Monday, July 12, 2010





Col 1:12
12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.

In order for a race car driver to run in the race, he first must qualify; he must drive his car successfully around the track under a certain time. In order to obtain a certain position one must meet the qualifications, have the right degree, enough experience and proper credentials. All throughout our lives we find the need to qualify.

How great is our God! It is He and not me who qualifies me to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. How often do I spend so much of my time endeavoring to live a good life? How often I emphasize my part in being holy, on what I must do and what I must not do, almost to a point of pride that my behavior is righteous, holy and pure. Is it not He who has made me holy, He who has set me apart, He who has qualified me to share in the inheritance?

Perhaps I need to focus more on Him, on His being holy, on His power to complete the good work in me, on His actions, His love, His divine grace, His forgiveness, His perfection, His faith and faithfulness. If I make any effort at all to qualify myself am I not depending on flesh rather then on Him? It is not by works that I are saved or qualified, but by faith. The Word tells me when I depend on myself, on my efforts, my flesh I are cursed, but if I depend on Him I are blessed.

My prayer for you this morning is for me and you to completely surrender all of our “self” to Him, to rely completely on Him today.

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