Gen 13:1-4
13:1 So Abram went up from Egypt
to the Negev, with his wife and everything he had, and Lot went with him. 2
Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold. 3 From the
Negev he went from place to place until he came to Bethel, to the place between
Bethel and Ai where his tent had been earlier 4 and where he had first built an
altar. There Abram called on the name of the LORD.
Once again, Abram called on the
name of the LORD. We wonder what kind of day-to-day living Abram lived. He was
at this same place where he had built an altar and called on the name of the
LORD before the famine when he decided to go into Egypt and where he made the
horrible decision of telling his wife to say she was his sister. However, the result
was he became a very wealthy man, as well as did Lot. Nevertheless, did he not
ever call upon the name of the LORD while he was in Egypt? Did he only call
upon the name of the LORD when he pitched his tent in some special place, or where
he could build an altar? What if our lives were like that? What if we only called
upon the name of the LORD when we moved to some place or built a new church, or
just waited until Sunday when we were in Church? What if we lived Monday
through Saturday never calling on the name of the LORD, and just doing our own
thing, looking to gain whatever in life, and then on Sunday, we go to Church
and sort of just go through the motions of worship, but never really call upon
the name of the LORD. What kind of life would that be? No, this is not our
lives. We spend every day in the presence of our Lord. In fact, we have the Holy
Spirit dwelling within us, and we cannot go forward throughout each day without
calling on the name of the LORD. There is always the sense of his presence and
even when we are involved in some activity, work, or play, we know God is with us, and our mind and our spirit get these thoughts of worship. Can we get caught
up in something, so intensely consumed with doing a particular activity that we
forget about who we are, and our relationship with our LORD? Maybe, that might
happen from time to time, but that would just be for a moment, then the Spirit
reminds us, and we come back to our senses, and call upon the name of our LORD.
Maybe that was what Abram was like. Perhaps we should not be so judgmental, after
all, he was enshrined in the hall of faith, being remembered as one “By faith”. Still,
we must remember we cannot wait for some moment to call on the name of our LORD but live in the Spirit, walk in step with the Spirit, be in the presence of
our Lord, listen and discuss our daily walk, being guided by the path he
has laid out for us, and seeing those footsteps he has ordered for us. Can we
get distracted by our own will? Sure, that might happen, but it may be for a
moment, then we remember, we are his and he is our LORD. Let us always be
calling upon the name of our LORD, for He is always calling us.
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