Friday, August 27, 2021





2 Cor 8:13-15

13 Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality. 14 At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. Then there will be equality, 15 as it is written: "He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little."  


Here is the idea of equality being expressed that we mentioned before. The Corinthians had taken up an offering to be sent to some other church in Macedonia that must have had some difficult times. We are not sure what exactly their situation was but they were in need of what must have been financial assistance. It would seem unlikely that Paul and one or two others could carry enough foodstuffs to make a difference. We are not sure how this equality fits into the church today. Paul is quoting from Exodus during the time God provided manna from heaven. What was said was that every man was to go out and gather what he needed according to the number of people in his tent. When it was all said and done and measured, those that gather much, because of the number of people in their tent was great, and they who gathered little because they had few people in their tent, everyone had just as they needed, not more or less then they needed, but just the right amount, or in some sense the same amount needed. But what does that have to do with the point that Paul is making? He is not talking about gathering what is needed, but rather some sharing from their plenty with others who have little. This almost sounds a little like sharing the wealth or spreading the wealth around, which is somewhat socialistic. But then who is to say who has plenty and who has little? Paul also makes the point that their plenty may only be a temporary situation from which they can give, and at some point, in time they may be a situation of little, and then others will give to their need. So, in some sense, it still boils down to equality. However, we are still a little confused as to how do we apply that to our lives today. Surely there is a disparity in income levels within any church. Does the equality that Paul speaks about apply to this situation so that those who have an abundance of income help those who have little income? In our economy today that seems somewhat unfair for those who work hard to support those who work little. We do not think this is what Paul is talking about at all, yet it is about reaching out from our plenty to those who are hurting for reasons beyond their control. One church coming together to help support another church, which is one group of people gathering an offering to send to another group of people who need help for a temporary situation, and in turn when their situation of need is over, they will be able to gather an offering and send it to those who may at one time had plenty but now are in a temporary place of need. Could it just be about sharing instead of storing?


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