Thursday, October 21, 2010

Not Moving

Eph 4:14
14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.
I think I can say without reservation I am not an infant as defined in this verse. I certainly am absolutely solid in my stand and am not convinced by anyone who endeavors to change my way of thinking. I think I have even been called stubborn or hard-headed when it comes to changing or accepting another person’s opinion about what the scripture is saying. Now, am I actually saying I have the right answers and the correct interpretation of God’s Word? Quite frankly, I think that is what I am saying. How can I be so brash as to presume I am the only one with the right answers? Surely there must be others who see the simple truth of God’s Word. But what is this all about being tossed back and forth by the waves and blown here and there by every wind of teaching? I know exactly what it is about. There are so many men who teach so many perversions of the Gospel for the benefit of their own fame and fortune. Spreading misconceptions in order to attain a great following of people willing to pour out dollars and heap them upon these men. I have seen it time and time again in the short life I have lived. I have seen infant believers, who really have not actually studied the Word of God, or pondered on it, or even read it for that matter get drawn into incorrect thinking and theology. So I guess in that sense I am a mature as outlined in the verses before this one. Is that bragging? No, I think not. I am just honest with myself. I will not be taken in by these types. I firmly believe I have a personal responsibility to know the Word of God for myself. I have, as do all believers, the Holy Spirit who guides me into all truth. Even Pastors are not supposed to interpret the scriptures for me. No, their job as a shepherd is to lead me to green pastures, which is the Word of God. I have to eat the Word and digest it for myself and as a result become mature and thus am able to reproduce and have other sheep, so to speak. No, I am firm about this, I will not be moved on this issue, and I am as stubborn as a rock, for my feet are firmly planted upon the rock of my salvation. I am not moving.

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