Prov 29:7
7 The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no
such concern.
Although it may be somewhat true the average believer has some concern
about the poor in this world, it is doubtful many are actually out there doing
anything of substance to assist them in their struggles in life. It is also
true that those who are considered as the wicked may actually be doing
something for the poor in a humanitarian sense. It would make more sense to see
the truth of this proverb in a spiritual sense rather than this material view.
The reason for this would be the word justice. The Hebrew word carries several
meanings most of which are directed at the cause or suit in a legal issue, a fair
judgment, or a plea. Again in the worldly view this would imply believers are
concerned the poor get a fair trial and the wicked would not. But that is
simply not the case, as people who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior
are not unconcerned about fair judgements for the rich, but not the poor. It
would seem, at least in our country we all desire fair justice for all,
although it may appear at times the rich escape fair judgement and are acquitted
when they should not be. So then could we not see this justice as the acquittal
of a man’s sin by the divine judge of all men? It then would make sense the righteous
would be the only people who would be concerned about the poor souls who by
their lack of relationship with God have condemned themselves to an unfavorable
judgment and are headed to hell. The wicked or ungodly people of this world
have no such concern about the salvation of those poor souls for they are just
like them or have such a hatred toward the things of God, they actually
endeavor to lead more astray from the path of righteousness, creating more poor
souls. We cannot stand idly by watching people not receive the justice by God
they so richly deserve. He has satisfied his own justice for sin and has
offered this free gift to all men. Jesus is the justice of God. This is the
justice we should be concerned about. People deserve a fair judgement from God,
They deserve to know and receive Jesus, the free gift of God in order to have
justice, then they will no longer be poor.
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