the instructions of scripture are not put into practice. I sure forget at times to do all I am to do and to not do all I am not to do, so who am I to judge what others engage or not engage in? Yet as I go through sections of the word as this I am reminded of what is actually happening within the church I am aware of and it makes me wonder or ponder on if I am doing what I should be. But back to the question of which widow is really in need. Now I am aware of some widows who actually are well within the structure of these instructions having loving children who care for them and show no signs of being in need. But as far as those who are in need, I also have to wonder if this just applies to actual widows or does it also include older widow who are divorced and never remarried? What category do these women fall into? In either case there has to be some transparency by these women, having honesty and integrity as to their actually being in real need and not able to pay for services by professionals or having family members who have completely rejected scripture and refuse to care for them. If they hide either or both of these conditions, I am not sure what obligation I have to them. I surely would continue to give recognition to them as being alone and without a husband. That in itself is painful enough to have to live with. To not have a spouse to share the joys and sorrows of life together, to not have the intimate experiences of a loving embrace has to leave a sense of loneliness no one can fill. For these reasons I feel certain sadness for them, especially when I hear their stories about the troubles they have with children and I see the heartaches they experience. But as far as being in need, I just do not know. Yet I will love them as sisters in the Lord and I will be open to helping when I am needed.
1 Tim 5:3-5
3 Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. 4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.
I think somehow this may well have gone by the wayside in many cases. It has become blurred as to who is actually a widow really in need and who isn’t. In either case I do believe I should give proper recognition to those windows that are in need, but how do I know who they are and what is their need? I know some widows are extremely well off in their holdings since their husbands left them a large life insurance package as well as many investments. What need do these widows have they cannot buy or pay for themselves? Then there are those widows who are surrounded by children and grandchildren. How do I know if those family members are meeting all their needs? I am aware of some widows who would certainly appear for all practical purposes to be in one of those two or both situations and still call on members of the church for free assistance. In these cases do I have a responsibility to call all to the attention of these instructions? I think all too often much of the instructions of scripture are not put into practice. I sure forget at times to do all I am to do and to not do all I am not to do, so who am I to judge what others engage or not engage in? Yet as I go through sections of the word as this I am reminded of what is actually happening within the church I am aware of and it makes me wonder or ponder on if I am doing what I should be. But back to the question of which widow is really in need. Now I am aware of some widows who actually are well within the structure of these instructions having loving children who care for them and show no signs of being in need. But as far as those who are in need, I also have to wonder if this just applies to actual widows or does it also include older widow who are divorced and never remarried? What category do these women fall into? In either case there has to be some transparency by these women, having honesty and integrity as to their actually being in real need and not able to pay for services by professionals or having family members who have completely rejected scripture and refuse to care for them. If they hide either or both of these conditions, I am not sure what obligation I have to them. I surely would continue to give recognition to them as being alone and without a husband. That in itself is painful enough to have to live with. To not have a spouse to share the joys and sorrows of life together, to not have the intimate experiences of a loving embrace has to leave a sense of loneliness no one can fill. For these reasons I feel certain sadness for them, especially when I hear their stories about the troubles they have with children and I see the heartaches they experience. But as far as being in need, I just do not know. Yet I will love them as sisters in the Lord and I will be open to helping when I am needed.
Monday, June 27, 2011
1 Tim 4:15-5:1
15 Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. 16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. NIV
Diligence is by far a trait worthy of having. I think it is easy to become distracted by other issues and thus wander from be diligent to the things that matter. I know what my calling is and I do believe I am being diligent most of the time, although I know that I do not give myself wholly to those these which matter all the time. I do spend time simply enjoying my life, yet I also think that even in enjoying life I can live my life out loud in my speech, life, love, faith and purity. I can still exercise the gift God has bestowed upon me in all I do. I think I am fairly good at watching my life and doctrine. I will not be moved from the position of this truth I know to be right. So many wolves in sheep’s clothing have infected way too many with false teachings and doctrines, with just enough of the truth to sound right, but are so wrong. I am strong against such falseness, because I know the truth. God has been so clear as to the correct way the approach life and its purpose. I must stand my ground in these matters and speak out against these false beliefs. One of the great false teachings of that time was being spread by those who wanted the gentiles to become Jews in the body before becoming Christians in the heart. Man invented rules and regulations placed upon others I believe were for the sake of control. Certainly misguided regulations and this still is happening today. I will not be persuaded even by fine sounding arguments from the pure truth of the Gospel message and as to how God desires my life to be. I will not put any trust in the things of man, but I will put all my trust in God. This I will absolutely be diligent about and give myself wholly to. This I will watch in my life. I will persevere in them without any question, for I know the truth. Sure, others might try to tell me I am narrow minded or closed minded to their humanistic philosophies on life, mainly because I am. Why such I be persuaded to believe their ways? Man has always tried to replace God with man, making man the center of things rather than God. If I dismiss the ways of God, I do not have to be accountable to him, but only to myself. That is just so wrong, I could never agree with it. I know the truth, the pure beliefs of scripture, the correct doctrine of God and I will be saved and I pray those who hear my voice, read my words will understand and sense the Spirit working in them, bringing them to the truth as well. Of this I will be diligent.
1 Tim 4:15-5:1
15 Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. 16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. NIV
Diligence is by far a trait worthy of having. I think it is easy to become distracted by other issues and thus wander from be diligent to the things that matter. I know what my calling is and I do believe I am being diligent most of the time, although I know that I do not give myself wholly to those these which matter all the time. I do spend time simply enjoying my life, yet I also think that even in enjoying life I can live my life out loud in my speech, life, love, faith and purity. I can still exercise the gift God has bestowed upon me in all I do. I think I am fairly good at watching my life and doctrine. I will not be moved from the position of this truth I know to be right. So many wolves in sheep’s clothing have infected way too many with false teachings and doctrines, with just enough of the truth to sound right, but are so wrong. I am strong against such falseness, because I know the truth. God has been so clear as to the correct way the approach life and its purpose. I must stand my ground in these matters and speak out against these false beliefs. One of the great false teachings of that time was being spread by those who wanted the gentiles to become Jews in the body before becoming Christians in the heart. Man invented rules and regulations placed upon others I believe were for the sake of control. Certainly misguided regulations and this still is happening today. I will not be persuaded even by fine sounding arguments from the pure truth of the Gospel message and as to how God desires my life to be. I will not put any trust in the things of man, but I will put all my trust in God. This I will absolutely be diligent about and give myself wholly to. This I will watch in my life. I will persevere in them without any question, for I know the truth. Sure, others might try to tell me I am narrow minded or closed minded to their humanistic philosophies on life, mainly because I am. Why such I be persuaded to believe their ways? Man has always tried to replace God with man, making man the center of things rather than God. If I dismiss the ways of God, I do not have to be accountable to him, but only to myself. That is just so wrong, I could never agree with it. I know the truth, the pure beliefs of scripture, the correct doctrine of God and I will be saved and I pray those who hear my voice, read my words will understand and sense the Spirit working in them, bringing them to the truth as well. Of this I will be diligent.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
1 Tim 4:13-14
13 Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. 14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.
I will Lord, until you come. That is the only way I can see this. I know it was Paul talking to Timothy, but for goodness sake does this not sound as though it is Christ talking to me? I will devote myself to preaching and teaching his Holy word. I will not give up doing what I know I have been called to do. He has called me and he has made a path, a way for me to fulfill that calling here where I am. It was the Spirit of God who led me here in the first place. I heard his voice and I responded not knowing why at the time, but now I do. I am able to not neglect my gift, which was given to me. I am not sure about the prophetic message and those elders although as I reflect I was called by them in my church in Illinois to teach, and even after I simple could not meet the requirement of attending a special class to learn how to teach. I was still called to teach. Maybe it was prophetic, I am not sure. But I do know that is what God has designed for me and he has always made a way to use me in that manner. I have no human skills in communication, I even spell words wrong, if it were not for spell check what would I do? I have such a difficult time carrying a conversation with people, especially when more than two or more are present. The only reason I am able to teach, preach and write about the truths of God is because of him. He has gifted me, empowered me, and sustains me in the fulfilling of his high calling. I will devote myself to this task, which in all reality is no task at all, but a joy. I would suppose others feel the same way about the calling God has place upon them, whatever that is. I do think the reason he called me to this particular purpose was because I have no training or skill in this area and he is able to get all the glory and praise in what I do. I have absolutely no problem with that either, in fact, I delight in being able to declare that very thing. It is not I who lives but it is Christ who lives in me, or maybe more correctly his Spirit who lives in me, for Christ is actually at the right hand of the Father. But it is the idea of Christ which lives in me, the example he set of doing the Fathers will, being obedient to the Father even onto death. I must continue on no matter the cost doing what I know he has called me to do. To this cause I am devoted.
1 Tim 4:13-14
13 Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. 14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.
I will Lord, until you come. That is the only way I can see this. I know it was Paul talking to Timothy, but for goodness sake does this not sound as though it is Christ talking to me? I will devote myself to preaching and teaching his Holy word. I will not give up doing what I know I have been called to do. He has called me and he has made a path, a way for me to fulfill that calling here where I am. It was the Spirit of God who led me here in the first place. I heard his voice and I responded not knowing why at the time, but now I do. I am able to not neglect my gift, which was given to me. I am not sure about the prophetic message and those elders although as I reflect I was called by them in my church in Illinois to teach, and even after I simple could not meet the requirement of attending a special class to learn how to teach. I was still called to teach. Maybe it was prophetic, I am not sure. But I do know that is what God has designed for me and he has always made a way to use me in that manner. I have no human skills in communication, I even spell words wrong, if it were not for spell check what would I do? I have such a difficult time carrying a conversation with people, especially when more than two or more are present. The only reason I am able to teach, preach and write about the truths of God is because of him. He has gifted me, empowered me, and sustains me in the fulfilling of his high calling. I will devote myself to this task, which in all reality is no task at all, but a joy. I would suppose others feel the same way about the calling God has place upon them, whatever that is. I do think the reason he called me to this particular purpose was because I have no training or skill in this area and he is able to get all the glory and praise in what I do. I have absolutely no problem with that either, in fact, I delight in being able to declare that very thing. It is not I who lives but it is Christ who lives in me, or maybe more correctly his Spirit who lives in me, for Christ is actually at the right hand of the Father. But it is the idea of Christ which lives in me, the example he set of doing the Fathers will, being obedient to the Father even onto death. I must continue on no matter the cost doing what I know he has called me to do. To this cause I am devoted.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
An Example
1 Tim 4:11-12
11 Command and teach these things. 12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
I certainly am not young as Timothy was at the time Paul was giving him these instructions, but again all the word of God is good for instruction for me including these words. Although I know I have been called and commanded to teach all those things I think everyone has been commanded to do the same. I think all believers should paid attention to this as much as they do other commands of God. But nevertheless I am not dealing with all those others, I am dealing with me and I must continue one teaching, preaching and writing, doing what I can share the word of God with others. It is the rest of this in which I strive to accomplish but I detest the fact I fail all too often. I endeavor to set an example for others in my speech. I certainly do not participate in gossip nor do I use vulgar words, or curse in any manner. I prefer to speech about the Lord rather than common small talk, although I try the small talk, but I am not very good at it. As far as being an example if my life, I hope I am successful at demonstrating a life of faith and trust in God rather than in self and the things of this world for that is what I believe God desires for all believers. Being an example of love is much difficult for I believe that really takes a great deal of self denial. When I consider the definition of love from 1 Corinthians 13 it demands a great deal of putting others far above and beyond self. I try, but I think I fail too much. I must be more aware and on guard against self. I do, however think I am fairly good at being an example of faith. I am very vocal about my trust in God; about my salvation through Jesus Christ and that he is the only way to eternal life. No problem there at all in being that kind of example. I believe and I let everyone know I believe and that I trust my Lord for everything. I take the word of God at face value and he said the righteous shall live by faith and I take that to mean I shall not live by sight or self. Purity as Paul used it here to Timothy meant chastity, not to engage in immoral relationships because Timothy was a single man, but how do I translate that into my life today? I would suppose that could very well mean for me to remain true to my wife, in thoughts as well as deeds. I need not be enticed by all the sensual temptations which are so abundant everywhere in this world. To keep my focus on Christ Jesus and to live as he did surely helps in being an example of purity. It is a large order to live as an example for others, yet all believers should be doing that so that we all can be encouraged by each other. So, here I am trying, hoping and praying to do my part of being an example.
1 Tim 4:11-12
11 Command and teach these things. 12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
I certainly am not young as Timothy was at the time Paul was giving him these instructions, but again all the word of God is good for instruction for me including these words. Although I know I have been called and commanded to teach all those things I think everyone has been commanded to do the same. I think all believers should paid attention to this as much as they do other commands of God. But nevertheless I am not dealing with all those others, I am dealing with me and I must continue one teaching, preaching and writing, doing what I can share the word of God with others. It is the rest of this in which I strive to accomplish but I detest the fact I fail all too often. I endeavor to set an example for others in my speech. I certainly do not participate in gossip nor do I use vulgar words, or curse in any manner. I prefer to speech about the Lord rather than common small talk, although I try the small talk, but I am not very good at it. As far as being an example if my life, I hope I am successful at demonstrating a life of faith and trust in God rather than in self and the things of this world for that is what I believe God desires for all believers. Being an example of love is much difficult for I believe that really takes a great deal of self denial. When I consider the definition of love from 1 Corinthians 13 it demands a great deal of putting others far above and beyond self. I try, but I think I fail too much. I must be more aware and on guard against self. I do, however think I am fairly good at being an example of faith. I am very vocal about my trust in God; about my salvation through Jesus Christ and that he is the only way to eternal life. No problem there at all in being that kind of example. I believe and I let everyone know I believe and that I trust my Lord for everything. I take the word of God at face value and he said the righteous shall live by faith and I take that to mean I shall not live by sight or self. Purity as Paul used it here to Timothy meant chastity, not to engage in immoral relationships because Timothy was a single man, but how do I translate that into my life today? I would suppose that could very well mean for me to remain true to my wife, in thoughts as well as deeds. I need not be enticed by all the sensual temptations which are so abundant everywhere in this world. To keep my focus on Christ Jesus and to live as he did surely helps in being an example of purity. It is a large order to live as an example for others, yet all believers should be doing that so that we all can be encouraged by each other. So, here I am trying, hoping and praying to do my part of being an example.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Living God
1 Tim 4:9-10
9 This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance 10(and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe.
