Prov 29:9
9 If a wise man goes to court with a fool, the fool rages and scoffs,
and there is no peace.
This is not just about being in a court of law, or having a legal
matter arbitrated between a wise man and a foolish one. How often do we find ourselves
in a court of law with a fool? However, this bears true in all social
intercourse. Where can there be peace between the wise and the fool? This may
well bring into the play the principle of not being unequally yoked. What does
the righteous have in common with the unrighteous? Yet there is also this idea
of simple conversation. It is difficult to know what to say, when to say, in what manner to say, in
what company of people we should say it and when to remain silent. A wise
person will know the answer to this while the mouth of the fool simply gushes
forth with all sorts of foolish talk that does not promote any peace at all. Maybe this is why we are not very fond of
small talk, especially about subjects of little to no relevance to life itself
of any of the people engaged in such babble. Why do we feel it necessary to talk
about subjects of little value? Why do we feel we have to talk about something
rather than simply enjoying the being in each other’s presences? So often
subjects of substance are forbidden topics in a group of people. This may be
the time for the wise tongue stay silent so there can be at least some
resemblance of peace. If no real conversation is to be had, then no conversation
is to be had. Talking to hear ones voice or to appear knowledgeable regarding
some wasteful information is nothing more than this gushing of folly which has
nothing to do with peace. That may sound
harsh, but is it not true? What concern should we have about people in the
arena of professional sports, entertainment or big business tycoons or Politicians?
Why should we be a fan of these type people knowing every aspect of their lives?
What value does that kind of knowledge have? Is it not folly? The value of life
is certainly important. The value of those who we actually engage life with has
importance. God values all of his creation and it would be wise for us to speak
truth into the lives of those we actually are engaged in life with, speaking
words that bring peace. This should be spoken with love, with concern for those
we know need to hear sound speech, which contains words that bring life, rather
than foolishness. Our Lord has told us the greatest of all commands.
Matt 22:36-40
36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
37 Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest
commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on
these two commandments."
This is wisdom, this is a wise mouth who speaks these kind of words
with this kind of heart, to our neighbors, those we actually live life with. The fool simply gushes folly. Let us be not the fools
tongue, but the wise one.
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