Sunday, July 18, 2010

Overflowing With thankfulness



Col 2:6-7
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Have you ever noticed that un-thankfulness go hand in hand with envy? We see in this verse an encouragement to continue to live in him, to be rooted and built up in him which causes us to be strengthened in our faith as well as it causes us to be overflowing with thankfulness. To be thankful to the point that it overflows from within. Each person lives within this world in somewhat of a different set of circumstances. Some have much in the way of material goods, others have little.
Some have much in the way of a loving caring family, others have little. Some have the abundance of choices for education and careers, others have little. In every facet of live we can see an un-level balance which can bring about the opportunity for envy. I think at times I am guilty of envy, when I see those who have so very much more of the material goods of this world then I do. But I also know that I have more then I could ever need. I have an abundance of ‘stuff’ to fill my personal time with. I also consider how many people have so little as compared to what I have. I know all of this is relative. Then I ponder at times, of how so many throughout the world live in absolute poverty and I am ashamed of having any envy at all. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams or expectations. When I consider the people He has placed in my life. The incredible blessings I have in the many relationships I am privileged to be a part of, and I see those who live in almost solitude. Those poor souls who do not have the blessings of family and friends to share life with, and how that must feel, it makes me realize even more, how ashamed I am of ever being envious of anyone. I am overflowing with thankfulness to my God and my Savior. And, once again, my thoughts turn to those souls who have not yet believed in Jesus, and if they never do, what awaits them. When I think about them, I am overwhelmed and overflowing with thankfulness because somehow God revealed Himself to me, and forgave my sins, and saved me.

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