It was what was already said that was the trustworthy saying about training in godliness, but still this in itself is a trustworthy saying because it too is God breathed. I do accept all that has been breathed by God, recorded by men and kept true and pure for so many thousands of years by the Spirit. My hope is in the loving God, which is for sure. I have a difficult time understanding how anyone can trust or hope in a dead God. How can a dead god offer eternal life? How can a dead god save anyone? No, I trust the living God, the creator of all things made. It is certainly clear he desires that all men come to the saving knowledge of his Son Jesus Christ. It is apparent in John 3:16 but even more so here as he says he is the Savior of all men. Christ died on the cross for all men, whether they believe or not. He did not die for just a few but for all. That should be proof enough God desires all men to be saved. But the choice to accept him is still up to all men. I have made that choice and I have fully accepted Christ as my Savior who now sits at the right hand of the Father. I am one of those “especially of those who believe”. How could I not? God revealed himself to me in such a miraculous way I had no doubt he was alive and well, working to bring salvation to me. Knowing he desires to do that for all men surely puts a perspective on the specialness of one person like me. I am not anymore loved than everyone else. I am not anymore special than anyone else. True, I have been called to a certain task, but so has everyone else who believes. I have been given certain gifts, but so has everyone else who believes. God does not show any favoritism, he desires all men be saved. He is willing to give to anyone who asks. I am so grateful God is not just a living God but that he is also active in the lives of those who believe. I am forever thankful he is alive and active in my life. I do not know how to face tomorrow if it were not for him. How would I face the end of this life if it were not for him? I cannot even imagine the endless nothingness if it were not for a living God who bestows eternal life on those who accept him. I know, no matter what others may believe, that hell is not eternal, it and any who have been there will be cast in to the lake of fire and perish, burn up, destroyed once and for all, an endless nothingness awaits. But not for me, not for anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.
1 Tim 4:9-10
9 This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance 10(and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe.
It was what was already said that was the trustworthy saying about training in godliness, but still this in itself is a trustworthy saying because it too is God breathed. I do accept all that has been breathed by God, recorded by men and kept true and pure for so many thousands of years by the Spirit. My hope is in the loving God, which is for sure. I have a difficult time understanding how anyone can trust or hope in a dead God. How can a dead god offer eternal life? How can a dead god save anyone? No, I trust the living God, the creator of all things made. It is certainly clear he desires that all men come to the saving knowledge of his Son Jesus Christ. It is apparent in John 3:16 but even more so here as he says he is the Savior of all men. Christ died on the cross for all men, whether they believe or not. He did not die for just a few but for all. That should be proof enough God desires all men to be saved. But the choice to accept him is still up to all men. I have made that choice and I have fully accepted Christ as my Savior who now sits at the right hand of the Father. I am one of those “especially of those who believe”. How could I not? God revealed himself to me in such a miraculous way I had no doubt he was alive and well, working to bring salvation to me. Knowing he desires to do that for all men surely puts a perspective on the specialness of one person like me. I am not anymore loved than everyone else. I am not anymore special than anyone else. True, I have been called to a certain task, but so has everyone else who believes. I have been given certain gifts, but so has everyone else who believes. God does not show any favoritism, he desires all men be saved. He is willing to give to anyone who asks. I am so grateful God is not just a living God but that he is also active in the lives of those who believe. I am forever thankful he is alive and active in my life. I do not know how to face tomorrow if it were not for him. How would I face the end of this life if it were not for him? I cannot even imagine the endless nothingness if it were not for a living God who bestows eternal life on those who accept him. I know, no matter what others may believe, that hell is not eternal, it and any who have been there will be cast in to the lake of fire and perish, burn up, destroyed once and for all, an endless nothingness awaits. But not for me, not for anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Yes, Drill Sergeant!
1 Tim 4:7-8
7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
There is no question in my mind that I have nothing to do with those old wives’ tales and godless myths. I refuse to accept anything which has been established by either of these methods. I even question all those rules and regulations which in my opinion may well fit into one of these categories. Traditional thinking can be harmful to my spiritual health. To think the same way everyone else thinks just because that is way it has been thought of for a long time means nothing to me. Why else would God give the Holy Spirit unless he wanted me to be lead into his truths firsthand rather than through handed down beliefs which could be nothing more than wives’ tales and myths? I do not think my God expects me to wear hand me downs. Nor does he want me to believe hand me downs. My God has given me the Spirit so he can lead me first hand into the truths he has for my life. The Spirit in my drill sergeant, who is in charge of my spiritual training program, not that I totally ignore my physical condition, but I believe as this says about godliness. Godliness has far great a value for me than any physical fitness program I could ever engage in. If I spent lots of time on the physical I might look good on the outside but how would I look on the inside? It is what is on the inside that counts the most, if not the all. I cannot take this body into the next phase of my life when I stand in the presence of my Lord. I am not sure how I am going to stand without my body unless, of course, it gets glorified as Jesus was when he was raised from the dead and was able to appear in locked rooms. But even so that will not be due to any physical training on my part, but completely due to God. So I am far better off to spend my efforts in learning from the Spirit and get my training in godliness directly from him rather than from those traditions of man. Traditions can evolve over time changing and morphing into who knows what. But the truth is always the truth and it will never change. What the Spirit has for me will surely enhance my life here on earth and absolutely enhance my life in eternity. So it is not so much to left, right, left or give me 100 pushups, but straight ahead soldier down that narrow path. Yes, drill sergeant!
1 Tim 4:7-8
7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
There is no question in my mind that I have nothing to do with those old wives’ tales and godless myths. I refuse to accept anything which has been established by either of these methods. I even question all those rules and regulations which in my opinion may well fit into one of these categories. Traditional thinking can be harmful to my spiritual health. To think the same way everyone else thinks just because that is way it has been thought of for a long time means nothing to me. Why else would God give the Holy Spirit unless he wanted me to be lead into his truths firsthand rather than through handed down beliefs which could be nothing more than wives’ tales and myths? I do not think my God expects me to wear hand me downs. Nor does he want me to believe hand me downs. My God has given me the Spirit so he can lead me first hand into the truths he has for my life. The Spirit in my drill sergeant, who is in charge of my spiritual training program, not that I totally ignore my physical condition, but I believe as this says about godliness. Godliness has far great a value for me than any physical fitness program I could ever engage in. If I spent lots of time on the physical I might look good on the outside but how would I look on the inside? It is what is on the inside that counts the most, if not the all. I cannot take this body into the next phase of my life when I stand in the presence of my Lord. I am not sure how I am going to stand without my body unless, of course, it gets glorified as Jesus was when he was raised from the dead and was able to appear in locked rooms. But even so that will not be due to any physical training on my part, but completely due to God. So I am far better off to spend my efforts in learning from the Spirit and get my training in godliness directly from him rather than from those traditions of man. Traditions can evolve over time changing and morphing into who knows what. But the truth is always the truth and it will never change. What the Spirit has for me will surely enhance my life here on earth and absolutely enhance my life in eternity. So it is not so much to left, right, left or give me 100 pushups, but straight ahead soldier down that narrow path. Yes, drill sergeant!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Valuable Minister
1 Tim 4:6
6 If you point these things out to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, brought up in the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.
All things which were spoken in the preceding statements are referred here but I have to internalize this to include the complete word of God. If I point out the truths of God to my fellow believers I will be a good minister of Christ Jesus who was brought up in the truths of the faith and who had good teaching which I have followed. I do consider myself, as I think all believers should, a minister of Christ Jesus. I know without any doubt God guided my footsteps during my early life as a believer bringing into contact with learned men of God who mentored men much as I think Paul did with Timothy. I think it was surely a move of the Holy Spirit for I could not imagine why in the human sense these men would befriend me and take me into their lives. But God had a plan for me and these men were all part of it bringing me alone in my walk with the Lord. I had good teaching. I grew in my faith and God did so much in the way of miracles in me and for me. He still is, the only way I could account for all of them would to write another book enumerating each one. But now the issue for me is am I doing the first part to his satisfaction. Am I pointing his truths out to my fellow believers being a good minister of Christ Jesus? I hope that whenever I have the opportunity to do so I am, whether I am teaching, preaching, writing or just sitting having a conversation. I sure do not enjoy being engaged in small talk or conversations about some sporting event. Although I try to be interested and maybe even try to participate it seems meaningless compared to discussions about what God is doing. Maybe I talk about myself too much at times, but I think I am trying to express what God is doing in me and it does not come across as well as I what it to. I desire that he gets all the credit for everything in me. If I am to be a minister, much less a good minister of Christ Jesus, it is imperative I point out the truths of God to fellow believers. That would mean those meaningless conversations should in some way open doors for bringing the truths of God into play. I am perplexed at times when I am with fellow believers that they spend so much time talking about so much and not any time talking about the truths of God. It is as if God is not really a part of their lives. I get sucked into those kinds of conversations myself at times, trying to be one of the guys although I do think I try to bring God into the conversation. I am reminded here this is my responsibility. I am to be a good, valuable minister of Christ Jesus.
1 Tim 4:6
6 If you point these things out to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, brought up in the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.
All things which were spoken in the preceding statements are referred here but I have to internalize this to include the complete word of God. If I point out the truths of God to my fellow believers I will be a good minister of Christ Jesus who was brought up in the truths of the faith and who had good teaching which I have followed. I do consider myself, as I think all believers should, a minister of Christ Jesus. I know without any doubt God guided my footsteps during my early life as a believer bringing into contact with learned men of God who mentored men much as I think Paul did with Timothy. I think it was surely a move of the Holy Spirit for I could not imagine why in the human sense these men would befriend me and take me into their lives. But God had a plan for me and these men were all part of it bringing me alone in my walk with the Lord. I had good teaching. I grew in my faith and God did so much in the way of miracles in me and for me. He still is, the only way I could account for all of them would to write another book enumerating each one. But now the issue for me is am I doing the first part to his satisfaction. Am I pointing his truths out to my fellow believers being a good minister of Christ Jesus? I hope that whenever I have the opportunity to do so I am, whether I am teaching, preaching, writing or just sitting having a conversation. I sure do not enjoy being engaged in small talk or conversations about some sporting event. Although I try to be interested and maybe even try to participate it seems meaningless compared to discussions about what God is doing. Maybe I talk about myself too much at times, but I think I am trying to express what God is doing in me and it does not come across as well as I what it to. I desire that he gets all the credit for everything in me. If I am to be a minister, much less a good minister of Christ Jesus, it is imperative I point out the truths of God to fellow believers. That would mean those meaningless conversations should in some way open doors for bringing the truths of God into play. I am perplexed at times when I am with fellow believers that they spend so much time talking about so much and not any time talking about the truths of God. It is as if God is not really a part of their lives. I get sucked into those kinds of conversations myself at times, trying to be one of the guys although I do think I try to bring God into the conversation. I am reminded here this is my responsibility. I am to be a good, valuable minister of Christ Jesus.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
1 Tim 4:1-5
4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.
A whole lot to digest here, but I dare not break this up as it is one complete thought about those wicked people who pervert the Gospel with their own evil schemes for self gratification and gain. I don’t think they actually completely abandon all the truths contained in the Gospel, but rather make slight adjustments in an effort to deceive believers into becoming a follower of them. Now I also think that perhaps this might serve to speak to those believers who have allowed themselves to be bond to the law, or denominational rules and regulations rather than to Christ. I think it is easy enough to be catch up in an effort to live rightly by those who would deceive. Maybe I am too opposed to the smooth talk of supposed great scholars, preachers, and teachers. Maybe I should take counsel from their words. Yet I cannot help think I have the words of the supreme scholar, preacher and teacher right within my bible. I also have been given the Holy Spirit to guide me into real truth, not the false teachings of hypocritical liars. I know many of the rules and regulations are based upon the scriptures and may well be good doctrine and do not offend the Gospel, but there are still others which meet this abstain thing. Sometimes I think the list of don’ts is far greater paid attention to then the list of do’s. I do not think I will ever be sucked into this kind of thinking and receive with any credence the words of these kinds of teachers. I don’t think there is any danger from outside the church setting as I think most all believers know not to be drawn into believing anything a non-believer teaches about the Gospel. But I do think there is more than enough danger right within the body of believers itself. Wolves in sheep’s clothing speaking just enough truth to sound right on but then adding or subtracting or those slight adjustments to make an ever so small change that is very difficult to detect. I also think that the church itself, which is any denomination, can over time create change out of view and so silently no one even sees or hears it. I will not be distracted or deterred from the truth. I have the word of God at my fingertips and the Spirit to teach me. Yet I cannot allow pride to enter in by thinking I am the only one who knows the real truth and all others are wrong. That is just not the case. I am positive other believers are as right on about the truth as I think I am. I am convinced they too have the Spirit leading them into all truth and guiding their lives as well as mine. But I also believe there are other believers who have allowed the law, the rules to override the truth. To abstain from ungodly behavior is a good thing, but to abstain from those things God has provided for me is out of the question for what he created is good, even my wife, chocolate, ice cream, wine, sugar, coffee and much, much more….Of these thing I will not abstain.
