Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Level Path Hebrews 12 12-13




Heb 12:12-13

12 Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. 13 "Make level paths for your feet," so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.


This ‘therefore’ is based on us being the children of God who are being instructed, corrected, rebuked, or whatever else God needs to do within us. It does seem strange that we have a part in this work of God within us. We must strengthen our weak and feeble arms and knees. First, we should take note that this is not about our arms and knees, for some of us are young and have arms of steel and knees that are fresh and flexible and able to leap buildings in a single bound, while others of us are much older with weakened arms and knees that no longer allow us to leap over a blade of grass. Therefore, this must have something to do with the state of our mind and spirit. Interestingly, both Isiaah and Solomon said the same thing. Jesus also made the same point, but in a slightly different way when he told us not to let our hearts be troubled, but to trust in God and trust also in him. We are not to grow weary, that is not grow feeble and weak, because of situations in life that fight against us, so to speak. As we are well aware, life is not always a bed of roses, but there are times when the thorns prick us. Then there are times when we live among the thorns and life just starts to wear us down. This is why the author quotes both Isaiah and Solomon and encourages us to not let anything weaken our arms or knees, but instead keep running the race marked us for us, on the level path, that straight and narrow path the Lord has laid out for us. If we get weak or lame in our thinking, and thus in our responding a lame way to various hardships or things in life that oppose us, or our way, our desires, or wants, then we need to focus on Jesus, keep our eyes upon Jesus and those things of earth will grow strangely dim. This is making our paths level. This is following the light on the path marked out for us, no matter what age we are. The path has no end in this life, even death does not stop us, for we will then be walking alongside Jesus. In the meantime, as long as we have the breath of life in our lungs, we are to walk that level path marked out for us and never grow weary, or lose heart, allowing our arms to become feeble and our knees weak. We cannot allow our thinking or our spirit to become feeble and weak. The only way to make our path level is to follow Jesus. If we get our eyes off of Jesus and on ourselves then the path may become a little crooked and bumpy, which can be the cause of weak arms and feeble knees. Let us always walk that level path. 

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