Thursday, September 7, 2017



Prov 22:7
7 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Well isn’t that the truth. We certainly know the poor do not rule over the rich. It seems that it has always been the rich who have been in power. We cannot be for certain how the powerful first gained their riches, but the kings were wealthy men. Today it is those who assemble an army of supporters donating massive amounts of money to get them elected to an office of power. Once in they become even richer so to keep their control over the poor. Although there must have been during the time of Solomon some type of loan system, the modern day credit card system seems to fit this saying perfectly. It is certainly not for us to judge any person as to how they handle their lives and money. But this proverb sure speaks the truth about credit. When we have debt of any kind we are obligated to pay it. Sometimes our payments consume our income and the cycle continues. When this happens it seems we may be more preoccupied with money then God. It is at best, a difficult situation to be in. Sometimes there is just no other choice, yet we have to recognize the truth of this proverb. Of course who can pay cash for a house or car or a new roof, or furnace or other extremely large expenses as with medical expenses not covered by insurance? There are times it seems we have no other way. Yet we have to know what we are doing puts us in that position of being a servant to the lender. Can we serve both God and the lender? That is difficult to contemplate this speaking to that truth. If we are so in debt does it affect our ability to serve God? The rich ruling the poor might also be that same truth, in that the lender is the rich and the borrower is the poor. Then the normal everyday people who borrow on credit are ruled by the banks. Yet how do we come to grips with this? Each of us must decide how we manage this truth, how to deal with it, under the guidance of the Spirit. 

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