Sunday, December 16, 2018


Ps 106:32-48

32 By the waters of Meribah they angered the LORD, and trouble came to Moses because of them; 33 for they rebelled against the Spirit of God, and rash words came from Moses' lips.  
34 They did not destroy the peoples as the LORD had commanded them, 35 but they mingled with the nations and adopted their customs. 36 They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them. 37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons. 38 They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood. 39 They defiled themselves by what they did; by their deeds they prostituted themselves.
40 Therefore the LORD was angry with his people and abhorred his inheritance. 41 He handed them over to the nations, and their foes ruled over them. 42 Their enemies oppressed them and subjected them to their power. 43 Many times he delivered them, but they were bent on rebellion and they wasted away in their sin.
44 But he took note of their distress when he heard their cry; 45 for their sake he remembered his covenant and out of his great love he relented. 46 He caused them to be pitied by all who held them captive.
47 Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.
48 Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Let all the people say, "Amen!"
Praise the LORD.

Well at least it ended with, all is well and they returned to him and he gather them to himself. But what a trip, what a wasted amount of time they spent grumbling, rebelling against his ways, against the Spirit of God. He had commanded them to rid the land completely of those who were living there. He did not want them to become involved with the pagan ways of the Canaanites. But they did not listen and the mingled with them, they adopted their customs, there idols worship and even there form of sacrifices. How could they do that?  What the heck was wrong with those people? Did they not know who God was, considering all the signs and miracles he did for them? Yet here we are today, many times rebelling against the Spirit of the Lord. Oh, we say we are a good person, we do not murder, steal, cheat, lie, or do terrible things. But if we harbor any ill feelings toward anyone, Jesus says it is the same as murder. If we do not bring the whole of our tithe into the storehouse, are we stealing, robbing God? It could even be considered lying. But that is not the all of it. Have we mingled with the nations, have we adopted any of their customs? It would seem many of us have done that, at least at some level. Do we waste away in our sin? It may not be so much as wasting away, but wasting our time, wasting our efforts trying to trust in our own abilities. Have we wasted our time trying to live by the customs of the pagan world? This whole idea, or ideologies, customs such as methods of preparing for the future. The subject of investing has the danger of who are we investing in? Who are we giving our money to make more of it? Who have we trusted to prepare for our future? The whole idea of retirement is a hoax perpetrated on people by the devil himself. He wants nothing more for us to store up as much as we can, investing in his evil schemes influenced upon so many companies who are involved supporting so many morally bankrupt concepts. He wants nothing more to get us to retire, sit back and do nothing for the rest of our life, until we die. We just waste away in our sin. No, we have to put all our trust in God, for he is the one who saves us, who gathers us to himself. We need to always be in an attitude of praise and thanksgiving. We always need to be looking to God for everything we need and how we live our life. We know many of these ideas have a great deal of differing opinions or interpretations, but what we write we write from our heart, and how God deals with our heart, my heart in specific, so if what I write offends you, please understanding I am led by how God deals with me. I have to live according to his leading for my life. So I want to praise him, give him thanks and stay as close to him as it is possible in this frail, corruptible human condition.  Praise the LORD.

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