Rom 6:15-18
15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under
grace? By no means! 16 Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone
to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey — whether you
are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to
righteousness? 17 But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to
sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were
entrusted. 18 You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to
Although we cannot be sure if Bob Dylan is still or was every truly a
believer when he wrote that song which included the words, “But you’re gonna
have to serve body, yes indeed you’re gonna have to serve somebody, Well it may
be the devil or it may be the Lord But you’re gonna have to serve somebody”,
the words ring true to the words spoken here by Paul. We were once slaves to
sin, but now are slaves to righteousness. We are gonna serve somebody. Once we
did serve ourselves which is in fact serving the devil, living with no regard
for God or his authority. But when we made the choice to accept Jesus as our
Lord and Savior we gave up serving self and began a life of serving God. What changed?
Did we actually change our life? Maybe we gave up a few things. Maybe we didn’t.
But was there any change in our personality? We are still the same basic person
we have always been. All our memories are intact, but there are some things which
have changed. Maybe it is just the way we think about things. Do we really
think any differently than before becoming a believer? Just the word, believer,
is one change. Before we did not believe and now we do. What changed? Paul uses
the word, wholeheartedly, to describe the change. Is it really our heart or our
mind that have changed? Do we still pursue some of the same things we did
before becoming a believer? Do we still want fame and fortune? Well, maybe not
the fame, but surely many believes still want the fortune. Are we like that
too? Some believers seem to still pursue fame. What is the motivation of our
life? Are we really serving the Lord? How are we serving him? Is it just a
Sunday morning thing with the rest of the week serving our own interests? God
tells us we cannot serve two masters. He makes the difference between him and
money, but it might also be between him and self. How do we serve him Monday through
Saturday? How do we serve righteousness every day? What does obedience to God
look like each day of the week? Is it just because we believe Jesus is our Lord
and Savior, or is there something else which defines serving righteousness? Does
it mean we make a list of things we should not do, and a list of things we
should do? Do we have a checklist? Is that what it is all about, lists? Lists
of things we have given up, lists of things we still need to give up, lists of
things we are doing, lists of things we still need to do. Maybe just saying we
love the Lord with all our heart, all our mind, all our spirit and all our strength
is enough. But we also have to love our neighbor. What does that look like?
What does a slave to righteousness look like? It has to be our mindset, our
heart set. What we are on the inside is who we are on the outside, at least it
should be. If we accept the grace of God, then we accept his influence on our
lives and how that is reflected in the way we live every day of the week. All
our choices, all our goals and ambitions should be centered in what God wants
to do in our life. Yes, we have to work and pay the bills. Yes, we have to do
the mundane things of life. But do we truly consider God in our choices, in the
things we do? We are going to have to serve somebody, but who are we serving is
the question.
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