Saturday, June 9, 2018



Ps 37:35-40

35 I have seen a wicked and ruthless man flourishing like a green tree in its native soil, 36 but he soon passed away and was no more; though I looked for him, he could not be found.
37 Consider the blameless, observe the upright; there is a future for the man of peace. 38 But all sinners will be destroyed; the future of the wicked will be cut off.
39 The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble. 40 The LORD helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him.

There is a choice as to which future, or rather having a future or not having one. This certainly seems to indicate the wicked do not have a future. The language about the wicked being cut off, about looking for him, but he could not be found gives us the impression he is no longer, he has perished. If the wicked pass away and are no more than they have ceased to exist. This could also been seen by some as the wicked being in hell and thus they are not in the presence of the righteous. But with words like destroyed being used of the wicked, it would seem unfit to consider they would be around any way anymore. The one thing we can be sure of is that we will be around for all of time. Even the wicked have an opportunity to come to Christ. It is not the he has determined them to be wicked, that is their choice. Because we made that choice we have the assurance of our salvation. God is our stronghold in time of trouble. This would imply that even though we are believers in Jesus, we might experience some trouble in our life. Not sure what trouble means, it could be different for each believer. But the point is God is there seeing us through whatever comes our way. Just living in this world can be trouble enough. But God is walking with us, he is our stronghold, we have faith in his deliverance, his help. No matter what happens in life, we will be saved because we take refuge in him. We are aware some believers throughout the world in many times in history as well as even today, are persecuted, even unto death. Yet even those extreme conditions of persecution they were taken into the presence of the Lord. We have so much to be thankful for living as we do, enjoying the blessings of God. We are at peace with him and with our life. God is our refuge. We have a future.

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