Thursday, November 18, 2010

Being Father


Eph 6:4
4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Have I done this? Now as far as exasperating my children, I have to go back in time and review the past years of my younger life. With my girls all grown up being wives and mothers it has been some time since I would have been able to do that. Yet I still see no time limit given here. I do not see it saying do not exasperate your children until they aren’t your children, or until they grow up, or until I am not their father, or the sort. So now, how do I deal with this. I am sure this is meant in the sense of those children who are within the home and under the care of the parents, but I believe it still behooves me to not exasperate my children. I still have the responsibility to be a Christ like role model for them. Is their training ever over? Sure, I have made it available for them as far as accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior. I have seen them accept Christ; I brought them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. They both are wonderful woman who love the Lord and are in fact bringing their daughters up in the same manner, but I do not think I can sit back and retire from my responsibility. I know I cannot order them around as I did when they were young girls, but I am still their father and in being that I must not act in a manner that would cause them to become exasperated in any way. I still must always be aware of letting Christ reflect in my life to them. I must always be an example of Christ to my daughters. I hope I have not failed at this. I may have from time to time, I am not really sure, only they can answer that for sure. Should I ask them? Would it be considered as looking for praise? Would they be honest with me? I would hope so. Do I really want to know? But this I know for sure I have always and will always have a great responsibility being father

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