Eph 6:9
9 And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.
Of course it has been some time since I was a master or in today’s language an employer. I think at the time I was, I did treat me guys with respect and concern for their well being. But here there is an even greater truth which rings within my spirit. This simply yet so extremely profound statement about my God regarding the fact he is my master and there is no favoritism with him. He does not treat anyone more special than anyone else. There is no partiality in him at all. I think this certainly indicates he desires the same thing for each and every one of his creation, eternal life. The question I has to ask is why has he treated me so well? If he does not so favoritism, than everyone else should be treated as well as I am, yet I do not see this. So why is this? Does it have anything to do with the willingness to trust in him? Does it have anything to do with my faith in him? I just do not understand why I am treated so well. Why does he give me so much, when others are in need? Why does he use me so much when others seem not to be? Why does he bless my life with such joy and fulfillment when others seem so sad and gloomy and act so unfulfilled? Why does he give me so much contentment when others seem so discontent? This list could go on and on, but too many questions and yet he says he does not show favoritism. I just cannot understand it. I would love to see everyone else enjoy his blessings as much as I do. Even the unjust for he did say the rain falls in the just and the unjust alike. Matt 5:45 He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. NIV So why do so many people not enjoy his blessings? He simply is willing to do for them as he does for me. He wants to give everyone as much as he has given me. He desires everyone to be as happy, content, satisfied, fulfilled, complete, and joyful as he has made me. I know I am not his favorite, because we all are. So why do I feel like I am his favorite? Because he is God!
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