Isa 9:7
7 Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will
reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with
justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD
Almighty will accomplish this.
Is there any question that Isaiah was speaking about Jesus? The very
first clue is the use of the phrase, “there will be no end”. There has been and
will always be an end to the reign of any earthy king or leader who sits in the
seat of power over a nation. There is only one who lives forever who reigns and
that is Jesus. He came to earth in human form and through a specific line of
ancestors. Here we see that king David was one of those men, a king himself who
reigned over Israel. David has a very special place in the heart of God. Not
just that he was an ancestor or that God decided Jesus would come to earth
through his line, but God testified concerning David.
Acts 13:22
22 After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified
concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he
will do everything I want him to do.'
What a testimony about a man, from the lips of God. Would that he say
that about us? Nevertheless Jesus sits upon the throne of David, and he did
everything the Father wanted him to do. He truly was a man after the Father’s
own heart. The fulfillment concerning this linage of David, we have to go to
Matthew once again.
Matt 1:1
1:1 A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son
of Abraham:
Matt 1:6
6 and Jesse the father of King David.
Although verse six tells us where in the linage of Jesus David is, we have enough information within the very first verse. Two men mentioned, Abraham and
David as being ancestors of Jesus. Certainly we are talking about Jesus as a human,
being born as an infant. The trick here is that Joseph was not the biological
father of Jesus. So then in all reality did he have any genetic relationship to
David, or had any of his genes, which we get the word genealogy from. What is little known is Mary was a descendent of a Nathan, a brother of Solomon,
another son of David. So even being conceived by the Holy Spirit, having the
genes of God, Jesus still carried within him the genes from his mother, a
descendent of King David. Jesus truly was from the throne of David from both
aspects, the lineage of men, and of genetic code. How many ways do we need to
see that Jesus is the one and only way through which we might gain eternal
life? Yet there are many more prophesies which we will gain more insights into
Christ. It is very interesting that God made sure throughout the lives of men
who lived hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, we would be told it was
going to be Jesus who would be the Savior of the world. The everlasting King of
kings, Lord of lords and his reign would never end. We will live forever in the
kingdom of God because he reigns.