Gen 11:5-9
5 But the LORD came down to see
the city and the tower that the men were building. 6 The LORD said, "If as
one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing
they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse
their language so they will not understand each other." 8 So the LORD
scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the
city. 9 That is why it was called Babel — because there the LORD confused the
language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face
of the whole earth.
This vacated city became Babylon,
as the Hebrew word Babel has a direct meaning of confused as God confused their
language so all they heard from each other sounded like babel which in English is defined
as a confused noise made by many voices. Either way, God did not want man
to think he could do anything he wanted to do, that is nothing would be impossible
for them if they all understood each other perfectly. We do wonder what God
thinks about mankind now as we have overcome this confusion of language and now
have built spaceships that have taken us to the moon and now have their sites
on Mars. That is far more than a tower to reach the heavens. But it is the pride,
the arrogance of believing they can do anything, that it is the impossible only
takes us longer to figure out how to accomplish. However, we know that is not
true, for many things are impossible for man, but nothing is impossible for
God. The largest impossible action of man is to get into the heavenly place
built by God. This is what those people of the past were trying to achieve,
get to heaven. the Hebrew word used when it is described as they were trying to
reach the heavens, is to mean the abode of God, although the direct meaning is
sky, or the abode of the stars. Man can reach out to God, but not by building his
own tower, but by doing the work that God requires to reach him, and
that is to believe in that one he sent, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the
Redeemer, the Savior who became the perfect sacrifice and thus because we have
faith in Jesus we have indeed reached God, in fact, He dwells within us in the
person of the Holy Spirit. We can get no closer to God than we already are, and
we do not have to do anything, build anything through our own works, our own abilities,
or through any advanced amount of learning. We reach God through faith in Jesus
and that can be done by anyone, anytime, anyplace without anything but faith,
accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. Can we learn more about God, about his
person and his plans? Of course, for he has made sure we have a record of all
he has done, all his interactions with mankind. He has revealed himself to us through
his own words. We can study and learn more about him and have more knowledge about
his ways for us to live with all the love, peace, and joy he has to offer us. Let
us not try to build our way to God, but simply allow God to reach out to us and
accept his hand at work in us, building us into the person he desires, then we
will not be confused about who he is and who we are.
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