Monday, March 13, 2017

One of these


Matt 19:13-15
13 Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. 14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.

We were once a child and we have had children. All believers were once children and even Jesus was once a child. He came as an infant and grew through childhood understanding the mind of little children and the innocence and lack of ambition, pride, including the total dependency upon their parents. It was the custom of the Jews to place their hands on the head of those they gave a blessing to, so this was must likely the idea of the parents for their children. They wanted Jesus to give their children a blessing. These children were going to grow up in a believing home and eventually become full-fledged followers of Jesus. Their parents were introducing them to Jesus. This should serve to show us that we who are parents should introduce our children to Jesus so he can bless them. Although it is true he cannot actually place his hands upon their head, but in fact he sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within them. Children can know Jesus, which is without question. We could conclude that as parents we have that responsibility to bring our children to Jesus. However there is more here in the words of Christ. As the disciples were rebuking those who brought their children, Jesus tells them to let them come. This idea about not hindering them from coming to him also serves as a lesson for us. So often we have heard the phrase,” Do as I say, not as I do” from parents. The idea is that we place so many restrictions upon our children which we do not place upon ourselves. We think they should not sin, yet we do. All the while the children actually learn how to live, not by the words of their parents, but by the actions of their parents. They imitate our behavior. If we do not behave in a many which glorifies God, we indeed might be hindering them from coming to Jesus. This may well not mean we need to look like we are sinless, but that we live an honest life before them. The other truth which is the whole meaning of what Jesus was teaching here is about the fact we, as adults need to come to him as a little child. We can become too adult in our approach toward our walk with Christ. We can become too intellectual, too filled with adult thinking, too filled with information which may well keep us from being childlike in our faith. Sometimes we can just overthink scripture to the point we miss the truth of it. The kingdom of God belongs to those who come to him as a child, simply believing in him, without any reservations. As children we would be totally dependent upon him for every aspect of our lives, not just for our salvation. Coming to him as a child we would have him, in a figuratively way, place his hands upon our head and give us a blessing, but in a more literal sense have the Holy Spirit dwell within us. Being childlike we would not only listen to his words, but imitate his life. Let us always and forever be such as one of these. 

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