Prov 29:4
4 By justice a king gives a country stability, but one who is greedy
for bribes tears it down.
History records for us this truth within kingdoms where a man would
almost bring himself to ruin selling or giving gifts to the king or queen in
order to receive a favorable judgment in a case. Certainly our form of
government was established to prevent such abuses of power. However we as
through the formation of special interests groups who employ lobbyists to persuade
judgments or legislation favorable to their cause by giving special gifts to
those who govern. Greed is always fed in order to achieve a goal. It is only
when a truly just person serves the people in governing, our land will experience
stability. Unfortunately whenever we deal with mankind, it is unlikely we will
ever find this just king. Some may appear to be concerned with justice, but in
reality most of mankind is subject to some form of greed. It would be a rare person indeed who could
serve as king, president, emperor or dictator and govern without greed, but
with justice. Again we are faced with the idea of God being the only king who
rules with justice and gives the people of his kingdom stability. Satan would
be the one who is greedy, wanting what God has, and accepts the bribes of people,
offering their soul for a moment of pleasure, which may be their whole life,
but in terms of eternity, a life is but a moment. Nevertheless we are citizens
of the kingdom of God and our king is just, he rules with true justice and because
of him we can live in stability. We are not tossed about on the high seas by
every kind of doctrine, and the lies of the false prophets. We are not blown
about by the wind unable to take a stand. We are not deceived by the lies of
the devil and wander in the wrong direction of get diverted onto the wrong
path. We live under the stability of a just king. He gives us his armor to
protect us from any possible attack that would bring us down. But because God is
so just, no man could ever possibly stand before him innocent. That is why God
satisfied his own justice by sending his Son to die for us, so that through
accepting his sacrifice, we could be declared innocent, holy and blameless in
his sight. That is true justice and it brings complete stability in our lives. God
cannot be bribed, we cannot pay him anything to receive this justice, it is his
free gift to all who will believe. We can only thank him, and praise him for
being the King who governs with justice.