Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Watching Angels




Matt 18:10

10 "See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.  


Jesus is still talking about those little children, or still answering the question about who is the greatest in the kingdom. He has told his disciples that unless they changed and become like little children, they will not see the kingdom of God. We considered this metaphor already, but now Jesus expands even on the whole idea of the children of God. It might be possible those believers who have become so intent in being the most learned of believers, spending years of study, earning degrees in theology or some other religious accomplishments might think poorly of those who simply live a life of faith. How can any believer look down upon another believer? That alone is so against everything someone with years of study or a fully understanding of scripture would know without question. They would know all the other scriptures about how we are all equal in the sight of God and that God does not show favoritism and He give liberally to all who ask, and that Jesus died for the whole world, which would include those who are either walking in the light and those walking in the dark. In fact, there are some manuscripts that include a verse 11, which says, “The Son of man came to save what was lost”. This would certainly indicate that Jesus loves those who are lost just as much as those who are found. Therefore, who are we to look down on any other person? Who are we that we should think more highly of ourselves than we should? If we do, is that not pride, and does not pride come before the fall? Jesus said that we need to change and become like children, humbling ourselves before the Father. This humbling before the Father should give us the right perspective in our relationships with other believers. Of course, there is another view, which at this point, Jesus is not speaking to, but this view does come to mind because of what he did say about looking down on one of these little ones. It is possible that those who live by faith, might or could have a tendency to look down on those who feel knowledge is the key to enlightenment. That is because it might appear those who look to knowledge, to education in the word of God, might not have as much faith as those who simply live by faith. That is like dropping the other shoe, so to speak. We must believe that each of us are being watched over by our Lord, and maybe, by these words of Jesus, we have an angel who keeps track of us and reports back to the Father as to how we are getting along. But then, God can see for himself as he is omnipresent and omniscient. Still why did Jesus mention the little ones have angels in heaven who look at the face of the Father in heaven? It would make sense because we are one of those little ones, one of those who have changed and become like a child, in our thinking, and have humbled ourselves before God, recognizing we have nothing but ourselves to offer to God and we have no talents of our own, no skill of our own, no knowledge of our own, but only have that which has been given to us by God, and that even includes our faith, for it is God who gives every man a measure of faith, that we have an angel that looks at the  face of God in heaven. what a great thought, how much our Father loves us, that he has his angles watching over us. 

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