Sunday, November 21, 2010

Be Weak

Eph 6:10
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
This is just the beginning of the section which deals with God’s armor but I simply cannot resist stopping here for just a moment. I know Joel says let the weakling be made strong, and Paul refers to himself as when he is weak then he is strong. So there absolutely must be a great truth within this concept of being strong. Now if I am getting this right it actually does not have anything to do with exercise, either physical or spiritual. It has everything to do with believing, with faith in Jesus. If I think for one minute I have any strength at all within myself, I am a fool. What could I possible do by myself? The only thing I would do is fall flat on my face. I know who I am and it is not someone with his own strength can walk a holy and righteous life much less be strong in the Lord. No, I need Jesus and with him I am strong and I am in his mighty power and I am able to be holy and righteous. I understand what Joel and Paul said. I know exactly how weak I am and like Paul, I boast in my weakness. I am more than satisfied having the Grace of God being sufficient for me, as well, because in my weakness his power is made perfect. So than how am I to be strong? I do not thing this is a secret at all. I am made strong by being weak. I am made strong by trusting in my Lord and Savior. I am made strong by recognizing I am weak, by not lying to myself and thinking I actually am strong. If I thought I could be perfect, without sin, I would be not only lying to myself, I would be a fool and stupid as well. Who would I think I was, some great spiritual giant on the same level with Jesus himself. No, I do not think so, I know I am weak, I know I continue to fail God, I know I am not able to walk completely free from sin. I know I need him more and more each day. As the following verses talk about the war I am engaged in, I cannot face it in my own weak continue, I need Jesus more than anything else in this world. No in order to be strong in the lord and in his mighty power, I must admit I am weak.

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