1 Tim 4:1-5
4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.
A whole lot to digest here, but I dare not break this up as it is one complete thought about those wicked people who pervert the Gospel with their own evil schemes for self gratification and gain. I don’t think they actually completely abandon all the truths contained in the Gospel, but rather make slight adjustments in an effort to deceive believers into becoming a follower of them. Now I also think that perhaps this might serve to speak to those believers who have allowed themselves to be bond to the law, or denominational rules and regulations rather than to Christ. I think it is easy enough to be catch up in an effort to live rightly by those who would deceive. Maybe I am too opposed to the smooth talk of supposed great scholars, preachers, and teachers. Maybe I should take counsel from their words. Yet I cannot help think I have the words of the supreme scholar, preacher and teacher right within my bible. I also have been given the Holy Spirit to guide me into real truth, not the false teachings of hypocritical liars. I know many of the rules and regulations are based upon the scriptures and may well be good doctrine and do not offend the Gospel, but there are still others which meet this abstain thing. Sometimes I think the list of don’ts is far greater paid attention to then the list of do’s. I do not think I will ever be sucked into this kind of thinking and receive with any credence the words of these kinds of teachers. I don’t think there is any danger from outside the church setting as I think most all believers know not to be drawn into believing anything a non-believer teaches about the Gospel. But I do think there is more than enough danger right within the body of believers itself. Wolves in sheep’s clothing speaking just enough truth to sound right on but then adding or subtracting or those slight adjustments to make an ever so small change that is very difficult to detect. I also think that the church itself, which is any denomination, can over time create change out of view and so silently no one even sees or hears it. I will not be distracted or deterred from the truth. I have the word of God at my fingertips and the Spirit to teach me. Yet I cannot allow pride to enter in by thinking I am the only one who knows the real truth and all others are wrong. That is just not the case. I am positive other believers are as right on about the truth as I think I am. I am convinced they too have the Spirit leading them into all truth and guiding their lives as well as mine. But I also believe there are other believers who have allowed the law, the rules to override the truth. To abstain from ungodly behavior is a good thing, but to abstain from those things God has provided for me is out of the question for what he created is good, even my wife, chocolate, ice cream, wine, sugar, coffee and much, much more….Of these thing I will not abstain.
Monday, June 20, 2011
1 Tim 3:14-15
14 Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, 15 if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.
Conducting myself in a manner worthy of being in God’s household. As a father I when my girls were small I surely expected them to behave in manner that was acceptable as a member of our household. I used to and in fact still do see children in a store completely out of control and the mother screaming in an attempt to gain some kind of command of the situation. I think both behaviors are unacceptable and here I have to deal with my being a member of another household which certainly has standards for correct behavior. The one difference is of course my father is a perfect parent. If I am the church of the living God, the temple of the Holy Spirit I am does this also mean I am the pillar and the foundation of truth? Great controversy exists among scholars over this very question but I will enter the debate, but rather simply accept how the Spirit leads me through here. I am to be support the basis of the truth as the temple of the living God. I should conduct myself in manner which supports the basis for the truth, which of course is laid out in the verse to come. But that is what I am to do as a member of the household of God. I support what he has established as the truth. I do not argue against his truth but I stand in defense of it.
1 Tim 3:16
16 Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great:
He appeared in a body
was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
was preached among the nations,
was believed on in the world,
was taken up in glory.
I stand absolutely firm and support this as truth, and any member of the temple of God should and would do the same. This is proper conduct, but if anyone refuses to agree with this basis of truth they are not true members of the household of God and are not conducting themselves correctly. Being his church, his temple, he attends and in fact conducts service within me and my conduct should reflect that fact. A pillar, a support of his truths is paramount and I as such I need to be grounded on his truths, not mine or some other mans idea of truth. No, I am this pillar, I am a support of God’s truth that he appeared in the flesh, was rendered innocent by his Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among nations, was believed on in this world and that he was taken in physical form up into glory. God said it and I believe and will support it until the day I step into eternity. Then, of course I will continue to support it, but I will not be able to do it as I do here. As one of his pillars I will not crumble. I will conduct myself as his church.
1 Tim 3:14-15
14 Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, 15 if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.
Conducting myself in a manner worthy of being in God’s household. As a father I when my girls were small I surely expected them to behave in manner that was acceptable as a member of our household. I used to and in fact still do see children in a store completely out of control and the mother screaming in an attempt to gain some kind of command of the situation. I think both behaviors are unacceptable and here I have to deal with my being a member of another household which certainly has standards for correct behavior. The one difference is of course my father is a perfect parent. If I am the church of the living God, the temple of the Holy Spirit I am does this also mean I am the pillar and the foundation of truth? Great controversy exists among scholars over this very question but I will enter the debate, but rather simply accept how the Spirit leads me through here. I am to be support the basis of the truth as the temple of the living God. I should conduct myself in manner which supports the basis for the truth, which of course is laid out in the verse to come. But that is what I am to do as a member of the household of God. I support what he has established as the truth. I do not argue against his truth but I stand in defense of it.
1 Tim 3:16
16 Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great:
He appeared in a body
was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
was preached among the nations,
was believed on in the world,
was taken up in glory.
I stand absolutely firm and support this as truth, and any member of the temple of God should and would do the same. This is proper conduct, but if anyone refuses to agree with this basis of truth they are not true members of the household of God and are not conducting themselves correctly. Being his church, his temple, he attends and in fact conducts service within me and my conduct should reflect that fact. A pillar, a support of his truths is paramount and I as such I need to be grounded on his truths, not mine or some other mans idea of truth. No, I am this pillar, I am a support of God’s truth that he appeared in the flesh, was rendered innocent by his Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among nations, was believed on in this world and that he was taken in physical form up into glory. God said it and I believe and will support it until the day I step into eternity. Then, of course I will continue to support it, but I will not be able to do it as I do here. As one of his pillars I will not crumble. I will conduct myself as his church.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
For Him
1 Tim 3:12-13
12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well. 13 Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.
Here again I must insist this has always referred to the practice of polygamy and not divorce and remarriage as some denominations teach today. I cannot understand why they argue against the simple truth other than they have to set up certain rules for their inclusive club. But back to why I think this is so important about polygamy. It was practiced by the pagans and Timothy was establishing churches among pagan societies, so Paul wanted to make sure those men elected to such offices of leadership had only one wife instead of multiple wives. Even in the Old Testament times men of God such as David and Solomon were polygamists. Now I do not think it is a good thing for any man of God in this day and age to go around marrying and divorcing and remarrying and divorcing ever time he desires to take another wife instead of the one he has. I understand this could lead to all sorts of problems within the body of Christ. This would not be a good thing for any man in the body of Christ much less one who is in a position of leadership. What kind of example would that be? Plus if children were involved with each of those multiple wives it would be very confusing for him to manage his children and household well. No, I am absolutely in full agreement with having but only one wife and children. Now again, am I being off base here when I think those who serve as deacons must be married with children? A single man or a married man without children does not meet these standards. He must be a husband and he must manage his children and household well. It is not any clearer. I have never served as a deacon. Of course the denomination I am now associated with does not have deacons. I wonder why that is? It is scriptural to have deacons, is it not? Does a church board serve as fulfilling that role? I think not as women serve on the board, which I am not against, but I think it would be very difficult for a woman to be the husband of but one wife. A lot of thoughts here, which I have formed over the years and I think I will not be moved from them either. But the one thing I am very sure about is I serve my Lord in whatever way he desires me to serve. I do not need any title or official position other than “man of God”. If there is one thing I desire is to be a man after Gods own heart. I fail all too often but it is a worthy goal to desire. I am not sure about this result issue of gaining excellent standing. I wonder if that with men or with God? Not that is it not a good thing to have good standing among the body of Christ but I think I would surely what to be in excellent standing with God, which I already and because of Christ. I also know I am very assured, very bold, very outspoken of my faith in Christ. So in the end although I am not titled, I must endeavor to stand before God as one desiring to meet these standards, not for men, but for him.
1 Tim 3:12-13
12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well. 13 Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.
Here again I must insist this has always referred to the practice of polygamy and not divorce and remarriage as some denominations teach today. I cannot understand why they argue against the simple truth other than they have to set up certain rules for their inclusive club. But back to why I think this is so important about polygamy. It was practiced by the pagans and Timothy was establishing churches among pagan societies, so Paul wanted to make sure those men elected to such offices of leadership had only one wife instead of multiple wives. Even in the Old Testament times men of God such as David and Solomon were polygamists. Now I do not think it is a good thing for any man of God in this day and age to go around marrying and divorcing and remarrying and divorcing ever time he desires to take another wife instead of the one he has. I understand this could lead to all sorts of problems within the body of Christ. This would not be a good thing for any man in the body of Christ much less one who is in a position of leadership. What kind of example would that be? Plus if children were involved with each of those multiple wives it would be very confusing for him to manage his children and household well. No, I am absolutely in full agreement with having but only one wife and children. Now again, am I being off base here when I think those who serve as deacons must be married with children? A single man or a married man without children does not meet these standards. He must be a husband and he must manage his children and household well. It is not any clearer. I have never served as a deacon. Of course the denomination I am now associated with does not have deacons. I wonder why that is? It is scriptural to have deacons, is it not? Does a church board serve as fulfilling that role? I think not as women serve on the board, which I am not against, but I think it would be very difficult for a woman to be the husband of but one wife. A lot of thoughts here, which I have formed over the years and I think I will not be moved from them either. But the one thing I am very sure about is I serve my Lord in whatever way he desires me to serve. I do not need any title or official position other than “man of God”. If there is one thing I desire is to be a man after Gods own heart. I fail all too often but it is a worthy goal to desire. I am not sure about this result issue of gaining excellent standing. I wonder if that with men or with God? Not that is it not a good thing to have good standing among the body of Christ but I think I would surely what to be in excellent standing with God, which I already and because of Christ. I also know I am very assured, very bold, very outspoken of my faith in Christ. So in the end although I am not titled, I must endeavor to stand before God as one desiring to meet these standards, not for men, but for him.
For Him
1 Tim 3:12-13
12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well. 13 Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.
Here again I must insist this has always referred to the practice of polygamy and not divorce and remarriage as some denominations teach today. I cannot understand why they argue against the simple truth other than they have to set up certain rules for their inclusive club. But back to why I think this is so important about polygamy. It was practiced by the pagans and Timothy was establishing churches among pagan societies, so Paul wanted to make sure those men elected to such offices of leadership had only one wife instead of multiple wives. Even in the Old Testament times men of God such as David and Solomon were polygamists. Now I do not think it is a good thing for any man of God in this day and age to go around marrying and divorcing and remarrying and divorcing ever time he desires to take another wife instead of the one he has. I understand this could lead to all sorts of problems within the body of Christ. This would not be a good thing for any man in the body of Christ much less one who is in a position of leadership. What kind of example would that be? Plus if children were involved with each of those multiple wives it would be very confusing for him to manage his children and household well. No, I am absolutely in full agreement with having but only one wife and children. Now again, am I being off base here when I think those who serve as deacons must be married with children? A single man or a married man without children does not meet these standards. He must be a husband and he must manage his children and household well. It is not any clearer. I have never served as a deacon. Of course the denomination I am now associated with does not have deacons. I wonder why that is? It is scriptural to have deacons, is it not? Does a church board serve as fulfilling that role? I think not as women serve on the board, which I am not against, but I think it would be very difficult for a woman to be the husband of but one wife. A lot of thoughts here, which I have formed over the years and I think I will not be moved from them either. But the one thing I am very sure about is I serve my Lord in whatever way he desires me to serve. I do not need any title or official position other than “man of God”. If there is one thing I desire is to be a man after Gods own heart. I fail all too often but it is a worthy goal to desire. I am not sure about this result issue of gaining excellent standing. I wonder if that with men or with God? Not that is it not a good thing to have good standing among the body of Christ but I think I would surely what to be in excellent standing with God, which I already and because of Christ. I also know I am very assured, very bold, very outspoken of my faith in Christ. So in the end although I am not titled, I must endeavor to stand before God as one desiring to meet these standards, not for men, but for him.
1 Tim 3:12-13
12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well. 13 Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.
