Sunday, February 6, 2011


Gal 6:12-13
12 Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ. 13 Not even those who are circumcised obey the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your flesh.
Trying to make an outward impression for the reasons these people did would be absolutely ridiculous. To avoid being persecuted for the cross would seem like not being a real Christian. If I lived so much like the world lives then I would not have to worry being persecuted for the cross. I think if I truly lived as Christ would have me live the world would not enjoy me much. Even though I love them, I think they would feel uncomfortable being around me. How can I be the salt of the earth and the light to the world and be a mirror reflecting Christ if I live in a manner which does not make them uncomfortable? If all I am doing is to make myself look good in their eyes, to appease them, to become so much like them so they will like me, accept me, not persecute me, I have failed at taking up my cross and following Christ. If I pursue after the same things they do in order to blend in, I have failed. If I am looking for the same material gain as the world does, so I am making a good outward impression, I have failed. If I do not take a stand against their humanistic approach to live in order not to make waves, then I have failed. In order to be the salt, the light and the mirror I have to be in contact with the people of the world. I have to engage with them, in activities, in social settings, being involved with their lives, their struggles and pains, their desires and goals, being a friend to them, showing them the love of Christ. Yet their need to know I stand for the cross of Christ. They need to know I am different in my approach to live. They need to know I am a follower of Christ and if that keeps them from wanting me around them, then I am persecuted for the cross of Christ. What good does it do to be accepted by them as a friend if all I am doing is for an outward impression? Sooner or later I am compelled to tell them about Jesus, about my life as a Christian, what that means to me and the value Jesus is to me. I cannot condemn them, nor can I accuse them of wrong thinking, I can only love them and show them the love of Christ, but they must know my position else all is lost. I cannot concern myself with any fellow believers who think otherwise and try to look good on the outside in order to make good impressions. I can only concern myself with the call God has placed on my life and how the Spirit directs my steps. I will not boast of how good of a Christian I am either. How can I? So am I persecuted?

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