Thursday, July 1, 2010

Glory in Christ


Rom 15:17
17 Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God.
A short and to the point verse which is a personal observation of Paul about himself, and so how do I work with this in regards to myself? Do I glory in Christ in my service to God? That would seem to be the opposite of glorifying self in my service to God. I often feel a little awkward when people tell me, “that was a good sermon” or “great lesson” “you’re a great teacher” or something like that. I think it would be a lot like applauding the pastor after a sermon. I really feel funny when I hear the congregation applaud the choir after a special number. These people are glorying in Christ in their service to God. It is a ministry and why do we applaud them, I always thought you applaud an entertainer. So here I am, with a ministry of teaching, preaching and writing in service to God. What I do is because of the calling from God to do those things, and the empowering of the Holy Spirit to do them. I have nothing in and of myself, it is all of and from him. Therefore there should be no applause, no words of praise for me, but rather for God. For what he has done for me, and is doing in me and what he is doing through me. I understand my position, I am a sinner saved by grace. I am not worthy of any words of praise. I simply am doing what I have been called to do. Even that, my obedience cannot be praised for it is because the Spirit empowers me to be just that. If I were left to my own devices, it would be just that my vices, not my obedience. Praise God, he is able to complete the work in me he began! Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God.

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