Saturday, February 19, 2011

Low and High


James 1:9-10
9 The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position.
I am not sure I have ever been a poor believer. I am not sure about humble or lowly circumstances either. Have I ever considered myself in that kind of position? I know I have much less then manner of my fellow believers in regard to material possessions or wealth, yet I have so much more than many others. How is it determined as to being in a humble or lowly circumstance? Is it only the lowest of the lowly? Or does the middle of the lowly count? What about the top of the bottom? I am not sure just how I am to see this. What difference does it make how much or how little anyone has when it comes to the cross. I suppose that if I compare myself to those who have far more of the worldly things then I do I can take heart I have a great position in Christ. But then when I consider how much I have in compared to so many believers around the world I can also rejoice because they have just as high a position as I do in Christ. I also do not understand why anyone who is in humble circumstances would not be delighted because of Christ. All I can think of is lowly conditions are in compared to higher conditions, and then we are looking at each other rather than Christ. What a shame it would be if I ever got myself into that kind of thinking. I do not care how much anyone has. Oh sure sometimes I think it would be nice to have a better or bigger or more of, but really I know I have so much and I am so content with who I am, what I have, and where I am, how could I ever think like that. I just do not consider myself in humble of lowly circumstances. So applying this verse to my life is difficult, but then I have to deal with the next statement about those who have so much, although that I do not have either. In the realm of God nothing having a relationship with him matters.

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