Here again I must insist this has always referred to the practice of polygamy and not divorce and remarriage as some denominations teach today. I cannot understand why they argue against the simple truth other than they have to set up certain rules for their inclusive club. But back to why I think this is so important about polygamy. It was practiced by the pagans and Timothy was establishing churches among pagan societies, so Paul wanted to make sure those men elected to such offices of leadership had only one wife instead of multiple wives. Even in the Old Testament times men of God such as David and Solomon were polygamists. Now I do not think it is a good thing for any man of God in this day and age to go around marrying and divorcing and remarrying and divorcing ever time he desires to take another wife instead of the one he has. I understand this could lead to all sorts of problems within the body of Christ. This would not be a good thing for any man in the body of Christ much less one who is in a position of leadership. What kind of example would that be? Plus if children were involved with each of those multiple wives it would be very confusing for him to manage his children and household well. No, I am absolutely in full agreement with having but only one wife and children. Now again, am I being off base here when I think those who serve as deacons must be married with children? A single man or a married man without children does not meet these standards. He must be a husband and he must manage his children and household well. It is not any clearer. I have never served as a deacon. Of course the denomination I am now associated with does not have deacons. I wonder why that is? It is scriptural to have deacons, is it not? Does a church board serve as fulfilling that role? I think not as women serve on the board, which I am not against, but I think it would be very difficult for a woman to be the husband of but one wife. A lot of thoughts here, which I have formed over the years and I think I will not be moved from them either. But the one thing I am very sure about is I serve my Lord in whatever way he desires me to serve. I do not need any title or official position other than “man of God”. If there is one thing I desire is to be a man after Gods own heart. I fail all too often but it is a worthy goal to desire. I am not sure about this result issue of gaining excellent standing. I wonder if that with men or with God? Not that is it not a good thing to have good standing among the body of Christ but I think I would surely what to be in excellent standing with God, which I already and because of Christ. I also know I am very assured, very bold, very outspoken of my faith in Christ. So in the end although I am not titled, I must endeavor to stand before God as one desiring to meet these standards, not for men, but for him.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
1 Tim 3:11
11 In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.
At first, in my early days of being a believer I wondered why there was a break in the standards set out for deacon filled with this comment regarding his wife. Of, course once again this surely has nothing to do with my personal relationship with the Lord and so I should simply skip seeking any truths here for myself and simply see this as something woman need to pay close attention to. But, of course I cannot do that as the pastor, teacher in me has to make sense of this just in case someone reads it. First and foremost I notice that deacons should be married men. I do not think if I were single I would have the same sense of peace and fulfillment in the physical realm as I do being married. A single man has thoughts and desires that cannot be fulfilled which I believe would hamper his ability to serve in this capacity. I know Paul makes a point in the other direction, about single is better, yet here a deacon has a wife, which Paul also says that if he cannot control those desires he should marry. Now these women who are married to such men who serve the body of Christ in this manner are surely not without standards. It is set out clear and simply as to how they are to behave. Now, again I think I am in danger when I contemplate not seeing any standards for deaconess’s and thus might be standing opposed to the post modern church. Could I be wrong about this? Am I standing all alone on this idea that it is men who are called by God to lead and it is the women who are the supporting person, not behind the scenes, but supporting out front being an example to other women by living out these standards. That does sound so chauvinistic, but I know I am not. I have always said that I believe men and woman are equal beings in the eyes of God with different roles. I do not think that I look down on women in any way. But at the same time the scripture is what it is, and it clearly does not make room for women to occupy positions of spiritual leadership over men. I think what this verse does is help clarify Gods order for his creation. I can live with that, but I know more is coming regarding addition standards for men who are called to be deacons. I think it is imperative whenever men are considered by the congregation to serve in this capacity their wives must be a part of the election process. That is their wives should be examined to see if these standards are being lived out and if not then that man is not qualified and should not be elected for if his wife is not such then I do not think God would call him either. If I cannot say that I am my wife are one, I am not worthy either. It is all about worthy.
1 Tim 3:11
11 In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.
At first, in my early days of being a believer I wondered why there was a break in the standards set out for deacon filled with this comment regarding his wife. Of, course once again this surely has nothing to do with my personal relationship with the Lord and so I should simply skip seeking any truths here for myself and simply see this as something woman need to pay close attention to. But, of course I cannot do that as the pastor, teacher in me has to make sense of this just in case someone reads it. First and foremost I notice that deacons should be married men. I do not think if I were single I would have the same sense of peace and fulfillment in the physical realm as I do being married. A single man has thoughts and desires that cannot be fulfilled which I believe would hamper his ability to serve in this capacity. I know Paul makes a point in the other direction, about single is better, yet here a deacon has a wife, which Paul also says that if he cannot control those desires he should marry. Now these women who are married to such men who serve the body of Christ in this manner are surely not without standards. It is set out clear and simply as to how they are to behave. Now, again I think I am in danger when I contemplate not seeing any standards for deaconess’s and thus might be standing opposed to the post modern church. Could I be wrong about this? Am I standing all alone on this idea that it is men who are called by God to lead and it is the women who are the supporting person, not behind the scenes, but supporting out front being an example to other women by living out these standards. That does sound so chauvinistic, but I know I am not. I have always said that I believe men and woman are equal beings in the eyes of God with different roles. I do not think that I look down on women in any way. But at the same time the scripture is what it is, and it clearly does not make room for women to occupy positions of spiritual leadership over men. I think what this verse does is help clarify Gods order for his creation. I can live with that, but I know more is coming regarding addition standards for men who are called to be deacons. I think it is imperative whenever men are considered by the congregation to serve in this capacity their wives must be a part of the election process. That is their wives should be examined to see if these standards are being lived out and if not then that man is not qualified and should not be elected for if his wife is not such then I do not think God would call him either. If I cannot say that I am my wife are one, I am not worthy either. It is all about worthy.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Of God
1 Tim 3:8-10
8 Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. 9 They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.
It appears there are different positions of leadership within the church as this word deacon is also used as to denote those who serve tables and those who pastor. Ay servant of the church needs to pay attention to these qualifications I would think. I think it would be wise for any man to consider living accordingly. To be worthy of respect, to be honorable may not be a goal I should strive for as I think that would be prideful, but at the same time if I live my life in an honorable way because I desire to please God and that brings about the respect of others as a result of my desire to please God, then being respected is for the right reasons. Yet still I think it might be difficult to even think if I am respected or not. I mean I should not think if I am or nor for that thinking about might well be self serving rather than God serving. As far as being sincere, my joking around has nothing to do with it. I do like to bring laughter and light heartedness into conversations. Laughter is like a medicine, it does good to the soul. But this sincere simply means not to be double-tongued or tell a different story. I would think that means say what I mean and mean what I say, which I think I am fairly good about. I am not sure if I can say I have never said one thing and done another or vice versa. I hope that I do not do that, but I honestly cannot remember everything I have ever said or done. So I can only move forward from here and try my very best to be sincere at all times. I surely know without question that I am as sincere as a heart attack when I preach the word. I do not mix words, or double talk. I declare it straight up and straight forward without any different story. The truth is the truth. Again this wine issue is what it is. Some denominational rules frown on fermented beverages being consumed at all, and that is their right I suppose. But the word of God does not frown on the consumption, just the over indulgence of wine, even for those in leadership roles. I am not sure why the frowning unless it was at one time consider an act of separation from the general society, but believers do so much of what the general society does it seems to me they simply picked one issue which they could abstain from. I know I am not in the business of pursuing any dishonest gain, so I am not even going to deal with it as an issue in my life. I may not even being pursuing gain. Maybe that is a fault. One fault I am sure I do not have is not holding to the deep truth of God. Maybe I stand too firm on the truth. I have been accused of being closed minded about the word of God. I have been accused of not giving any credence to degreed men, supposed scholars, or theologians. I am not given to be blow back and forth by every new idea of what the scripture is saying, especially like from men such as Rob Bell. I hold to the deep truth of God the Holy Spirit has revealed to me. I have learned from men I trust to be of the same holding, but I am extremely against those who would use the word for personal gain. I say test or approve me, but I rely more on the approval of God. I stand on his approval as one who has been called to be used by him for him and for his purposes. If men agree with God so be it, but I really do not need the approval of me, but only of God.
1 Tim 3:8-10
8 Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. 9 They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.
It appears there are different positions of leadership within the church as this word deacon is also used as to denote those who serve tables and those who pastor. Ay servant of the church needs to pay attention to these qualifications I would think. I think it would be wise for any man to consider living accordingly. To be worthy of respect, to be honorable may not be a goal I should strive for as I think that would be prideful, but at the same time if I live my life in an honorable way because I desire to please God and that brings about the respect of others as a result of my desire to please God, then being respected is for the right reasons. Yet still I think it might be difficult to even think if I am respected or not. I mean I should not think if I am or nor for that thinking about might well be self serving rather than God serving. As far as being sincere, my joking around has nothing to do with it. I do like to bring laughter and light heartedness into conversations. Laughter is like a medicine, it does good to the soul. But this sincere simply means not to be double-tongued or tell a different story. I would think that means say what I mean and mean what I say, which I think I am fairly good about. I am not sure if I can say I have never said one thing and done another or vice versa. I hope that I do not do that, but I honestly cannot remember everything I have ever said or done. So I can only move forward from here and try my very best to be sincere at all times. I surely know without question that I am as sincere as a heart attack when I preach the word. I do not mix words, or double talk. I declare it straight up and straight forward without any different story. The truth is the truth. Again this wine issue is what it is. Some denominational rules frown on fermented beverages being consumed at all, and that is their right I suppose. But the word of God does not frown on the consumption, just the over indulgence of wine, even for those in leadership roles. I am not sure why the frowning unless it was at one time consider an act of separation from the general society, but believers do so much of what the general society does it seems to me they simply picked one issue which they could abstain from. I know I am not in the business of pursuing any dishonest gain, so I am not even going to deal with it as an issue in my life. I may not even being pursuing gain. Maybe that is a fault. One fault I am sure I do not have is not holding to the deep truth of God. Maybe I stand too firm on the truth. I have been accused of being closed minded about the word of God. I have been accused of not giving any credence to degreed men, supposed scholars, or theologians. I am not given to be blow back and forth by every new idea of what the scripture is saying, especially like from men such as Rob Bell. I hold to the deep truth of God the Holy Spirit has revealed to me. I have learned from men I trust to be of the same holding, but I am extremely against those who would use the word for personal gain. I say test or approve me, but I rely more on the approval of God. I stand on his approval as one who has been called to be used by him for him and for his purposes. If men agree with God so be it, but I really do not need the approval of me, but only of God.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
1 Tim 3:6-7
6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.
I certainly do not fall into the category of being a recent covert as I have been a Christ follower since 1973. That is an astonishing thirty-eight years which has been filled with miracles one after another. It also has been enough time to know that having God use me in any leadership role is an awesome and humbling experience. There can be absolutely no conceit as I am painfully aware of the imperfection of the human condition. What person who has been called by God to any position of leadership could ever think it is because he has become a perfect man and thus be filled with conceit. I can understand how someone who has just accepted Christ might think he is special because he has been called into leadership. But after a few years I think the realization of his human condition would certainly dispel any thoughts of conceit. After all these years I am very aware I have within me not a shred of ability of my own. All that I am is because of my Lord and Savior, not that I am much. But what I am is because of him. Now I am not sure exactly what I am in that sense of being any kind of leader. I know I carry concerns regarding rightly dividing the word and the amount of false teachings which are infiltrating the body of Christ. Now if my concerns are shaping up as a portion of leadership than it is due to the direction of the Holy Spirit. I do wonder at times if I have a good reputation with outsiders. I think with some I do and maybe with some others I may not. Maybe those on the do not side are those who are in sharp disagreement with the word of God. Although some who still are in disagreement have a certain affinity toward me. I think maybe the point here is that I am to have a reputation with outsiders. That is I am not to shut myself up within the four walls of Christianity among just the fellow believers, but I am to be out and about among the outsiders being the salt the light and the mirror reflecting Christ to those who have not yet accepted him. If I am to be any kind of leader of other believers than I am to lead in this area as well is the point I think this is making. Those outside the church must see a humble servant of God in any person who is in any role of leadership within the church. The arrogance of some who seek after a massive group of followers and broadcast their feel good messages are far beyond what I believe is true leadership as outlined here. That may be judgmental but I believe as a leader I should expose those wolfs in sheep’s clothing. A humble heart and a good reputation are essentials.
1 Tim 3:6-7
6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.
I certainly do not fall into the category of being a recent covert as I have been a Christ follower since 1973. That is an astonishing thirty-eight years which has been filled with miracles one after another. It also has been enough time to know that having God use me in any leadership role is an awesome and humbling experience. There can be absolutely no conceit as I am painfully aware of the imperfection of the human condition. What person who has been called by God to any position of leadership could ever think it is because he has become a perfect man and thus be filled with conceit. I can understand how someone who has just accepted Christ might think he is special because he has been called into leadership. But after a few years I think the realization of his human condition would certainly dispel any thoughts of conceit. After all these years I am very aware I have within me not a shred of ability of my own. All that I am is because of my Lord and Savior, not that I am much. But what I am is because of him. Now I am not sure exactly what I am in that sense of being any kind of leader. I know I carry concerns regarding rightly dividing the word and the amount of false teachings which are infiltrating the body of Christ. Now if my concerns are shaping up as a portion of leadership than it is due to the direction of the Holy Spirit. I do wonder at times if I have a good reputation with outsiders. I think with some I do and maybe with some others I may not. Maybe those on the do not side are those who are in sharp disagreement with the word of God. Although some who still are in disagreement have a certain affinity toward me. I think maybe the point here is that I am to have a reputation with outsiders. That is I am not to shut myself up within the four walls of Christianity among just the fellow believers, but I am to be out and about among the outsiders being the salt the light and the mirror reflecting Christ to those who have not yet accepted him. If I am to be any kind of leader of other believers than I am to lead in this area as well is the point I think this is making. Those outside the church must see a humble servant of God in any person who is in any role of leadership within the church. The arrogance of some who seek after a massive group of followers and broadcast their feel good messages are far beyond what I believe is true leadership as outlined here. That may be judgmental but I believe as a leader I should expose those wolfs in sheep’s clothing. A humble heart and a good reputation are essentials.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
To Lead
1 Tim 3:4-5
4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. 5(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)
I am not sure just what type of managing of family is implied here. I know the Greek word certainly leans toward to preside or rule, to stand before in rank. This would than me I am to be the highest ranking member of my household. I think this would certainly coincide with other scriptures which denote me as the head of my family especially my wife. That authority has been given by God because he also holds me accountable for her as well. As my children are grown and married it would be difficult for me to manage them at this point of their lives. Although I have a friend who feels he still is in the managing business and that will never cease, I cannot. My daughters are now in the position of being under the authority and responsibility of the men of God who have been charged with these same words. Now can I guide these men? I suppose in a certain sense yes, but only if they are guidable, that is open to and willing to accept counsel. Did I manage my children when they were under my roof? I think so, especially in directing their lives toward God. Now I am seeing the fruit of that labor, in being able to watch them guide their children toward God. So here I am left with but only my wife to manage, to rule over in a sense, to guide and direct in the path God desires. I am the head of her and I cannot escape it, not that I want to. But that carries so much responsibility far beyond my human efforts can achieve. I fail to be the husband I should be all too often. My old self still struggles for control and it is not in favor of doing the things or being the person God desires. I need more of the Holy Spirit and much less of me in order for that to be accomplished. I think most of the time I am on the right path in my leadership of family, but there are still times when I slip and fall off the right path. I stumble and crash in the ravine. Perfection has eluded me. Does God except perfection in this area in order for me to have spiritual authority within the body of Christ? Even those men who are in spiritual authority have had perfection elude them. No man is perfect and thus I think it would be safe to think if my intentions or desires to be the husband God requires are in line with him, and my motives are right I am moving in the right direction. Yet I still need more of the Spirit. I am not sure it is that I have to try harder, but I have to yield more to him if I am to lead.
