Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Path


Prov 23:19-21
19 Listen, my son, and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path. 20 Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, 21 for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.

There appears to be a main issue here about being on the right path. This would also mean there is a wrong path and those who travel the wrong path are not wise. It is notable about the explanation of the wrong path. We are not told not to drink wine or eat food. That would simply not be in accordance with the daily life of the people in Solomon’s time or in ours. We must eat food to live and we can certainly enjoy some wine. But what we are told is not to join those who party until intoxicated or the drunkards and gluttons. It is interesting that overeating in included with over drinking. So many believers today make such a big deal of being a teetotaler but eat themselves into oblivion. We should also note that it was customary in the time of Solomon for rich men to have great feasts. These feasts might last several days with copious amounts of food and wine. They would eat and drink until they either passed out or regurgitated and then started all over again, eating and drinking. It was more like an orgy on food and wine. Within this context we would have to think there are people today who either eat so much they become sick, or drink so much they pass out or act in a manner that is far from the wise right path. Knowing the adult life prior to accepting Jesus gives us an insight, due to experience, of that way of life. Joining in parties with meant much food and drink and drugs can be seen throughout the life in many people. This is not the right path. We should be wise, and of course we get that wisdom from the Lord, either through the word or that still small voice of the Spirit. We should be walking in the right path. This means we should not be going out to party and to join in the festivities of party life. This does not mean we should stop eating or having a little wine. This means not becoming a glutton and a drunkard. That kind of life is debauchery and could it lead to losing a means to supporting oneself. Employers are not happy with the person who is either always late because they could not get up in time  due to a hangover, or do not show up at all. Jobs have been lost because of the life of debauchery. This is the context of becoming poor and drowsiness clothes them in rags. Because we know the Lord and desire to please him we do not join in that behavior. We can both drink and eat in moderation. Certainly that is the example Jesus gave us. We can be wise and continue on the right path that leads to eternal life. It may be narrower then we think. This path is not just about not being a glutton or drunkard, but about many other attitudes and behaviors. But for now let us be content to know we have not joined those on the wrong path of drunkards and gluttons. 

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