Friday, September 20, 2024

God Appeared




Gen 12:6-7

6 Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. At that time the Canaanites were in the land. 7 The LORD appeared to Abram and said, "To your offspring I will give this land." So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to him.


We do not know if this was just one gigantic tree that was that notable to be labeled or known as the Great Tree of Moreh. Perhaps it was a landmark by which people used to know which way they were traveling. We are also told the descendants of Canaan lived in this land. This was the son of Noah who saw his father naked and gossiped about that fact to his brothers, and as a result, Noah cursed Canaan. We do not know what kind of people these are, however, years later the Israelites will drive them out of the land. But for now, here we are with Abram, the man who followed the voice of God and left Ur, left Haran and his father’s household to arrive here in this land. Once again, God appeared to Abram and gave him more information. We wonder if God told him that this land was not for him at that time, but for his offspring, who were the Israelites under the command of Joshua. However, the point is that God appeared to Abram. The word used for LORD is Yahweh, the self-existent God. So then was it the Father, Himself, or could it have been Jesus, the Christ? Still, it was the LORD, Yahweh who showed himself to Abram and spoke to him about what would happen. This must have been some event, for we know that Sarai, the wife of Abram was barren, and they were getting old, and she would have been past the age of conceiving a child. Yet, God told him, his offspring would be given this land. Abram’s response to this news was to build an altar and worship Yahweh. This is our story, although it might take a slightly different twist. We may now get an appearance of God, but we already have God, the Holy Spirit dwelling within us and leading us into all truth. Therefore, we would also believe the Spirit leads us, that our footsteps are ordered by God, and that we are revealed truths, and perhaps at certain times in our lives, we hear the voice of God giving us directions. What is our response to God speaking into our lives? We have and will continue building that altar within us, being that living sacrifice that is pleasing and acceptable to our Lord. We will worship our God, and follow him, always being willing to be where he wants us. We may not always see God, but we know by faith, he is here with us, just as he was with Abram. 

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