1 Tim 3:4-5
4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. 5(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)
I am not sure just what type of managing of family is implied here. I know the Greek word certainly leans toward to preside or rule, to stand before in rank. This would than me I am to be the highest ranking member of my household. I think this would certainly coincide with other scriptures which denote me as the head of my family especially my wife. That authority has been given by God because he also holds me accountable for her as well. As my children are grown and married it would be difficult for me to manage them at this point of their lives. Although I have a friend who feels he still is in the managing business and that will never cease, I cannot. My daughters are now in the position of being under the authority and responsibility of the men of God who have been charged with these same words. Now can I guide these men? I suppose in a certain sense yes, but only if they are guidable, that is open to and willing to accept counsel. Did I manage my children when they were under my roof? I think so, especially in directing their lives toward God. Now I am seeing the fruit of that labor, in being able to watch them guide their children toward God. So here I am left with but only my wife to manage, to rule over in a sense, to guide and direct in the path God desires. I am the head of her and I cannot escape it, not that I want to. But that carries so much responsibility far beyond my human efforts can achieve. I fail to be the husband I should be all too often. My old self still struggles for control and it is not in favor of doing the things or being the person God desires. I need more of the Holy Spirit and much less of me in order for that to be accomplished. I think most of the time I am on the right path in my leadership of family, but there are still times when I slip and fall off the right path. I stumble and crash in the ravine. Perfection has eluded me. Does God except perfection in this area in order for me to have spiritual authority within the body of Christ? Even those men who are in spiritual authority have had perfection elude them. No man is perfect and thus I think it would be safe to think if my intentions or desires to be the husband God requires are in line with him, and my motives are right I am moving in the right direction. Yet I still need more of the Spirit. I am not sure it is that I have to try harder, but I have to yield more to him if I am to lead.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Drunk On Him
1 Tim 3:3-4
3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.
There has been and still is so much controversy over this first statement, not given to wine. So many believers have taken that so far to the extreme it has become as if they are under the law. I cannot follow that course of life as I have been free from the law. Now do I think I ought to get drunk and be a brawler, a man under the control of wine and becoming a loud mouth man, inciting arguments and physical violence? No, absolutely not! That is the whole of the idea here for the man given the calling of being responsible for the spiritual growth and well being of others. I am going to go out on a limb here, for anyone who reads this besides myself, I believe there is a massive difference between having a few glasses of wine and having so much that I become drunk, violent, and quarrelsome because of the great volume of wine consumed. I believe it is not the wine, but the effects of too much which certainly could cause some personalities to become abusive both verbally and physically. Abstinence has become the law in many causes among believers because of the negative connotation of being a drunkard. It is almost a point of spiritual pride to claim my lips have never touched wine. Yet it appears to me this is not the standard set out here by God. I think I would much rather met God’s standard than man’s law. I am especially amazed how some believers can make such a huge deal over wine when they completely ignore the not being a lover of money thing. I do not love wine or money, yet I have both. I have some wine and I have some money, but I love neither one. Neither controls my life. I do not place any value on either. The only item of value is my relationship with my God. If that is in order I surely will not became violent or quarrelsome because of the consumption of an abundance of wine, but I will remain a gentleman. If that relationship with my Lord is in order I also will not become consumed with the love for money. I will not place so much value on money that I attempt to accumulate as much as I can for some future time I am not even guaranteed I will have. I think sometimes it is so easy to take my eyes off of God when money is at hand. Sure I have worked all my life to support my family. Sure I have had to have some quality of money to buy those things to sustain life here on earth. But my source is not this money but God for all I am and all I have. I am drunk on him.
1 Tim 3:3-4
3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.
There has been and still is so much controversy over this first statement, not given to wine. So many believers have taken that so far to the extreme it has become as if they are under the law. I cannot follow that course of life as I have been free from the law. Now do I think I ought to get drunk and be a brawler, a man under the control of wine and becoming a loud mouth man, inciting arguments and physical violence? No, absolutely not! That is the whole of the idea here for the man given the calling of being responsible for the spiritual growth and well being of others. I am going to go out on a limb here, for anyone who reads this besides myself, I believe there is a massive difference between having a few glasses of wine and having so much that I become drunk, violent, and quarrelsome because of the great volume of wine consumed. I believe it is not the wine, but the effects of too much which certainly could cause some personalities to become abusive both verbally and physically. Abstinence has become the law in many causes among believers because of the negative connotation of being a drunkard. It is almost a point of spiritual pride to claim my lips have never touched wine. Yet it appears to me this is not the standard set out here by God. I think I would much rather met God’s standard than man’s law. I am especially amazed how some believers can make such a huge deal over wine when they completely ignore the not being a lover of money thing. I do not love wine or money, yet I have both. I have some wine and I have some money, but I love neither one. Neither controls my life. I do not place any value on either. The only item of value is my relationship with my God. If that is in order I surely will not became violent or quarrelsome because of the consumption of an abundance of wine, but I will remain a gentleman. If that relationship with my Lord is in order I also will not become consumed with the love for money. I will not place so much value on money that I attempt to accumulate as much as I can for some future time I am not even guaranteed I will have. I think sometimes it is so easy to take my eyes off of God when money is at hand. Sure I have worked all my life to support my family. Sure I have had to have some quality of money to buy those things to sustain life here on earth. But my source is not this money but God for all I am and all I have. I am drunk on him.
Monday, June 13, 2011
All Christ
1 Tim 3:2-3
2 Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,
Although I dealt with the whole of meeting a these set of standards I think it worthy of exampling these standards in a bit of detail. To be above reproach seems to be an outward action of an inward behavior of actually being blameless, that is not guilty of any offense against others. I do not know how I could never offend another, except of course I am considered by God to be innocent, blameless because of Christ. But I think this actually refers to my actions toward others. As far as I know I am only married to one wife and it should pose no problem for me to comply with this standard. I know polygamy was practiced in those days among the gentiles and perhaps this was what this standard was being spoken to. I know some denominations see this as now allowing for a divorced and remarried man to qualify for this calling, but they are just dead wrong in their position. Now as far as being temperate or vigilant, that is being circumspect, I think it would be difficult to judge. I think I am, but then it is I who is thinking it, and that alone poses some problems for me. I also think when I research into the Greek it gives a greater insight to how I am to behave when it says I should be self controlled. Seeing that I need to be of a sound mind, which includes being moderate as to opinion or passion, I think I have failed at that. I certainly cannot say I do not have passion about my opinions. I am not a middle of the roader in my thoughts about God’s Holy Word. Now having said that I think I should not become violate in my conversations especially with unbelievers about his word. Here is where I need that self control, that sound mind, that voice quiet voice of reason void of passion. This would certainly aid in having respect among people or maybe not. I know I cannot be void of my passion when I preach his word. The Holy Spirit so moves me beyond my own self, I think I am not me. I would I am respectable or orderly among my fellow believers, as well as among those unbelievers I mingle with. Again I really cannot judge that as it is I who is doing the judging of me. Am I found of guests? Sometimes, but I do find it difficult to caring on a conversation of small talk. I do like to get together with some of my fellow believers, and even with some people who do not believe, but to say I am given to be a great host, I cannot. I do not think I am, yet I am thinking if I am to meet these standards, I need to either work on that more, or allow the Holy Spirit to work in my more. When I think about the issue about my being able teach, I have no doubts for I know of whom I teach and also know I have the Holy Spirit to empower that which I speak of. Is that prideful? I think not for I am able to do nothing unless I am connected to the vine. And is I am connected I will bear much fruit, and I will be able to teach. But it all Christ.
1 Tim 3:2-3
2 Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,
Although I dealt with the whole of meeting a these set of standards I think it worthy of exampling these standards in a bit of detail. To be above reproach seems to be an outward action of an inward behavior of actually being blameless, that is not guilty of any offense against others. I do not know how I could never offend another, except of course I am considered by God to be innocent, blameless because of Christ. But I think this actually refers to my actions toward others. As far as I know I am only married to one wife and it should pose no problem for me to comply with this standard. I know polygamy was practiced in those days among the gentiles and perhaps this was what this standard was being spoken to. I know some denominations see this as now allowing for a divorced and remarried man to qualify for this calling, but they are just dead wrong in their position. Now as far as being temperate or vigilant, that is being circumspect, I think it would be difficult to judge. I think I am, but then it is I who is thinking it, and that alone poses some problems for me. I also think when I research into the Greek it gives a greater insight to how I am to behave when it says I should be self controlled. Seeing that I need to be of a sound mind, which includes being moderate as to opinion or passion, I think I have failed at that. I certainly cannot say I do not have passion about my opinions. I am not a middle of the roader in my thoughts about God’s Holy Word. Now having said that I think I should not become violate in my conversations especially with unbelievers about his word. Here is where I need that self control, that sound mind, that voice quiet voice of reason void of passion. This would certainly aid in having respect among people or maybe not. I know I cannot be void of my passion when I preach his word. The Holy Spirit so moves me beyond my own self, I think I am not me. I would I am respectable or orderly among my fellow believers, as well as among those unbelievers I mingle with. Again I really cannot judge that as it is I who is doing the judging of me. Am I found of guests? Sometimes, but I do find it difficult to caring on a conversation of small talk. I do like to get together with some of my fellow believers, and even with some people who do not believe, but to say I am given to be a great host, I cannot. I do not think I am, yet I am thinking if I am to meet these standards, I need to either work on that more, or allow the Holy Spirit to work in my more. When I think about the issue about my being able teach, I have no doubts for I know of whom I teach and also know I have the Holy Spirit to empower that which I speak of. Is that prideful? I think not for I am able to do nothing unless I am connected to the vine. And is I am connected I will bear much fruit, and I will be able to teach. But it all Christ.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Set My Heart
1 Tim 3:1-7
3:1 Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task. 2 Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. 5(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?) 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.
It is difficult to separate all this out. I need to keep it all together as it strictly deals with but one issue, the overseer, the person who is in charge of the church. Now as I am not one of these people or think I will ever be one of these people, I see absolutely no value in what this has to do with me. If I am not careful all this would serve is to cause me to judge whether people who serve in this capacity are fulfilling all these requirements. Perhaps that is one of the purposes of these words. It is my responsibility to be under the authority of the man God appointed to shepherd the local church. But this I do not believe is the office of shepherd, but rather the office of bishop, a higher position in the realm of Christendom. Although I think in today’s view this has been applied to Pastors, or Elders. Still, if I am to sit under the teaching and leadership of a man, he ought to meet these standards. Therefore I am in need of being watchful of who leads the church. I should check to see if the man who occupies that office strives to fulfill the requirements set out here. Now it is not a bad thing for me to also live according to the same standards. I think it would serve me well to seek those qualities in my own life. I wonder if God regards in some sense all men who serve in a leadership, shepherding, teaching, preaching roll as men who need to fulfill these standards. Because I do such, because I have the opportunity and the privilege to preach from his word, I suppose it would be right for me to consider well these words and apply them to my life. I certainly am not in charge of the church, but if I preach, I have some charge over those under my voice, at least a charge by God to speak his truth. I have in some sense a spiritual responsibility or at least held accountable by God for what I teach and preach. I think I could just ignore these standards as well and just believe they only apply to those few chosen men who actually lead the church. Maybe I should just do that and forget about them as they may not apply to me. Whether they do or not may be nothing more than supposition on my part. Yet the Spirit bears witness to them as applying to me. So I set my heart.
1 Tim 3:1-7
3:1 Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task. 2 Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. 5(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?) 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.
