Sunday, April 24, 2022

Divine Savior




Matt 26:17-19

17 On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Where do you want us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover?" 18 He replied, "Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, 'The Teacher says: My appointed time is near. I am going to celebrate the Passover with my disciples at your house.'"  19 So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover.


We do not know who this certain man is. Luke and Mark tell us that Jesus told his disciples, which were Peter and John from other accounts, that they would find a man carrying a pitcher of water and they were to follow him to his home and there would be a room for them there. It is supposed several truths that are within this concept. The first is that amid all the turmoil of people coming into Jerusalem to prepare for the Passover, Jesus knew there would be this certain man carrying a pitcher of water and that he would have a guest room large enough for Jesus and all twelve disciples to celebrate the Passover. This proves Jesus had all knowledge and therefore was divine. Second, it is supposed that Jesus wanted to keep this place he was to celebrate the Passover a secret of sorts, at least from Judas, until the appointed time of his betrayal. Perhaps if Judas knew in advance of this place, he would have arranged for the arrest of Jesus there, but that is supposition, and we have no proof to back that idea. We do know that Judas was there from the following text that we will get to. What we know is that Jesus did know about this man, and he does prove his divinity and that proves that all else Jesus did and said brings us eternal life and that truth we have the proof to prove it. Again and again, we are faced with the truth that Jesus is divine and that he is one of the three persons of the trinity. Even the whole idea of the Passover celebration is a complete demonstration of Jesus being the Lamb of God and by spreading the blood of Jesus on the doorpost of our hearts, the death angel must pass over us. All of Egypt, which foreshadows all the unsaved, those who refuse to acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior, will experience the work of the death angel. But we will be passed over because we have consumed the Lamb of God, and we will have our staff in our hand and our sandals on our feet, sitting on the edge of our seats ready to leave at a moment's notice. In the meantime, as we sit eating, we will be inside safe and secure from all alarm. Once again, Jesus will send the death angel, but we have nothing to fear for we are always celebrating the Lamb of God in our hearts, and we wait for our Savior to take us to the promised land. In the meantime, let us celebrate, as we know we serve a risen Savior, the divine Jesus. 

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