Ps 71:19-24
19 Your righteousness reaches to the skies, O God, you who have done
great things. Who, O God, is like you? 20
Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life
again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. 21 You will increase my honor and comfort me
once again. 22 I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, O my God;
I will sing praise to you with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel. 23 My lips will
shout for joy when I sing praise to you — I, whom you have redeemed. 24 My
tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long, for those who wanted to
harm me have been put to shame and confusion.
We could stop and pontificate just on the first few words. Is there any
better way to define his righteousness other then it reaches the skies? This
carries a meaning of not having any limits, for the sky is limitless, it reaches
beyond the limits of space. How can we, mere mortal man define the edge of
space, the end of it, and its boundary? That would be the same with his
righteousness. How holy and righteous is God? Who could explain? Even with all
the words he has spoken through the prophets and all his word that is recorded
for us, in order that we might know him, his character, his holiness, his
righteousness, we still cannot fathom exactly how holy and how righteous he is.
There is no question about all the great things God has done. We have a record
of all his deeds for the people who lead up to the time of Israel becoming a people.
Then what he did for the Israelites and beyond. The time of Jesus and all he
did. Then God raising him from the dead so that we too have that same
resurrection and ascension, just as he ascended in to the clouds in front of
his disciples. But the great deeds of God did not stop there, he continues to
do great things in our lives, blessing us beyond measure. Although we are not
worthy, he blesses us because he loves us so much, his loves reaches to the
skies. As the psalmist says, “who, O God is like you”. Even if God does bring
us a trouble now and then, it is for our betterment, our learning, our discipline because he loves us. What parent would allow a child to run wild without ever
disciplining them in order to restore them to proper behavior? God loves us and
at times he might have to discipline us if we are running wild, so to speak. But
he always does so to restore us, to bring us back into proper fellowship with
him. When we are living in his manner, his ways, he honors and comforts us. We
will always praise him. We may not be able to play the harp, but we can play
our voice, our heart and mind and praise him for his faithfulness. We can sing,
even if we cannot carry a very good tone, he loves our cheerful sound. He hears
the cheer and love for him in our voice as we lift it toward heaven. Yet not
only are we to praise him with our lips, we are to tell, declare, proclaim his
righteous acts all day long to all who are within the sound of our voice. We know
we are in the everlasting arms, the protecting arms of you O God, and we know
you have already put Satan to shame and confusion. We rest in your arms, with
no fear of the enemy at all. In you O God we are safe and secure.
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