It is difficult to separate all this out. I need to keep it all together as it strictly deals with but one issue, the overseer, the person who is in charge of the church. Now as I am not one of these people or think I will ever be one of these people, I see absolutely no value in what this has to do with me. If I am not careful all this would serve is to cause me to judge whether people who serve in this capacity are fulfilling all these requirements. Perhaps that is one of the purposes of these words. It is my responsibility to be under the authority of the man God appointed to shepherd the local church. But this I do not believe is the office of shepherd, but rather the office of bishop, a higher position in the realm of Christendom. Although I think in today’s view this has been applied to Pastors, or Elders. Still, if I am to sit under the teaching and leadership of a man, he ought to meet these standards. Therefore I am in need of being watchful of who leads the church. I should check to see if the man who occupies that office strives to fulfill the requirements set out here. Now it is not a bad thing for me to also live according to the same standards. I think it would serve me well to seek those qualities in my own life. I wonder if God regards in some sense all men who serve in a leadership, shepherding, teaching, preaching roll as men who need to fulfill these standards. Because I do such, because I have the opportunity and the privilege to preach from his word, I suppose it would be right for me to consider well these words and apply them to my life. I certainly am not in charge of the church, but if I preach, I have some charge over those under my voice, at least a charge by God to speak his truth. I have in some sense a spiritual responsibility or at least held accountable by God for what I teach and preach. I think I could just ignore these standards as well and just believe they only apply to those few chosen men who actually lead the church. Maybe I should just do that and forget about them as they may not apply to me. Whether they do or not may be nothing more than supposition on my part. Yet the Spirit bears witness to them as applying to me. So I set my heart.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
1 Tim 2:11-15
11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing — if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
Do I dare even deal with this as is speaks directly to women rather than to my life. Yet in a certain sense it does make some assumptions regarding me. If I am to observe this statute of God, than I should not empower women in positions of leadership, which includes men. Now of course, I understand the position of the post modern church and that it could be said this was written during times when women were not consider as equals with men which is such the case now, at least in our society. I also think the church has decided to abandon this concept due to the fear of offending woman and losing most of its congregation. I do not understand how woman can refuse to consider this portion of scripture but decide other portions are true. Now I also believe men have relinquished their rightful positions in the family in a lot of cases. This may be at the core of woman taking on a leadership role out of necessity in the family and in turn that has expanded into the general society and has infiltrated into the church. The question is how I respond as a man to women who have been granted leadership in the church. How do I respond toward the church who has granted that leadership? Although I may have been somewhat complacent in the past, I do not think I am going to be able to remain so. If I speak up I am sure I will be considered either a hieratic or a chauvinist at least. If I am to obey this instruction, I can simply never place myself in a position where a woman is in leadership. I can refuse to accept the authority she is exerting over others. This is so unpopular thinking in this day and age, yet what am I to do, ignore this? Should I just write it off as a ranting of Paul, or should I embrace this as the word of God? I cannot deny the ability of women to achieve such greatness. Many women have done great things. Someday we may even have a woman President. But it still remains a truth of God; women should not have spiritual authority over men. The man is spiritually responsible for his family. If I neglect that responsibility it then becomes my fault if my wife tries to assume it. If within the church, men neglect to accept that responsibility it may well be why woman are seeking that role. As far as it concerns me I must live under this truth. I do not want to be in danger.
1 Tim 2:11-15
11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing — if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
Do I dare even deal with this as is speaks directly to women rather than to my life. Yet in a certain sense it does make some assumptions regarding me. If I am to observe this statute of God, than I should not empower women in positions of leadership, which includes men. Now of course, I understand the position of the post modern church and that it could be said this was written during times when women were not consider as equals with men which is such the case now, at least in our society. I also think the church has decided to abandon this concept due to the fear of offending woman and losing most of its congregation. I do not understand how woman can refuse to consider this portion of scripture but decide other portions are true. Now I also believe men have relinquished their rightful positions in the family in a lot of cases. This may be at the core of woman taking on a leadership role out of necessity in the family and in turn that has expanded into the general society and has infiltrated into the church. The question is how I respond as a man to women who have been granted leadership in the church. How do I respond toward the church who has granted that leadership? Although I may have been somewhat complacent in the past, I do not think I am going to be able to remain so. If I speak up I am sure I will be considered either a hieratic or a chauvinist at least. If I am to obey this instruction, I can simply never place myself in a position where a woman is in leadership. I can refuse to accept the authority she is exerting over others. This is so unpopular thinking in this day and age, yet what am I to do, ignore this? Should I just write it off as a ranting of Paul, or should I embrace this as the word of God? I cannot deny the ability of women to achieve such greatness. Many women have done great things. Someday we may even have a woman President. But it still remains a truth of God; women should not have spiritual authority over men. The man is spiritually responsible for his family. If I neglect that responsibility it then becomes my fault if my wife tries to assume it. If within the church, men neglect to accept that responsibility it may well be why woman are seeking that role. As far as it concerns me I must live under this truth. I do not want to be in danger.
Friday, June 10, 2011
On Guard
1 Tim 2:9-10
9 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.
A time long past has this ever been obeyed. Certainly the older women follow this, at least most of them I am aware of. But the younger with their youthful beauty and slender forms expose far too much of their form then they should. What I have a difficult time with is the parents of this day allowing their little Barbie doll girl to dress so un-modestly especially while attending the house of worship. I do not know how the young men are not tempted beyond reason by the inappropriateness of these young ladies dress. I see absolutely no decency or propriety in their clothing at all. Has the church gone mad? Is there no teaching on this verse among the young girls? Even the young adult women are not abiding by this concept. I am amazed by how they can present themselves to not only fellow believers, but I suppose to the unsaved among the world. Is this a witness for Christ? Being a man, temptations are all around and certainly I do not need them when I am in the midst of the body of Christ, especially in the middle of worship with the sanctuary. Even some of the younger woman who lead worship, I think dress outside the realm of this verse. How can this be? I am sure other men think this or at least should. These words only speak to my heart regarding temptations which are thrust at me by the inappropriate dress of women. I must continually look away and this should not be in especially in church. Although I surely resist temptations, why should I have to? Why do women not abide by this command of God? I think many attempts to dress with style having been persuaded by the world rather than by God. I know I have my faults, and I should not judge these woman and their appearances. I do, however, think they are influence far too much by the fashion trends of this world. I do not know if they are aware of the temptation they cause men. Should the church function the same way in the concept of attempting to attract a mate? I have to get off this idea; it is turning into judging the more I contemplate upon it. All I can do it guard my own self against such clad women.
1 Tim 2:9-10
9 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.
A time long past has this ever been obeyed. Certainly the older women follow this, at least most of them I am aware of. But the younger with their youthful beauty and slender forms expose far too much of their form then they should. What I have a difficult time with is the parents of this day allowing their little Barbie doll girl to dress so un-modestly especially while attending the house of worship. I do not know how the young men are not tempted beyond reason by the inappropriateness of these young ladies dress. I see absolutely no decency or propriety in their clothing at all. Has the church gone mad? Is there no teaching on this verse among the young girls? Even the young adult women are not abiding by this concept. I am amazed by how they can present themselves to not only fellow believers, but I suppose to the unsaved among the world. Is this a witness for Christ? Being a man, temptations are all around and certainly I do not need them when I am in the midst of the body of Christ, especially in the middle of worship with the sanctuary. Even some of the younger woman who lead worship, I think dress outside the realm of this verse. How can this be? I am sure other men think this or at least should. These words only speak to my heart regarding temptations which are thrust at me by the inappropriate dress of women. I must continually look away and this should not be in especially in church. Although I surely resist temptations, why should I have to? Why do women not abide by this command of God? I think many attempts to dress with style having been persuaded by the world rather than by God. I know I have my faults, and I should not judge these woman and their appearances. I do, however, think they are influence far too much by the fashion trends of this world. I do not know if they are aware of the temptation they cause men. Should the church function the same way in the concept of attempting to attract a mate? I have to get off this idea; it is turning into judging the more I contemplate upon it. All I can do it guard my own self against such clad women.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Lifting Up
1 Tim 2:8
8 I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.
If there was ever any doubt this surely ought to put an end to it. Of course at this point in my life I have no doubts. God desires that all men lift up holy hands in prayer. This would have to mean as he has already stated he desires all men to be saved. Now if all were saved they could then lift up their holy hands. I certainly cannot do that while I am driving, but I am absolutely involved in this activity during the time of worship with my fellow believers. I cannot understand how anyone can sit on their hands while supposedly singing and praising God. How can I not raise my hands? How can I not lift up my hands toward the Almighty God in worship and adoration? Now I suppose if it would be difficult to lift my hands toward God is I am in the midst of being disobedient experiencing some sort of anger toward a fellow believer or involved in some kind of dispute or disagreement about a particular issue. If I am so upset over how someone has either done or not done something I think they should have or not should have how can I stand in prayer lifting up my unholy hands toward God? No, I am convinced all that nonsense is irrelevant to my having to worship him in prayer. I have to put everything aside, all feelings that might even ever be considered in any form anger or disputing in order to truly lift up my holy hands unto my Lord and King. Forgiveness of all and everything has to be within my mind and spirit. A pure heart free from thoughts regarding any offense toward me, or even by me which resulted in dispute or anger on the part of another must be within in order to lift up my holy hands. Seeking forgiveness for those offenses I caused must also be immediately resolved in order for both me and the other to be able to lift up holy hands. If I am the cause for someone to experience anger or dispute toward to with me I am in disobedience as well. This is not an easy task for I am thinking it requires a totally non selfish attitude. I cannot be concerned about how I feel that my feelings might be hurt. I think selfishness is the root cause for this anger and disputing. I also think maybe, just maybe selfishness might be one of the reasons, of not the reason holy hands are not lifted up. Maybe people feel embarrassed lifting their hands. Maybe people think it looks funny, or maybe they just are not willing to set aside self in order to be obedient in lifting up their holy hands in prayer and worship of almighty God. I cannot judge what the reason is for others, but I can surely judge my own reasons and I cannot find any worthy excuse not to lift my holy hands toward God in prayer.
1 Tim 2:8
8 I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.
If there was ever any doubt this surely ought to put an end to it. Of course at this point in my life I have no doubts. God desires that all men lift up holy hands in prayer. This would have to mean as he has already stated he desires all men to be saved. Now if all were saved they could then lift up their holy hands. I certainly cannot do that while I am driving, but I am absolutely involved in this activity during the time of worship with my fellow believers. I cannot understand how anyone can sit on their hands while supposedly singing and praising God. How can I not raise my hands? How can I not lift up my hands toward the Almighty God in worship and adoration? Now I suppose if it would be difficult to lift my hands toward God is I am in the midst of being disobedient experiencing some sort of anger toward a fellow believer or involved in some kind of dispute or disagreement about a particular issue. If I am so upset over how someone has either done or not done something I think they should have or not should have how can I stand in prayer lifting up my unholy hands toward God? No, I am convinced all that nonsense is irrelevant to my having to worship him in prayer. I have to put everything aside, all feelings that might even ever be considered in any form anger or disputing in order to truly lift up my holy hands unto my Lord and King. Forgiveness of all and everything has to be within my mind and spirit. A pure heart free from thoughts regarding any offense toward me, or even by me which resulted in dispute or anger on the part of another must be within in order to lift up my holy hands. Seeking forgiveness for those offenses I caused must also be immediately resolved in order for both me and the other to be able to lift up holy hands. If I am the cause for someone to experience anger or dispute toward to with me I am in disobedience as well. This is not an easy task for I am thinking it requires a totally non selfish attitude. I cannot be concerned about how I feel that my feelings might be hurt. I think selfishness is the root cause for this anger and disputing. I also think maybe, just maybe selfishness might be one of the reasons, of not the reason holy hands are not lifted up. Maybe people feel embarrassed lifting their hands. Maybe people think it looks funny, or maybe they just are not willing to set aside self in order to be obedient in lifting up their holy hands in prayer and worship of almighty God. I cannot judge what the reason is for others, but I can surely judge my own reasons and I cannot find any worthy excuse not to lift my holy hands toward God in prayer.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Proclaim it!
1 Tim 2:5-7
5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all men — the testimony given in its proper time. 7 And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle — I am telling the truth, I am not lying — and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles.
It certainly is clear as it can be and I have absolute confidence that Jesus Christ is my only way to the God the Father. There is without question, no doubt in my mind or spirit regarding this truth. I am positively convinced of this fact. I don’t know of any other words to describe my position or understanding of this one irrefutable truth, Jesus is the one and only way to God. No man can go to the Father except through Christ. The question I have to ask, however, is why these words about Paul’s appointment and his truthfulness are included? What bearing does that have on my life? I certainly accept everything written as God-breathed, so what does God what me to know about myself in this passage? Should I consider myself the same as Paul, at least in the sense of a calling or appointment? Not that I have been appointed as a teacher of the true faith to the gentiles, or have I? Am not I a Gentile? Are not all my friends in Christ Gentiles? Have not I been called to preach, or been appointed a herald, a proclaimer of the divine word? I think so, and I am doing it among Gentiles. I am not sure any Jew has ever heard or read my words regarding the truth of the Gospel. But, again, this also has bearing on all believers in the sense we are all called or appointed to tell the story about Jesus. What believer can keep quiet his mouth about his faith in Christ and that Jesus is the true and one way to eternal life? How could anyone not talk about that? So all are called, all are appointed to proclaim the divine word. That is the truth of this, I am sure. Sure, I am still a learner, but also a teacher or the word. Yes, I have much still to learn, but I have much still to teach. My task of learner the word will never be done, but so is my teaching never done. As with all believers, I must be about my father’s business. There is no retirement from service to my Lord, no sitting back resting on my laurels. No, I must continue to preach, to be an ambassador of Christ, to be a delegate, one sent with a message about Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. The enemy tries his best to shut my mouth, but he will continue to fail, for I have the power of God at work within me, as all believers have. I will never stop telling the truth. I will proclaim it.
1 Tim 2:5-7
5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all men — the testimony given in its proper time. 7 And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle — I am telling the truth, I am not lying — and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles.
