Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hidden by God




Heb 11:23-28

23 By faith Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king's edict.

24 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. 25 He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. 26 He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. 27 By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible. 28 By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.


Rightly so, Moses gets more than a one-line sentence, although his mother just gets that one statement. We do wonder what the author meant by telling us he was no ordinary child. In the account in Exodus, it is recorded that his mother saw he was a goodly child, or a fine child, which is to mean, there was something special about Moses from his birth. He may not have looked like a typical Israelite child. This might be why it was so easy for Pharoah’s daughter to raise him as her son. What this tells us is that God’s hand was upon Moses from his inception, causing a fine, goodly child to be born within a common Levite home, Of course, that also meant that Moses was born into the house of Levi, the house, or tribe of priests. Before we get into the faith of Moses, we should ponder for a moment about our own birth. Were we born anyone special? Did we have anything that would qualify us as not ordinary? First, we know that God knew us before we were born, that he knit us together in our mother’s womb. The Psalmist wrote about God and that he created his inmost being, knitting him together in his mother’s womb. This was the story of Moses, and we believe this is our story as well. Here we are, living proof that God had a divine plan for us, just as he did for Moses. Of course, we were not designed to lead millions of people out of bondage and take them to the land of promise. Nevertheless, because we are among the community of faith, and we have been called to serve in one way or another, God has had his hand upon us from before we were born. Therefore, we can say that we when we were born, we were no ordinary child, but  a goodly, fine, child meant for the kingdom of God. We now know, without a doubt, that we were born to be an image bearer of Christ, to look like Jesus, fine and goodly, holy and blameless in the sight of the same God who knit us together in our mother’s womb. He is the one who kept us all the days of our lives, even before we walked in his Light, when we were still in the darkness, He kept us safe from harm, knowing the plans He had for our lives within His kingdom. Moses’s mother may have hidden him because he was fine, but God hid us because He made us fine. We have been hidden by God for His plan and purpose. 

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