Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Highest Calling

Eph 4:1
4:1 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
I know I have been called different things throughout my life. I was called a child, a son, a brother, a student, a running, a soldier, a salesman, a husband, a father and a grandfather just to name a few, but the greatest thing I have every been called in my entire life is a Christian. This is the highest calling. I cannot remember if I failed to fulfill those other names. I believe I live my life in such a way I was all of those names, and to the best of my ability. If I failed from time to time it was not a major issue to deal with, but doing the best I could usually sufficed. Here in the calling as a child of God, as a co-heir with Christ, as a son of God, as a Christ follower, a believer, a Christian I have far more at stack then simply doing my best to get by. I am to live my life worthy of this calling as a Christian. Many people called themselves by that name in this country, but I do not believe many of them understand the significant meaning and responsibility of being a Christian. Living my life worthy of this calling is by far a difficult endeavor. I understand Jesus sent me the Holy Spirit to help me do this. I know and feel his presence, yet I still have to make the choices I make each and every day to live worthy of my calling. I still have to resist temptations. I still have to think, feel, act, response in a way worthy of my calling. Sometimes I feel as if it is all on me. Sometimes I do feel as though the Spirit is simply waiting for me to ask him to give me the strength, in fact, I believe that is true, I do need to ask all the time. He will not push his way on my, but is gentle and humble waiting to be asked to the help me. I am grateful God called me from the darkness into his marvelous light. I am so very appreciative of his divine influence upon my heart. Now it is that influence which reflects in me as I live my life worthy of being called a Christian. It is not me, but him. I cannot live like this by myself; no I need him, more and more of him. I must in order to live worthy of the highest calling.

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