It certainly is clear as it can be and I have absolute confidence that Jesus Christ is my only way to the God the Father. There is without question, no doubt in my mind or spirit regarding this truth. I am positively convinced of this fact. I don’t know of any other words to describe my position or understanding of this one irrefutable truth, Jesus is the one and only way to God. No man can go to the Father except through Christ. The question I have to ask, however, is why these words about Paul’s appointment and his truthfulness are included? What bearing does that have on my life? I certainly accept everything written as God-breathed, so what does God what me to know about myself in this passage? Should I consider myself the same as Paul, at least in the sense of a calling or appointment? Not that I have been appointed as a teacher of the true faith to the gentiles, or have I? Am not I a Gentile? Are not all my friends in Christ Gentiles? Have not I been called to preach, or been appointed a herald, a proclaimer of the divine word? I think so, and I am doing it among Gentiles. I am not sure any Jew has ever heard or read my words regarding the truth of the Gospel. But, again, this also has bearing on all believers in the sense we are all called or appointed to tell the story about Jesus. What believer can keep quiet his mouth about his faith in Christ and that Jesus is the true and one way to eternal life? How could anyone not talk about that? So all are called, all are appointed to proclaim the divine word. That is the truth of this, I am sure. Sure, I am still a learner, but also a teacher or the word. Yes, I have much still to learn, but I have much still to teach. My task of learner the word will never be done, but so is my teaching never done. As with all believers, I must be about my father’s business. There is no retirement from service to my Lord, no sitting back resting on my laurels. No, I must continue to preach, to be an ambassador of Christ, to be a delegate, one sent with a message about Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. The enemy tries his best to shut my mouth, but he will continue to fail, for I have the power of God at work within me, as all believers have. I will never stop telling the truth. I will proclaim it.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Speak Up
1 Tim 2:1-5
2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Putting those things about my prayers for everyone, especially those who are in authority comes to the issue of the desire of God for all men to be saved. It is his desire for everyone to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I cannot leave anyone out when I consider this. It is not for me to ignore anyone and simply by my non-words tell them to go to hell. Although I do think it is also my life which should serve as an example of that saving knowledge. My life should reflect those qualities of Christ. I should be living a peaceful and quiet live in all godliness and holiness showing the influence God has upon me. Now, I know some people say that is enough, meaning my life as a Christian is witness enough. But I cannot agree with that if God desires all men to be saved then he also has called his people to be witnesses, not just by living in a manner of godliness and holiness, but to speak up for his kingdom as well. But the real hard line issue which I cannot escape here is in fact he does want all men to be saved. God has not chosen some to be saved and some to be destroyed. God does not want just a few good men as the marines do, not he wants all to be saved. He has not determined who will be in and who will be out, he wants all to be in. That includes all those who are currently living a godless evil perverted lifestyle in either ignorance of the truth of in refusal of it. Now do I have a responsibility to assist God in sharing his truth with some of these people? They certainly cannot even see my peaceful and quiet life of godliness and holiness if I keep to myself and the four walls of my church. Even if that is my only witness, I have to do that by mixing it up with them. I have to live my life out loud in front of them, being involved with them, making friends with them, but also being transparent with them so they may see my life. I cannot simply built up a façade of being holy, I must be, but at the same time also able to gain they trust and not condemn or judge them for I too have walked in their shoes and traveled down the same paths. It matters not to God and does not demission his desire for them to come to the knowledge of the truth and to be saved from destruction, so it should not matter to me either. I must see all people as God does, with love and compassion hoping and praying for them to come to him and when the opportunity is presented to me by the Spirit, speak up!
1 Tim 2:1-5
2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Putting those things about my prayers for everyone, especially those who are in authority comes to the issue of the desire of God for all men to be saved. It is his desire for everyone to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I cannot leave anyone out when I consider this. It is not for me to ignore anyone and simply by my non-words tell them to go to hell. Although I do think it is also my life which should serve as an example of that saving knowledge. My life should reflect those qualities of Christ. I should be living a peaceful and quiet live in all godliness and holiness showing the influence God has upon me. Now, I know some people say that is enough, meaning my life as a Christian is witness enough. But I cannot agree with that if God desires all men to be saved then he also has called his people to be witnesses, not just by living in a manner of godliness and holiness, but to speak up for his kingdom as well. But the real hard line issue which I cannot escape here is in fact he does want all men to be saved. God has not chosen some to be saved and some to be destroyed. God does not want just a few good men as the marines do, not he wants all to be saved. He has not determined who will be in and who will be out, he wants all to be in. That includes all those who are currently living a godless evil perverted lifestyle in either ignorance of the truth of in refusal of it. Now do I have a responsibility to assist God in sharing his truth with some of these people? They certainly cannot even see my peaceful and quiet life of godliness and holiness if I keep to myself and the four walls of my church. Even if that is my only witness, I have to do that by mixing it up with them. I have to live my life out loud in front of them, being involved with them, making friends with them, but also being transparent with them so they may see my life. I cannot simply built up a façade of being holy, I must be, but at the same time also able to gain they trust and not condemn or judge them for I too have walked in their shoes and traveled down the same paths. It matters not to God and does not demission his desire for them to come to the knowledge of the truth and to be saved from destruction, so it should not matter to me either. I must see all people as God does, with love and compassion hoping and praying for them to come to him and when the opportunity is presented to me by the Spirit, speak up!
Monday, June 6, 2011
1 Tim 2:1-2
2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
Praying for those who are in the midst of destroying the very fabric of my beloved country is not so easy, yet it is not an option to ignore this urging. I suppose that even though I absolutely disagree with how and what certain people who are in authority are doing I still can pray for their soul. It is no question they are in desperate need of a relationship with my Lord and Savior which would certainly change the course of their lives. It is certainly apparent by their actions they are driving by humanistic or demonic motivations and are doomed to destruction for all eternity. This is unacceptable for one thing and thus they are surely in need of my prayers. The second thing which I think may be of equal importance in my relationship with my Lord. I am to pray for them so I will be content in my spirit regarding their earthly authority over my life. Although this country they are no kings but chosen by the will of the people to lead and thus those who lead may be replaced if the will of the people are so set. Yet during the course of their terms I still am obligated to pray for them and interceded before God on their behalf being thankful for their service and desire to be in service to the country, whatever that service may be. In doing that I then will certainly would not pick up a sign and demonstrate with loud screams and yelling chants for their removal or even debate vigorously with their supporters regarding their self serving agendas. No, I would simply live my life in a peaceful manner, quiet in my spirit and content with my life as it is. Now I am allowed to voice my opinion regarding how I believe life should be, and their need of repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Although would that be judging them as sinners, or as people who deny Christ? I suppose so and perhaps I should not even do that, but rather simply pray for them in my peaceful and quiet way. God is far more powerful than any person who might be in temporary leadership of this country. So it is settled then, I must obey the urging to seek God’s intervention in the lives of those in authority. In doing so, I will have a far greater contentment, a more joyful peacefulness and surely enjoy a holiness within my spirit beyond my own understanding. I consider myself urged.
1 Tim 2:1-2
2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
Praying for those who are in the midst of destroying the very fabric of my beloved country is not so easy, yet it is not an option to ignore this urging. I suppose that even though I absolutely disagree with how and what certain people who are in authority are doing I still can pray for their soul. It is no question they are in desperate need of a relationship with my Lord and Savior which would certainly change the course of their lives. It is certainly apparent by their actions they are driving by humanistic or demonic motivations and are doomed to destruction for all eternity. This is unacceptable for one thing and thus they are surely in need of my prayers. The second thing which I think may be of equal importance in my relationship with my Lord. I am to pray for them so I will be content in my spirit regarding their earthly authority over my life. Although this country they are no kings but chosen by the will of the people to lead and thus those who lead may be replaced if the will of the people are so set. Yet during the course of their terms I still am obligated to pray for them and interceded before God on their behalf being thankful for their service and desire to be in service to the country, whatever that service may be. In doing that I then will certainly would not pick up a sign and demonstrate with loud screams and yelling chants for their removal or even debate vigorously with their supporters regarding their self serving agendas. No, I would simply live my life in a peaceful manner, quiet in my spirit and content with my life as it is. Now I am allowed to voice my opinion regarding how I believe life should be, and their need of repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Although would that be judging them as sinners, or as people who deny Christ? I suppose so and perhaps I should not even do that, but rather simply pray for them in my peaceful and quiet way. God is far more powerful than any person who might be in temporary leadership of this country. So it is settled then, I must obey the urging to seek God’s intervention in the lives of those in authority. In doing so, I will have a far greater contentment, a more joyful peacefulness and surely enjoy a holiness within my spirit beyond my own understanding. I consider myself urged.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Sail On
1 Tim 1:18-20
18 Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, 19 holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith. 20 Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme. NIV
I am not sure if any prophecies were ever made about me, at least here on earth. Perhaps there were some made in heaven I am unaware of, or maybe I am aware of them and dare not speak of them to any of my friends or enemies. In either case I too have been given instructions that might very well be in keeping with those heaven made prophecies concerning me. Now I also think each and every believer has been given instructions as well which are in keeping with some prophecy made either here or there concerning them. I dare not think I would be the only one who had been prophesied about as Timothy was. Nevertheless in following the instructions laid out for me within the holy text I am able to fight the good fight. I am able to not only battle against the outward foes who are bend on my destruction but also that old inward foe who seeks to regain control. As I watch the news seeing extreme Islam bend on destroying Israel, I think of the my extreme enemy who is bend on the destruction of the true Israel, those who are circumcised in the heart, of which I am one. So I suit up with the armor of God and stand firm upon the battlefield of life, facing my fears, facing my enemy, not giving him my back, but staring him down with my shield of faith firming before me to extinguish any of those horrible attacks of flaming arrows. But it is him who holds the shield with me; I must deal with as well. That is what my good conscience does for me as I have cleared it with my Lord for once and for all times. I have been rendered innocent and thus there is no room for guilt and shame which are the recipe of a shipwrecked faith. Those are the names of a few of those arrows shoot at my mind, but thankfully God’s helmet keeps me safe. Yet he who shares my helmet still seeks to do me harm, but he will lose for I have decided so and with God all things are possible. I will not be a shipwrecked upon the shores of no hope and despair. I will not see my life dashed upon the rocks of languishing. No, I will sail with my Lord, my captain, my commander. I will sail on in accordance with those words spoken of me by God.
1 Tim 1:18-20
18 Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, 19 holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith. 20 Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme. NIV
I am not sure if any prophecies were ever made about me, at least here on earth. Perhaps there were some made in heaven I am unaware of, or maybe I am aware of them and dare not speak of them to any of my friends or enemies. In either case I too have been given instructions that might very well be in keeping with those heaven made prophecies concerning me. Now I also think each and every believer has been given instructions as well which are in keeping with some prophecy made either here or there concerning them. I dare not think I would be the only one who had been prophesied about as Timothy was. Nevertheless in following the instructions laid out for me within the holy text I am able to fight the good fight. I am able to not only battle against the outward foes who are bend on my destruction but also that old inward foe who seeks to regain control. As I watch the news seeing extreme Islam bend on destroying Israel, I think of the my extreme enemy who is bend on the destruction of the true Israel, those who are circumcised in the heart, of which I am one. So I suit up with the armor of God and stand firm upon the battlefield of life, facing my fears, facing my enemy, not giving him my back, but staring him down with my shield of faith firming before me to extinguish any of those horrible attacks of flaming arrows. But it is him who holds the shield with me; I must deal with as well. That is what my good conscience does for me as I have cleared it with my Lord for once and for all times. I have been rendered innocent and thus there is no room for guilt and shame which are the recipe of a shipwrecked faith. Those are the names of a few of those arrows shoot at my mind, but thankfully God’s helmet keeps me safe. Yet he who shares my helmet still seeks to do me harm, but he will lose for I have decided so and with God all things are possible. I will not be a shipwrecked upon the shores of no hope and despair. I will not see my life dashed upon the rocks of languishing. No, I will sail with my Lord, my captain, my commander. I will sail on in accordance with those words spoken of me by God.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
No Other Way
1 Tim 1:15-17
15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners — of whom I am the worst. 16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
I cannot imagine why I would not be considered the worst of sinners instead of Paul. Maybe we all are the worst of sinners, that I do not know, but I know who I am. I also know God has done an incredible amount of work in me and still has a very large amount to do still. I am not sure if he will ever be done working in my life. I certainly know I too have been shown mercy. Maybe I do not talk about the heinousness of my sinful life before becoming a believer. Maybe I need to in order for people to see how Christ has displayed his unlimited patience in me so I might be an example for others who would believe on him and receive eternal life. Not that I am perfect now, not at all, I still have struggles with that ugly old self who fights and battles for the control of my life. I am still in need of his unlimited patience. But then of what value would that patience be if I had attained perfection? Of what value would the cross be if I would be able to be completely free of sin, in either word, thought or deed? I cannot imagine anyone actually believing they have stopped sinning. I can imagine being free from sin, but that is only in my imagination, for the reality is quite different. I want to stop being or doing certain ways and things, but I cannot, and I do desire to do certain things and be a certain way, but I am not. I understand what Paul was talking about in Romans 7. I relate to being the worst of sinners, both then and maybe even still now. How can any sin not be the worst offence to God no matter how trivial I might think it to be? But even with that still working against me, God has shown me mercy, he has an unlimited patience with me, and his grace abounds toward me in that I still am considered or rendered innocent because of the blood of Christ. At times I just have a difficult time grasping that truth, but it is still the truth and I know I have to simply accept it as such and be forever grateful for it of which I am. I know for one thing I have absolutely no problem at all acknowledging that God is the eternal King and that he is immortal, invisible and the only one true God. I have absolutely given and will always give him all the honor and all the glory forever and ever. It can be no other way.
