Ps 117
Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. 2 For
great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever.
Praise the LORD.
This has to be the shortest of all the psalms, yet it says everything
that is important. It is an exhortation to praise the Lord, to lift him up. It
is interesting the Hebrew word praise carries the meaning of to shine, to make
a show, to boast and thus be foolish, rave, to celebrate. This is praise and
sets aside all our human inhibitions and concerns what others would think of
us. In all reality it is a rare thing to see the Lord praised in this manner in
church, which should be the one place we would think this praise would happen.
Have we become too sophisticated to truly praise him in that manner this Hebrew
word means? When we think of David dancing before the returning Ark of the
Covenant, he was in full praise. The king of Israel wearing only a linen
ephod dancing with all his might before everyone. That may not have seemed
kingly, or a kingly manner, but he did not care, he was praising the Lord with
all his might. Then we have this word translated here as extol. It is another
Hebrew word which is also translated praise the Lord, but it carries a meaning
to address in a loud voice, specifically loud, but figuratively, to pacify(as
if by words). Then we have the nations and the peoples. These two words encompass
all mankind. The word translated nations implies Gentiles, while the word
translated peoples implies a community or persons, which could be seen as the
Jews, since this song was written for them. So then we all should be giving
praise to the Lord loudly and with all our might, looking foolish even
about how involved we are in praising God. This means no sitting on our hands
and muttering the words of some praise song. The whole reason for all this praise
is God. How great is his love toward us and how faithful he is regarding us.
There are not enough words in our language to express just how great his love is
toward us. There are not enough words to explain his faithfulness that endures
forever. We do not fully comprehend forever, much less how faithful he is. What
we are left with is simply to Praise the LORD and all that it means to Praise
the LORD.
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