Monday, August 22, 2016

No Idols


Ex 20:4-6
4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand [ generations] of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Although some translations use the word craven image to describe idol, the original language simply says idol. In defense of saying graven image, something carved out of wood or stone, there is another Hebrew word very close to this one which means idol. Either way, any idol is not permissible. The challenge in seeing this as an idol carved from wood or stone is where do we find such material in heaven or in the waters? We could find it on the earth beneath but that is all. So in order to be comprehensive in any idol in the form of anything, we would have to include everything. This would imply anything we idolize could be our idol. Now the question is what do we idolize? What do we place of great importance in our lives? Is it recognition? It is success? Is it money itself? Is it anything material, such as a car, a boat, an RV, a home, a hobby item, or some other thing? Do we place importance on people, such as a spouse, a child, a parent, or other relative? Do we place importance on people such as a sports team or star player? How about a particular pastor, or Christian author? There are so many objects whether inanimate or animate that we could be in danger of making them into some form of an idol in our lives.  We certainly have to be careful not to get so involved with stuff or people that we put them before God. Yes, we are to love our neighbor, even as ourselves. But that is out of our obedience to God. We are supposed to love others as Christ loved us. Everything we do should be centered on our relationship with Christ. If we are believers than we do not have a life outside of Christ. Nothing can occupy a place in our hearts and minds that does not include Christ. This is the true meaning of not having any idols in any form. Now here is another rub. About idols from heaven, could that include spiritual gifts? Could we make an idol out of a gift from God? Could we make, saying speaking in tongues an idol? Could we make prophesy an idol? Could we make a certain form of worship an idol? We have to be so careful why we think or do anything so nothing becomes an idol in our lives. This could come down to, what are we willing to forsake for Christ? If it is not everything, then we might well be in trouble of having an idol. So, simply said, no idols. 

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