1 Tim 1:15-17
15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners — of whom I am the worst. 16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
I cannot imagine why I would not be considered the worst of sinners instead of Paul. Maybe we all are the worst of sinners, that I do not know, but I know who I am. I also know God has done an incredible amount of work in me and still has a very large amount to do still. I am not sure if he will ever be done working in my life. I certainly know I too have been shown mercy. Maybe I do not talk about the heinousness of my sinful life before becoming a believer. Maybe I need to in order for people to see how Christ has displayed his unlimited patience in me so I might be an example for others who would believe on him and receive eternal life. Not that I am perfect now, not at all, I still have struggles with that ugly old self who fights and battles for the control of my life. I am still in need of his unlimited patience. But then of what value would that patience be if I had attained perfection? Of what value would the cross be if I would be able to be completely free of sin, in either word, thought or deed? I cannot imagine anyone actually believing they have stopped sinning. I can imagine being free from sin, but that is only in my imagination, for the reality is quite different. I want to stop being or doing certain ways and things, but I cannot, and I do desire to do certain things and be a certain way, but I am not. I understand what Paul was talking about in Romans 7. I relate to being the worst of sinners, both then and maybe even still now. How can any sin not be the worst offence to God no matter how trivial I might think it to be? But even with that still working against me, God has shown me mercy, he has an unlimited patience with me, and his grace abounds toward me in that I still am considered or rendered innocent because of the blood of Christ. At times I just have a difficult time grasping that truth, but it is still the truth and I know I have to simply accept it as such and be forever grateful for it of which I am. I know for one thing I have absolutely no problem at all acknowledging that God is the eternal King and that he is immortal, invisible and the only one true God. I have absolutely given and will always give him all the honor and all the glory forever and ever. It can be no other way.
Friday, June 3, 2011
In His Service
1 Tim 1:12-14
12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. 13 Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 14 The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
Although I have dealt with portions of this passage yesterday I still feel I must comment in my heart regarding the first few words. Now again I have not been appointed to such a heavy task as Paul had but still I cannot help feel that all who have been brought into the glories light by the love of God have also been called to some form of service as well. They can be no useless appendage on or in the body of Christ; all must serve the rest in some capacity. This, of course, means I too have been called to a task, one which I have to skill, talent or training. Therefore I am left with no course but to thank my Lord Jesus Christ who has given me the strength and that he even considered me faithful in appointing me to his service. Without his guidance I would be lost as what to do, how to do it. I am always totally amazed in that choose to appoint me to service in both the written and spoken communication to others. Both my vocabulary and grammar are so lacking. My verbal skills are all due to God, because it is surely not because of me. Yet here I am being used by God to share messages of truth from his word. It is beyond my wildest thoughts that I would have ever been called to service in that capacity. Yet I know it is because he knew I would always give him the credit for anything I have done, always telling people I thank him for what he has done for me, in me and is doing through me. I know that sounds like a broken record, but how else can I continue to give him the thanks for the strength, for what he has enabled me to do. I know many believers I know are serving within the body using their skills learned through worldly education. I suppose that is fine. Perhaps that is how God has ordained it, I have no idea and thus I cannot say. He works is each and every person a different way. But I also know that each and every must be about serving out Lord in some way, either through the knowledge they have gained or through the enabling power of God alone. I do think many serve with God given natural talent, which they have had all their lives. It was not that way for me. God decided to not use my own talents I leaned toward, but to expressly direct me in a path of service in which I have absolutely no abilities or had any leaning toward at all. Yet I am extremely thankful for being able to serve, to be in his service.
1 Tim 1:12-14
12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. 13 Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 14 The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
Although I have dealt with portions of this passage yesterday I still feel I must comment in my heart regarding the first few words. Now again I have not been appointed to such a heavy task as Paul had but still I cannot help feel that all who have been brought into the glories light by the love of God have also been called to some form of service as well. They can be no useless appendage on or in the body of Christ; all must serve the rest in some capacity. This, of course, means I too have been called to a task, one which I have to skill, talent or training. Therefore I am left with no course but to thank my Lord Jesus Christ who has given me the strength and that he even considered me faithful in appointing me to his service. Without his guidance I would be lost as what to do, how to do it. I am always totally amazed in that choose to appoint me to service in both the written and spoken communication to others. Both my vocabulary and grammar are so lacking. My verbal skills are all due to God, because it is surely not because of me. Yet here I am being used by God to share messages of truth from his word. It is beyond my wildest thoughts that I would have ever been called to service in that capacity. Yet I know it is because he knew I would always give him the credit for anything I have done, always telling people I thank him for what he has done for me, in me and is doing through me. I know that sounds like a broken record, but how else can I continue to give him the thanks for the strength, for what he has enabled me to do. I know many believers I know are serving within the body using their skills learned through worldly education. I suppose that is fine. Perhaps that is how God has ordained it, I have no idea and thus I cannot say. He works is each and every person a different way. But I also know that each and every must be about serving out Lord in some way, either through the knowledge they have gained or through the enabling power of God alone. I do think many serve with God given natural talent, which they have had all their lives. It was not that way for me. God decided to not use my own talents I leaned toward, but to expressly direct me in a path of service in which I have absolutely no abilities or had any leaning toward at all. Yet I am extremely thankful for being able to serve, to be in his service.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
God is Good
1 Tim 1:12-14
12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. 13 Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 14 The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
Who can say they were never once a blasphemer and a persecutor including being a violent person? I certainly cannot say it. I wonder if those who were born into a believing household or raised as a child in one, such as my daughters, who accepted Christ at such a young age, believe they were never once such as Paul describes he was. It seems everyone must admit being a sinner because God declares we all are. But I think I was more than just a sinner. I hated God and all organized religions. I promoted hatred toward them by telling people all they ever want is your money. They are all phonies. In reflection I was also a violent man, filled with pain, emotional scares, and a temperament unlike anything I ever want again. I too was sworn mercy and it must have been because I too acted in ignorance and unbelief. I did not know anything about God actually; I had never read one of his words. Oh as a very small child I was taken to Sunday school, and sang those little children songs about Jesus loves me and such, but that was soon overridden by the life that followed. I am so thankful God was able to break through the barriers I had set up around me to protect myself. I am extremely thankful for all the grace he has poured out upon me and done so abundantly. He has acted so graciously toward me consider all I did against him and his name. I am convinced had he not intervened when he did, I would be dead now and would not have had eternal life, but rather I would have perished. I am overwhelmed by his action in influencing my heart, working in my life, keeping me safe, providing for me is so many ways and simply always being there with me. I cannot explain why I have so much faith in him other than it is from him and his influence upon me. It is so comforting to know that he loves me so much. There are times when it is difficult to comprehend his love considering how evil I was. But I am in his love now and was also in it even in my sinful condition. All I can say it God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.
1 Tim 1:12-14
12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. 13 Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 14 The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
Who can say they were never once a blasphemer and a persecutor including being a violent person? I certainly cannot say it. I wonder if those who were born into a believing household or raised as a child in one, such as my daughters, who accepted Christ at such a young age, believe they were never once such as Paul describes he was. It seems everyone must admit being a sinner because God declares we all are. But I think I was more than just a sinner. I hated God and all organized religions. I promoted hatred toward them by telling people all they ever want is your money. They are all phonies. In reflection I was also a violent man, filled with pain, emotional scares, and a temperament unlike anything I ever want again. I too was sworn mercy and it must have been because I too acted in ignorance and unbelief. I did not know anything about God actually; I had never read one of his words. Oh as a very small child I was taken to Sunday school, and sang those little children songs about Jesus loves me and such, but that was soon overridden by the life that followed. I am so thankful God was able to break through the barriers I had set up around me to protect myself. I am extremely thankful for all the grace he has poured out upon me and done so abundantly. He has acted so graciously toward me consider all I did against him and his name. I am convinced had he not intervened when he did, I would be dead now and would not have had eternal life, but rather I would have perished. I am overwhelmed by his action in influencing my heart, working in my life, keeping me safe, providing for me is so many ways and simply always being there with me. I cannot explain why I have so much faith in him other than it is from him and his influence upon me. It is so comforting to know that he loves me so much. There are times when it is difficult to comprehend his love considering how evil I was. But I am in his love now and was also in it even in my sinful condition. All I can say it God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
1 Tim 1:8-11
8 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers — and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.
It is very clear that once I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I was freed from the bondage of the law. It is not meant for me anymore. It has no hold over me nor am I to be judged by it in anyway by God. He established it to show his people they could not ever fulfill it and thus were in desperate need of his salvation based not on their abilities to do good works by trying to keep the law, but by faith in him. That is the whole purpose of the law. It is still in action working in the lives of all those who commit those acts listed plus much more in our modern times. It stands in judgment of them for they cannot ever be perfect within themselves and if they believe in their own abilities to be right, they fail and are therefore lawbreakers and doomed to destruction. But I do not have anything to fear from God. I do not have to worry about the law, because I am in Jesus and he in me thus through him I have already fulfilled the law and am under grace because of my faith in God and God alone for my righteousness. That is as sound a doctrine as anything will ever be. That is the only sound doctrine which exists. Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ and not of works of any kind. Now of course I work trying to do my part, to follow my calling, to use the gifts God has bestowed upon me. I do whatever he leads me to do, at whatever the cost happens to be. Am I always on the top of my game? I think not, but I am trying to be worthy of my calling. Doing works out of my love for him, not because I believe it will have any bearing on my gaining eternal life. I think those works can become such a focus that some people, some believers lose they way in the works and forget about the free gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ. I pray I never travel that road but always remain faithful to the sound doctrine of salvation through faith in Christ and that alone. I am so keenly aware I can never fulfill the law completely and if I ever thought I could I would be guilty of spiritual pride and thus be a lawbreaker and so I would still be guilty of all the law. For me, there is only one way, his way, and that is pretty sound to me.
1 Tim 1:8-11
8 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers — and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.
It is very clear that once I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I was freed from the bondage of the law. It is not meant for me anymore. It has no hold over me nor am I to be judged by it in anyway by God. He established it to show his people they could not ever fulfill it and thus were in desperate need of his salvation based not on their abilities to do good works by trying to keep the law, but by faith in him. That is the whole purpose of the law. It is still in action working in the lives of all those who commit those acts listed plus much more in our modern times. It stands in judgment of them for they cannot ever be perfect within themselves and if they believe in their own abilities to be right, they fail and are therefore lawbreakers and doomed to destruction. But I do not have anything to fear from God. I do not have to worry about the law, because I am in Jesus and he in me thus through him I have already fulfilled the law and am under grace because of my faith in God and God alone for my righteousness. That is as sound a doctrine as anything will ever be. That is the only sound doctrine which exists. Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ and not of works of any kind. Now of course I work trying to do my part, to follow my calling, to use the gifts God has bestowed upon me. I do whatever he leads me to do, at whatever the cost happens to be. Am I always on the top of my game? I think not, but I am trying to be worthy of my calling. Doing works out of my love for him, not because I believe it will have any bearing on my gaining eternal life. I think those works can become such a focus that some people, some believers lose they way in the works and forget about the free gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ. I pray I never travel that road but always remain faithful to the sound doctrine of salvation through faith in Christ and that alone. I am so keenly aware I can never fulfill the law completely and if I ever thought I could I would be guilty of spiritual pride and thus be a lawbreaker and so I would still be guilty of all the law. For me, there is only one way, his way, and that is pretty sound to me.
1 Tim 1:8-11
8 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers — and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.
It is very clear that once I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I was freed from the bondage of the law. It is not meant for me anymore. It has no hold over me nor am I to be judged by it in anyway by God. He established it to show his people they could not ever fulfill it and thus were in desperate need of his salvation based not on their abilities to do good works by trying to keep the law, but by faith in him. That is the whole purpose of the law. It is still in action working in the lives of all those who commit those acts listed plus much more in our modern times. It stands in judgment of them for they cannot ever be perfect within themselves and if they believe in their own abilities to be right, they fail and are therefore lawbreakers and doomed to destruction. But I do not have anything to fear from God. I do not have to worry about the law, because I am in Jesus and he in me thus through him I have already fulfilled the law and am under grace because of my faith in God and God alone for my righteousness. That is as sound a doctrine as anything will ever be. That is the only sound doctrine which exists. Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ and not of works of any kind. Now of course I work trying to do my part, to follow my calling, to use the gifts God has bestowed upon me. I do whatever he leads me to do, at whatever the cost happens to be. Am I always on the top of my game? I think not, but I am trying to be worthy of my calling. Doing works out of my love for him, not because I believe it will have any bearing on my gaining eternal life. I think those works can become such a focus that some people, some believers lose they way in the works and forget about the free gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ. I pray I never travel that road but always remain faithful to the sound doctrine of salvation through faith in Christ and that alone. I am so keenly aware I can never fulfill the law completely and if I ever thought I could I would be guilty of spiritual pride and thus be a lawbreaker and so I would still be guilty of all the law. For me, there is only one way, his way, and that is pretty sound to me.
1 Tim 1:8-11
8 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers — and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.
It is very clear that once I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I was freed from the bondage of the law. It is not meant for me anymore. It has no hold over me nor am I to be judged by it in anyway by God. He established it to show his people they could not ever fulfill it and thus were in desperate need of his salvation based not on their abilities to do good works by trying to keep the law, but by faith in him. That is the whole purpose of the law. It is still in action working in the lives of all those who commit those acts listed plus much more in our modern times. It stands in judgment of them for they cannot ever be perfect within themselves and if they believe in their own abilities to be right, they fail and are therefore lawbreakers and doomed to destruction. But I do not have anything to fear from God. I do not have to worry about the law, because I am in Jesus and he in me thus through him I have already fulfilled the law and am under grace because of my faith in God and God alone for my righteousness. That is as sound a doctrine as anything will ever be. That is the only sound doctrine which exists. Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ and not of works of any kind. Now of course I work trying to do my part, to follow my calling, to use the gifts God has bestowed upon me. I do whatever he leads me to do, at whatever the cost happens to be. Am I always on the top of my game? I think not, but I am trying to be worthy of my calling. Doing works out of my love for him, not because I believe it will have any bearing on my gaining eternal life. I think those works can become such a focus that some people, some believers lose they way in the works and forget about the free gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ. I pray I never travel that road but always remain faithful to the sound doctrine of salvation through faith in Christ and that alone. I am so keenly aware I can never fulfill the law completely and if I ever thought I could I would be guilty of spiritual pride and thus be a lawbreaker and so I would still be guilty of all the law. For me, there is only one way, his way, and that is pretty sound to me.
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