Saturday, August 14, 2021

Open Hearts




2 Cor 6:11-13

11 We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you. 12 We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. 13 As a fair exchange — I speak as to my children — open wide your hearts also.


Is there anything better than an honest and open relationship? Opening our hearts to one another is the way of the Christian life. But is that how we really live? Instead, it would seem that many believers live with somewhat of a guarded heart. Perhaps there is good reason to live with a closed or guarded heart. To be totally open and free with our emotions and words, exposing our true feelings for one another may not be difficult. This means we would have to trust each other completely. This means no judgment, no criticism, no hard feelings, or hurt feelings, or responses that would appear negative in any way. We knew a lady who never said an unkind word, but the look on her face told the whole story of how she felt about an issue. We would never dare to tell her anything personal. So much conflict would be resolved if open hearts prevailed. We have seen the pain caused due to closed hearts. Gossip would be put to death if open hearts existed. Envy, jealously, malice, slander, and a host of other inappropriate feelings would all be eliminated because of open hearts. To be able to express ourselves openly, fully, without reservations regarding our feelings without being ridiculed, judged, corrected, dismissed, or thought of poorly in any manner, would take open hearts all around. Can we do that, without withholding anything? The clue here is the word affections. Perhaps if we truly had affections for all others, then it would be easy to live with open hearts. The problem may be that we do not have affections for everyone else and there are others who may not have affections for us. But the point may be that someone must start this process of having an open heart. Paul says that he withheld nothing from them, but they withheld from him. So then it should not matter about what the others do, but that we should open our heart, living with an open heart for all to see and hope they see Jesus. 

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